Last night I went to a friend's house to quilt with a couple of ladies. We are working on scrappy strip quilts made from jelly rolls. I am loving this process. So fun. No pictures yet, but this weekend I will have.
I made an old Weight Watchers favorite this week. Chocolate brownie muffins. So rich and yummy. But pretty low in points.
All you need is 1 box of lo fat brownie mix. And 3 Cups of All Bran cereal. 2 Cups water to soak the bran in, and 1 1/2 tsp of baking powder.
Soak your bran in water for about 5 minutes. Then add brownie mix, and baking powder. Bake at 350 for 18 to 20 minutes. For an extra bit of indulgence, add a dollop of fat free cool whip. Which I was SO wishing I had.
Oh...and I am going to BLOG SUGAR!!! I will be going with my daughter Gennifer. We are really excited to meet so many of the ladies whose blogs we read and enjoy. There will be many guest speakers, and activities. If you would like to hear more about it, go to the button on my upper right hand corner of my blog. I would love to see you there too!
The weather here has been glorious! Mid 80's with blue skies, sunshine and gentle breezes. Today after picking Noah up from school, we went to the park right next to school, where he played his little heart out with his buddy Jr. It has been nice just to be outside! This afternoon, I went to visit Gennifer and my little cutie pies for a bit. The girls were having fun playing outside too. It does make me excited for longer days, and warmer weather. They blocked the doorway when I said I had to go home. I would have stayed, but their pizza dinner was just being delivered, and I was afraid I might enjoy it right along with them, if I did. I have my third weigh in tomorrow morning, and I don't want to undo my hard work this week. I ordered these chalk surfaced labels one day not long ago when I heard about them for only 4 dollars and no shipping. There are 4 of them. I wish I could find my other big glass jar to use the last one on. I love them. And I love what's inside the jars too!
One of the reasons I am so anxious to go to Blog Sugar is because of the many wonderful women I have met through blogging. Many of them are ladies I have met through my new found love of crochet and knitting. One of them is my friend Pam over at:
She is so talented with her yarny creations. And a riot too. But don't go over and visit if you are the sensitive type! She sent me this darling rooster last week.
He is right at home here at my house. My kitchen is full of roosters! Thanks Pammy Sue!!!
I am heading for a hot shower, and a movie on the sofa with Mr. G. He has even promised popcorn!
Happy Weekend!
Enjoy the movie, we do need a full review... and I hope there was some butter on that popcorn.
So much fun that we all have a rooster from Pammy Sue. Isn't she the best.
Happy Weekend
I'm so excited to go to Blog Sugar with you too!! I think we are really gonna have a blast.
I just asked Jake if he'd make popcorn and we're OUT OF KERNELS!!! Can you drive some over? hee hee
What movie are you watching?
We are going to start Life As We Know It.
Looking forward to the Farmer's Market tomorrow too!! See ya in the am.
Kris your brownies looks so good!
Have a wonderful time at"blog Sugar"! I never heard of this event but it sound slike fun!
Your roooster gift is precious!
Those brownies sound wonderful! I have not heard of "blog sugar" but sounds like a wonderful idea. I will check it out after I am done here. My heart too goes out to those poor people in Japan. Soo sad. That rooster is just absolutely adorable. I love him. Have a good week-end and enjoy the farmers market and this lovely weather.
I can't wait to see the quilt. Hurry and post pictures!
The California weather sounds heavenly. It was 89 degrees when I got out of work yesterday. Too hot for this early in the season!
I'm so jealous that you're going to blog Sugar. How fun! Tammy was just saying that we should go since she is moving to Bakersfield. I don't think my weigh in this week is going to be very good. I haven't cheated and have been exercising but I don't think I've lost any weight. I think my body is confused and is burning brain cells instead of fat.
I haven’t heard of Blog Sugar. Sounds like a great time! I would love to meet a few of my blog buddies face to face. I have done a few photo shoots for couple of my blog buddies which is awesome but we were working and it was hard to have a real chat. I have some family out that way (where the event is going to be). It’s tempting to buy airfare to visit them and hit up Blog Sugar. Hum.....
In your previous comment you asked when the wedding is. We’ll be in Vegas from the 7th-9th, the wedding is on the 8th! Looks like we’ll just miss ya. My mom is going to Celion while we’re there but I’m going to miss out, too many wedding preparations to take care of when we arrive. I’m sure it’s going to be one awesome show
Anyhoo hope you have a lovely weekend!
Kendra aka “Domestic Princess in Training”
those brownies look yummy~i'll check out blog sugar~hven't heard of that. have a good weekend!
Yummmmm, brownies. Yay!! Blog Sugar will be FUN! Good for you with your iron will power. I don't think I could have resited pizza on a Friday night.
Hahaha that rooster is awesome!! I've never seen one before.
Thanks for the recipe, Kris. I've been trying to increase my fiber intake and I always need to meet my daily chocolate quota! ha ha
Hey Kris,,yes, I am a pal of Holly...and we are actually going to meet in a couple of weeks! looking forward to it...after that we might have to take a roadtrip to
Blog Sugar sounds like it will be a great time!
The muffins look like a tasty treat without the guilt.
Hmmm....Pammy Sue's roosters are breeding methinks. I am seeing their cuteness everywhere!
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