Sunday, January 17, 2010

"Sitting On Lucky Couch...Duh-Dunt-Duh-Dunt..Have Fun In The Basement..Duh-Dunt...."

We went to see a delightful movie this morning called Leap Year.  We both loved it.  No one got killed, no F bombs, just a nice story, with beautiful scenery.  I recommend it.
Afterwards we ran into Trader Joe's for a few things.  I am going to a birthday party tonight for 4 of my girlfriends, and needed some goodies, so we were both just browsing around.  I ran into an old friend and was chatting with her, when suddenly I see Greg approaching me with that we have to go NOW look in his eyes.  I bid my friend goodbye, and we strolled on down the aisle, when I hear this from Greg...."Sitting on lucky starting now....have fun in the basement...duh-dunt-dunt"
We had to pay and RACE out of there to get home for the Chargers game!  He ran in, I ran in to make his guacamole, and get him all settled.  Now he is happy.  I can hear clapping from the "lucky couch" so I know the Chargers are winning.
This morning I decided to make a smoothie.  Gennifer has been making them like crazy with her new blender, and I had all of these nice berries and some very ripe bananas.  So I made smoothies, using light vanilla soy milk.  YUMMY!!

And look what is under my glass dome today.  Weight Watchers...I Hate You!!

And now I am off to pay a quick visit to my granddaughter's, and then to my friend's house for the ladies birthday celebration.
Go Chargers!


Katie said...

That Mr of yours is one of the best fed men on the planet, how is it that he never gains an ounce?? You are very good to him Aunt Kristy!!! You always have food served, whether your there to enjoy it or not!

Debbie said...

GO CHARGERS is right!! Big fans over here too, haha My hubby and sons are planted in front of the TV with their snacks around them. Me? Have fun with your friends.

Genn said...

That is so funny! I can just see and hear Dad in Trader Joe's and then getting in the car, singing that commercial! Thanks for the laugh.

It was nice to visit for a bit. Glad I snagged me some of that guacamole. I think I could survive on chips, guacamole, water, and maybe a few Coronas thrown at me now and then. ;)

Lauri said...

I'm glad for the movie recommendation. I had wanted to see it this weekend so now I'll plan on it soon.

Maryrose said...

Funny post and we know funny (don't we?) Kevin made guac yesterday too..and I would say about the same size bowl. I went down to get some and it too was sitting on the sofa watching the game along with Kevin. duh, dunt, dah. We need to get together again..loved lunch on Wed.
What day for WW?

Kelly said...

Oh no, I don't want to ask how Greg is doing today since the Chargers lost.

Your gauc looks so good right now!

Anonymous said...

Tee Hee!! I'm laughing right now. Dah dun, dah dun. That makes me laugh every time!!! So funny! Tim is the same way with his sports, all of them, craziness!

Mmmm, the guacamole, you are such a good wife! I think I might pop up at your house for the next Charger game and steal some quacamole...mmmm...and maybe a smoothie....mmmm....I think I might be hungry.