Thursday, January 27, 2011

Shrimp & Spinach Salad

We have a restaurant by us that we love called NYPD.  The couple that owns it are from New York, and they are Italian.  Their food is fabulous.  The best pasta, pizza and cheesecake around.  One of my favorite things to order there is called a Cousin Nunzi's Salad.  It is mixed greens, with goat cheese, pears, candied pecans, and a balsamic dressing.  I usually get grilled shrimp added to it.  I love this salad!!  Last night I made my own version.  It did not disappoint!!
I just used fresh spinach for mine.  Fresh goat cheese, some beautiful pears, a squeeze of fresh lemon, some cracked sea salt and cracked pepper.  And some grilled shrimp.
I gave the shrimp a quick grill on my new LODGE grill pan that I am loving!  I poured a little balsamic in the pan and let that reduce.
Let the shrimp cool a bit before adding to the salad.  I tossed the salad with the tiniest bit of Raspberry Merlot Vinaigrette dressing, and then drizzled just a little bit of balsamic right over the top.
Bon Appetit!
Before I go,  I want to thank sweet Bethany at  
Sweet Bee Buzzings   She gave me a blog award and had the nicest things to say.  I appreciate her wanting to pay the award she received, on to me.  But instead of doing awards, I just want to share blogs that I find I enjoy so much, with all of you.  So from time to time, I will be featuring a new blog to share.  Today it is Bethany over at Sweet Bee Buzzings.  Go say hi, and see all of the creative things she does!!!!  Thank you Bethany!

On the Bloomie front....I posted a picture of the new Bloomie colors I was adding to my Etsy shop.  I put them in and they were sold immediately!  Thank you Kellie, and thank you Tressa!  I have been overwhelmed with how great the Etsy shop is going!  And I look forward to adding new things.  If I could just get my grandkids to help me with cutting, and packaging, I could have a little sweat shop going and crank out my stuff so much faster!!!!    We are going away this weekend, but I have lots of fun new things to share next week!
It's almost Friday people.'re almost there!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mom!!

P.s. I feel poopy today, sore throat :( Boo

Jennifer said...

I am loving all the great recipes lately! I am a huge fan of goat cheese so I am all about trying this salad and will definitely be trying Applebee's Chinese one, too!! Love that one - but we don't really go to Applebee's either. Oh - and the muffins sounds great! (Can you tell I'm hungry!!)

I did make it to Trader Joe' it!! And got the shampoo - love that, too!!:) Always such good tips here....

Have a great day!

~Niki~ said...

sounds yummy~how long did you have to cook the shrimp?
i might just try this.

Anonymous said...

That sounds so yummy! I love to try and recreate things that I've had at restaurants, most of the time I love them and they become regular meals! The salad looks outstanding!

I'm laughing at your comment about getting the grandkids in on your cutting! I feel the same way about my kids, Riley would so help me ice a cake if I let her...but the question is, how would it turn out? hahaha, I think she'd eat more of the icing then put it on the cake! So glad your Etsy shop is doing so well!

Have a great day!

deebriese said...

Wow! My mouth is watering! I will be making this it looks so good!..Your a good cook I can tell. I see you also follow my sewing serenity...She is gone again looks like she deleted her blog. So sad hope she is ok

Maryrose said...

Yummy...sounds delish. I love cousin Nunzi's salad but yours looks even better.
Great to hear the Etsy shop is doing so well.
Where can I get one of those looks fantastic???

Debbie said...

Yummmm this sounds wonderful. The grill looks like a wonder too. I am soo happy the Etsy shop is doing soo well. haha on the grandkids pitching in. ENJOY your week-end away...I am going to go check out your friend's blog...

Pam said...

I am loving the salad! I am also very jealous of your Lodge grill pan - lucky girl!

Holly said...

Hey Kris, the salad sounds great. I'll try it out next week. Brian won't eat it unless I substiture the shrimp for spam and the spinach for macaroni and cheese. That sort of defeats the purpose huh? I'm thrilled to hear your Etsy store is doing so well. I've decided to put some things in my store, I'll let you know when it's up and running. By the way, bought the Monostat chaffing stuff, holy cow, love the feel of it on my face. This sounds really bad to those who didn't read that post huh?

annielizabeth said...

Hi Kris, Such an adorable hat for Ellie Jo, very special. I got a package of the Chicken Gorgonzola from Trader Joes the other day and will make it this wknd. I've never even noticed it before!! Looks yummy. Perfect dinner for when the kitchen is being refinished (no real cooking going on there right now). I'm going to print your muffin recipe and try it soon.

I was wondering if you could tell me if you overcast the edges of the (woven) wool items before throwing them in the washer? I know they should have the seams removed because they'd felt unevenly. I've been looking on the net for info and most seems to be about knits (sweater felting). You can email me (pretty please) or leave a comment on my blog or leave a comment on your blog here, whatever works for ya.

If I lived closer, I'd come get the table in a heartbeat! Have a fantastic weekend!

Genn said...

Alright, that's it. Now I want a Gma Doris muffin, and then a shrimp salad, and then a yellow bloomie!!

:) I am wearing my green one today. Love it.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your salad is really great and I've fallen in love with your grill pan. It's good to hear your shop is doing well. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Kris, this salad looks so delicious! I love shrimp. I also have the same Lodge grill pan ..I love using it when it's too cold to grill outside.

Hope you have fun this weekend!

annielizabeth said...

Dear Kris, thanks so much for sharing the info so fast. The time I'm saving on cooking (the TJ chicken is on the menu!!) I hope to be able to felt the jackets this wknd. I'll letcha know how it goes. I also figured out how to do the Chevron stitch & I'll post a pic soon.

Here's a few tips that I did find in my search on felting/felling items: Most moth damage will not close up so plan to work around those areas when laying any pattern down and some (mostly sweaters, knit, crochet), will felt together (when you didn't want them to like fronts and backs or sleeves) so some people suggested putting them in those garment zip-up washing bags. I would think that having enough water would be key to them moving around freely so they wouldn't felt together. Just a hunch I have. They suggest like you did, to cut any seams open since sleeves esp. will form a ridge (if they don't felt together first) that is noticeable when you cut it apart as the ridge is thinner and the final felted piece is uneven. Some tips to help ya in case you want to make some felt for sale!! So happy for you that your etsy shop is going so well. Have a lovely relaxing wknd. Looking forward to reading about it! Hugs, Ann

Linda said...

Your salad looks very yummy! So glad your bloomies are doing well!!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Good heavens...that looks so yummy!! I'm coming over for! =) Thanks for sharing!

Have a great weekend and thanks for your sweet comment on my Foyer post.


- said...

The salad looks great! Such good news that your Etsy shop is really up and running well. Hope you have a splendid weekend Kris!

DaCraftyLady said...

OMG that salad made me soooo hungry for shrimp...loved it and I have not tried the raspberry dressing but boy this sounded great together. Thanks for sharing, and I like the idea of featuring a blog that you enjoy with others instead of an award, I am going to adopt this on my blog...because I am always looking for enjoyable blogs and this is a great way to get them out there to others...thanks for the will be featured on my blog this week.. :) Debb http://crochetohoic,

DaCraftyLady said...

Be sure to stop in at my blog as I am featuring your blog for my "You Rock" blog! :)

Sara said...

Hi Kris! Just wanted to let you know I will be posting a tutorial next week for my Tangled Happy Wands. I used the Tangled Happy Star pattern if you want to give it a go before then. Oh my goodness! These photos look scrumptious. Made me hungry. :)

Holly said...

Hey Kris: I sent you an email but you know how our emailing this goes sometimes so I sent you this on comments too. Check out my latest post. I've sent you a blog award. Please don't kill me. Love you!

corners of my life said...

Congratulations on your shout out and award from Hoosier at Heart! Don't you just love her?!

I have enjoyed visied your blog.

Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said...

Oh my goodness this looks delicious!! Is it too late to get up and make this at 10:59 PM? LOL.

Coming over from Hoosier at Heart.

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

Stopping by from Hoosier at Heart, congratulations on your award.