Next door to us lives a very special friend. We have known him since he was about three years old. And about ten years ago, his family bought the house next to ours. His name is Christopher. Today he is 18!! Christopher loves to come here. He loves my son Drew, and Mr. G. Christopher has a pure heart. He loves sports. He is always cheerful. He loves food! When he sees lots of cars here, he knows there must be a party, and he comes to help celebrate. He has a real soft spot for pretty girls. He has been crushing on my two daughters since he was about 12. He told me yesterday that he is excited to be 18 because he can vote! He said he would vote for President. He wants to vote for Lincoln. I smiled. Christopher loves kids. He loves our grandson Noah. Noah loves Christopher. Chris has Down Syndrome.
Yesterday Chris excitedly came over with two perfect pumpkins and a set of stickers to decorate pumpkins with Noah.
Noah really got into it.
And two perfect pumpkin faces were the end result!
Christopher has some difficulty with speech. Noah, although talking up a storm now, has had a bit of a speech delay. Sometimes, no words are needed.
After pumpkins....they had a couple of races around the track.
And talked about what they were going to be for Halloween.
Chris loves us. And we love Chris!!! Happy 18th Little Buddy!!!!
What a darling post, I can't believe Christopher is 18. Cute, cute, cute.
Kris, this really touches me.. My Uncle had downs..My favorite book is the man who loved clowns..If you ever get a chance its a great read. It is for young adults but anyone would enjoy it.
Hi Kris, Please tell Christopher Happy Birthday. I have a love of "special needs" kids(used to work with DS preschoolers). What a blessing to have him next door and loving your family-can't say I blame him.
Have a wonderful weekend my friend.
what special buddies, very touching
What a sweet sweet post!
Not gonna lie--wish I could vote for Abraham Lincoln too :)
aww, what a sweet post. happy birthday chris!
How Precious! Happy 18th Birthday to Christopher ;)
Those photos are so lovely - I love the one at the end where they are both chatting away - hope Christopher has had the best 18th birthday! :)
I love you even more. So many people don't understand that children need to have lots of different friends. And those friends are valued for a lifetime.
What a sweet post Kris. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Christopher. Noah is SUCH a little doll. Glad they have this special friendship...
What a lovely lovely posting! Thanks so much for sharing this very special friendship and a happy Birthday to Chris! And he is right - Lincoln would be a good choice for president!
Following along with your lovely blog!
Awww what a sweet post! Happy Bday to Chris. I can't believe he is 18! Time flies. Wow. That pic of Chris and Noah hugging is so sweet. Made me a little teary.
Cute post. :)
Awe, seriously that was the sweetest post. That Christopher has such an amazing heart. I did tear up a bit reading this. I can't believe he is 18, I remember him as a baby. And...I can't believe it's been 10 years since they bought that house. Wow...starting to feel old. Really cute post Kris. Happy birthday Chris!
Please tell Chris that Grandma said Happy, Happy Birthday. It doesn't seem possible that he is 18 years old. You and Greg have been a big part of his life, a part that you should be very proud of.
The photos of he and Noah are priceless.
Love, Mom
Happy Birthday to Chris! What a sweet post....the boys looked like they were having a great time!!
You win...
This is my absolute most favorite posting in a long long time. I adore everything about it, from the pictures, to the project, to your words from the soul. I have a nephew (16)with Autism so this really hits home. Your little guys has such a loving spirit and touch.
This post warms my heart to no end!
You are both incredibly blessed to have each other as neighbors!
How fun. And what great stickers for pumpkins, will have to keep an eye out for those next year. Looks like you had a wonderful halloween!
What a wonderful post! It sounds like Chris is one special guy.
I don't know how I missed this post but it warms my heart!
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