Happy Friday Folks! It's a busy one for me! My big brother David is celebrating his birthday today. Happy Birthday Dave. See you tonight for Mom's pot roast and pineapple upside down cake.
That's David and I, summer before last in Maui. Do you think we look anything alike? Me neither. Yesterday would have been our Dad's birthday. I thought of him all day. Tomorrow is a wedding reception for a dear friend's daughter, and then Sunday is the birthday party for our little darling Dumplin' granddaughters! 4 and 2!!
Enjoy your weekend!
Yes, I can see in your the soul of your smile. What a fun busy weekend you have planned. Enjoy. Oh, and by the way, you were the only one to get the name correctly.
Have a good one,
I love that sign too :) And, I actually DO think you and your brother look alike.. Enjoy your weekend!!!!!
We just continue to have so much in common! My brother Dave is celebrating his birthday tomorrow! Happy Birthday to the Daves!
HI Kris, Love the sign-it relates to so many areas of life. Recently someone told me that road trips should be about the journey not the destination.
I think and your brother look so much alike and I also think you daughter looks like you too.
Sounds like a fun weekend, enjoy it!
Great sign.
I think you and David look alike a bit.
Similar facial features.
You look like Finks.
Give Uncle Dave a birthday hug for us!
I also think you and your brother look alike - especially around the eyes - very similar. Is the dark haired girl your daughter? She is stunning! Again she has your eyes!!
Well I suppose that those of you who say we look alike through the eyes, you are right. Fink eyes. Brown and squinty. (Fink is my maiden name, and we get the eyes from our Dad)
The dark haired girl you see in the comment section is indeed my daughter. She is our oldest. And we have another dark haired stunner two years behind her. She is Erika in the comment section. Both of them blog as well. And we have a son too, the baby. He is blond haired with green eyes like Dad.
LOVE that saying! And I do see the resemblance - 2 good looking Finks!!
Enjoy all the special celebrations this weekend!!
Ohhh I love that sign, thank you for the gift! It's so unexpected! Will it be on my front porch tonight or tomorrow morning?? =)
You look so pretty in that picture!
Sounds like a fantastic weekend!! Enjoy all the celebrations:) and Happy Birthdays all around!!
Your weekend sounds as busy as mine! I will see you too :)
Sounds like you have a wonderful week-end ahead of you. You look sooo pretty in that pic Kris, and I am with the others, I do see the resemblence. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both of those little cuties.
Kris what a beautiful clan you all are! Great sign you found too.
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