We are going to have skadoodles of squash. So watch out, I may be knocking on your door with an armload of it to share!
The raised box on the left has not produced as well. I have taken out several things, and plan to do some more planting this weekend. Corn, and beans are a couple of things. I also planted sunflowers just last night along the back of the boxes. Hope those come in. They are so pretty and the birds love them.
Try not to notice that my garden is placed directly next to the ugly trash can area. Amazingly, it has turned out to be the perfect spot for full sun. And using the raised beds has been the way to go. Next year I have big plans for my garden. In those small containers you see, I have strawberries in the tire, basil next to that, then thyme, cilantro, and rosemary. Red peppers next to that, and cantaloupe on the far right. In the large green pot behind the basil, I just removed some beans that were not doing well. No more wasting my time on those. I planted sunflowers in that pot and I will be planting new beans and corn this weekend. Doing what the Indians called, The Three Sisters. You plant your corn, and beans next to the corn so it grows up the stalk of the corn, and squash around the corn. Utilizing every inch of your space. How do you like my little bucket seat there with the brown paint on the top? That is where I sit to weed and work in the garden.
This is my cantaloupe plant starting to climb up the trellis.
Below is a bucket of rich, fertile composted soil. Made myself with kitchen scraps like coffee grounds, banana peels, and egg shells. Add that to grass and yard clippings, turn pile weekly, water occasionally, and you have the best, healthiest, riches soil ever!
Now let's take a walk in the grove. We have more avocados this past couple of years than we know what to do with!
There are still plenty of these.
And lots of oranges are still lingering around on the trees. We are enjoying them as long as we can.
We discovered this volunteer berry vine in the grove a couple of years ago, and began to take care of it. It has spread out and is now giving us a bunch of berries.
I love to use the unripened vines in floral arrangements too. I saw that in a book I have, and loved it.
Thanks for walking through the grove with me.
I am on another Craig's List search. I want to find a 36" round iron patio table to replace the one we bought 18 summers ago when we moved into this house.
Today little Noah is having a minor medical procedure done, so Eri has taken the day off. I am off to spend the entire day at one of my favorite places on earth, with one of my favorite people! Glen Ivy, here we come.
Jae will be here in an hour to pick me up, so I better go get my suit on and my beach bag packed. Noah, Gamma is thinking about you...sending XOXO's
Good Morning Kris, Loved seeing your bountiful garden-especially about the beans and corn together.
Also, I'm a bit jealous with all the avocodos and lemons. So sorry about Noah-lifting him up in prayers.
Hugs today, Noreen
Oh Good for you to be able to spend the entire day as you wish!!! I hope you have a great time!
You have lived there now for 18 yrs??
Your Grove and Garden are just fabulous, what a great place to step into right out of your home!
Your garden is really growing some good stuff. I might just stop by soon for more produce!
Enjoy yourself today!!!! You certainly deserve a day of luxury with Jae Bird! Have fun.
Wow! You have got tons of Avacados!! How neat to grow all of your own fruit and veggies.. I love the berries on the vine :)
I'm jealous. I didn't realize you had avacados out back or I would have been knocking at your door when I was your neighbor. I MUST learn to garden. I am always envious of my friends who grow their own food.
I really would love to try growing stuff someday! You have the perfect yard and you are so good with that stuff. I will have to talk to you when I give it a try :)
Bacon & Avacado sandwich......YUM
I need some avacado's...........
& bread & bacon.....Oh, could I come over for a bacon & avacado sandwich?
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