Thursday, February 10, 2011

Grandparents Day With Our Hannah

It was Grandparents Day today at our Hannah's preschool.  I met Gennifer and the girls at school so that I could watch Hannah's dance class first.  Geeps was in a meeting and had to meet up with us late.

Hannah looked so cute in her pink outfit and pink boots.  Claire had on a matching outfit, right down to the light up boots!
Hannah loves her dance class.  It takes place right there at her school, one day a week before preschool. 
Have you ever seen anyone cuter than this in your life???????   Most of the dance pictures were a bit blurry.  She was wigglin' and a jigglin' so much I had a hard time snapping fast enough.

Her teeny tiny dance teacher is just as sweet as she is adorable.  She loves these kids, and it shows.  Here she is with Hannah doing their frog pose, with tongue out to catch flies.
Little Claire couldn't help but get in the action too.  She certainly feels right at home at Hannah's school.  I think she thinks she goes there too!
Here we are making Valentine's in one of the classrooms.
And then we made Teddy Bear's.  Which Gennifer must not have gotten a picture of.  She was undoubtedly chasing Miss Claire.   Next we went to do a painting.
 And then suddenly Geeps appeared over our shoulders.
I couldn't resist this picture of he and Claire that Gennifer took. 
And this one.
Unfortunately, we had to skip one of the crafts, so that I could get to Noah's school to pick him up on time.    By this time, Claire was past her nap, and giving Gennifer all kinds of fits.  Geeps only got to be there for about 5 minutes.  Darn.  It was so cute.  Our second time to have a Grandparents Day at Hannah's school. 
It was so fun to see her in her classroom, so proud of herself, and her teacher!  What a thrill to get to watch these little ones grow!  We are so lucky.  One last picture with both of the girls in their matching outfits.
Oh my goodness...I need a haircut!!!!  GENNY!!!
Thank you Hannah.  Gamma and Geeps love you so much!!!


Unknown said...

Are you two just not the cutest. Do I see a future blogger in our midst.... I do think so.

Unknown said...

They are beautiful girls!! Lucky Gamma and Geeps! Lucky girls, too! What a fun day!

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Oh Kris, what fun!! I know you were having a blast!

And I love that they have dance class right there!

We had grandparents day at my preschool too and it was one of my favorite days all year. I loved seeing the kids with their grands. Now I can't wait to do it with Lili someday! Her other Gramma better watch out! LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, this is just the cutest thing ever! The most adorable girls! And I love their matching outfits! Madi loves going to Riley's preschool too, she fits right in! These younger kids are just full of it huh? They really think it's all about them! =)

I have to say, I think Hannah's preschool does much more than Riley's. Well, more involvement with the parents and grandparents at least. I like that. Riley's preschool has never had anything like it. Kind of a bummer! But it has it's pros too! I'm sure my Mom would love to have a Grandparents Day!

Lauri said...

Jealous!!! What lucky little girls to have grandma and grandpa close by!

You look so cute! Your hair looks great. love your bloomies too...Looks like your etsy business is really taking off!

Jennifer said...

Those two girlies are the cutest buttons! How special that you guys live close to each other and can do fun things like Grandparents Day!! Yep, I'm just a bit jealous:)

Sharon said...

What cute pictures Kris. Beautiful little girls they are and your lookin good yourself!!!!

Reality Jayne said...

They are cute as bugs. I cant wait till i am a grandma....for real
.............I noticed the Bloomie.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

What a sweet post...wonderful photos!

Katie said...

So So Sweet!

Holly said...

What a fun day! Those girls are so sweet. You look amazing. What's wrong with your hair? I think it looks adorable. I like it flippy like that. Also, loving the bloomie and your ring.

everyday katie said...

You're's hard to find anything cuter than that picture of Hannah dancing. Oh my word! That girl is adorable!

How great to live close enough for grandparents day. Parker threw fits on his first grandparents day. He was sure he'd be the only one without grandparents there. Luckily he wasn't and he came out of the day ok. But it was a toughie.

You look amazing by the way.

Cathy said...

Hi Kris - Your little ones are so adorable. Isn't it wonderful being a grandparent? It looks like you have little budding artists in the family.

Debbie said...

I just LOVE Grandparents day and everything else I guess about this role. What a wonderfully blessed thing to be...Those outfits are darling ~ she always has them dressed so cute!

- said...

So sweet. You are so lucky Kris to have such cutie pies in your life.

Pam said...

What a great day! Your bloomie looks adorable with your outfit. The girls are so cute.

NanaNor's said...

Hi Kris, What adorable grands you have-loved seeing the dance class as well as the art. Grand daughters are just so very fun, but then so are the grandsons.
Looks like you are still having marvelous weather! We are supposed to get to the 50;s tomorrow but we still have snow on the ground. Come on spring.
Hugs, Noreen

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I have the cutest nieces in the WORLD!! Could they be any cuter?

I love these photos they're precious that is so sweet of you & Dad to go to Hannah's class. We are all so blessed to have you :)

deb said...

what darling girls..I cant wait for those gramma at school days!!! well..........maybe I can, lol...I want time to slow down!!!! I LOVE your hair!!!!!!!

Live a Colorful Life said...

Your granddaughters are adorable! I think grandparenting is the best gig in the world. Bar none!

Genn said...

Cute pics. Love the ones of the girls in dance class.

Sheryl G. said...

Hi Kris! That is great that you and Greg got the chance to go to Hannah's school! I wish we did that at my school. I'm sure my students would love to have their grandparents come for a special day! I'm going to keep it in mind. The girls are so adorable!!! Great post!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Aw, Kris, your grand daughters are so cute! My daughter-in-law is expecting another boy next month so I will have two grandsons, no grand daughters. I have to hope they will have another baby soon, and think pink!

Nice catching up with you tonight!