Thursday, March 18, 2010

Family Pictures At Newport Beach

For Christmas, my brothers and I gave our Mom a photography sitting with the entire family at the location of her choice.  My daughter's friend Anna Little is a photographer, and has done many photos for their family, and then our kids gave us a sitting at the beach for our 30th anniversary this past summer, and so who better to use than our favorite photographer....AnnaLittlePhotography.  We met in the late afternoon on a picture perfect spring day.  It was a lot of fun. 
These were taken into the setting sun, so we are all a bit squinty.  Is that a word?  I love the pop of color on Gennifer and Jake's girls...Hannah and Claire.
There are 5 generations of women in our family.  My Grandmother (Nana) is 96 years young.  Then my Mom...also young....then me...yep, you get the picture...young...and my daughters Gennifer and Erika, and Gennifer's daughters..Hannah and Claire, making 5 generations.  Isn't that exciting!!!
I love this photo of our hands....
My grandson Noah is tugging on my leg to go to Target.  I told him I would get him a new car if he went potty on the big boy toilet.  I will post more when I get home.


Kelly said...

i think its so cool that the whole family got together for pictures! can't wait to see more!

Tawny said...

What a treasure! I can't wait to see them all!!!

Katie said...

Oh I so love the one of the hands!! We all are certainly blessed to have enjoyed Nana for almost 96 yrs!!
What a great gift!

Debbie said...

Oh my goodness Kris, that picture of the hands is just the neatest thing. I LOVE it...What a perfect present. Looking forward to seeing more.

Amy said...

That is so neat that you guys were able to do that.

Anonymous said...

You're always so sweet. Thank you very much!

everyday katie said...

GREAT pictures.

Where are Erika and Jer and Noah?

I'm looking forward to more.

Sharon said...

Blessings abound, my friend!

What a lovely family -- love the photos. Can't wait to see more.

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

What a lovely idea!! Looking forward to seeing more!!

Anonymous said...

These are just beautiful Kris! That Anna is so good!