It is going to be a killer week for everyone with getting adjusted to daylights savings time. My daughter Erika drops her son Noah off here at 5:30 every morning. He goes right into his bed I have here for him, but I couldn't help but think of Erika all weekend, who is actually getting up at 3:30, instead of 4:30 this week to adjust to the new time. Ugh!!! And my husband's usual 5 a.m., wake up, and mine at 5:30, is really an hour earlier.
My sweet friend Jae brought me this mug one day last week when we met for lunch. She knows I love a nice big mug for my morning coffee. This is my new favorite! I may be having an extry cup or two today. How do all of you adjust to the time change?
Well that explains why my alarm clock went all weird on me yesterday. It was an hour off. We don't have DST here so I was so confused. Have a great week!
Oh it's a killer. Couldn't get the two year old to go to sleep last night. Extra coffee for me. My poor hubby had a freeway crossing at 3:00 am Sunday which was really 2:00 am. Poor guy.
I adjust by whining about how much I hate DST. I really don't see the point of it. It doesn't bother me so much in the fall, but in the spring I always feel out of it for a few days.
no changes for us here in Arizona.
I LUV that coffee cup! So cute~
It wasn't SO bad this morning b/c D got up with me to go to 5:30am Crossfit class, I know I'll be tired this evening tho. As we all will I'm sure.
It was tough waking up this morning because it was so dark outside. What a sweet friend... the mug is nice and big!
NO time change in great 'ol Arizona!
YA! LOL. So never had to deal with it.
BUT we deal with 120 heat in the summer LOL. so there's give and take. the mugs are precious. :)
For us, being empty nesters, we don't have to get up at a specific time so aren't too impacted. I sure love the the longer evenings though.
Good morning Kris,
It was nice to meet you yesterday at Walmart! Have a good day.
I have a hard time adjusting to the one hour time changes so imagine how it is to travel--I always have to allow a day or so on the other end to get with it!!
We have two boys, one in Oakland, CA and one in the Boston area. Yes, that era is 1978!! If you are talking about the two little blonds that are "featured" on my blog from time to time--they are my great nieces. No grandchildren for us yet.
I need a really big mug these days with the time change. To make matters worse, we are in the part of the state (30 miles from Chicago) that stays on CST while a large part of the state is on EST. YAWN!
It takes me a while before I stop saying, "It's really only 4 or it's really only 5 etc." haha...I am an early riser anyway so it's not too bad, but at night I feel like I am staying awake really late so I like that. It will eventually catch up to me though. Have a good day Kris!
Love you new coffee mug, too cute! I have so many I have no room for new ones. I'm adjusting slowly to the time change, very tired! Payton on the other hand hasn't been feeling well since Friday night so it's rough on her ... she is still sleeping as I type this! Not sure if she thinks its 9 still or if she needs that extra rest for her little cold. =( Have a good week!
Love your new coffee mug! That is so cute. And big. Like that.
I hate that we have daylight savings but I love the light longer in the evenings!
PS- walmart and hd were out of the yellow! I'll have to wait...
I love those mugs.. I'm a fan of BIG mugs too.. I had to work yesterday morning and i was SO afraid of not waking up in time.. I did, but I still kept double checking myself.. Daylight saving time is always an adjustment :(
We adjust by stumbling and mumbling and fumbling around. It actually takes the dogs longer to adjust. They are even more creatures of habit than we are it seems. They know what time to get up, what time to eat, what time to go outside, what time Daddy comes home, and what time to go to bed. They don't understand daylight savings time!
Guess I don't get the issues with day light savings time. AZ stays the same all year. But, we do have more time in the evenings before it gets dark. PS I am soo excited for Holly's and I road trip to hook up with you!!
Adorable mug!! I hate DST. I miss being in AZ. Didn't have to worry about it then.
So excited about Blog Sugar! The baby will be staying with Daddy. I need a break, even though it's 6 months away. lol =)
I LOVE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME CHANGE! Mostly b/c it is light out when I leave my shop and get home and can garden before dark. I just get more stuff done when it's light out longer. It does take some adjustment tho. Staying up too late and then the alarm wakes me when on most mornings I wake up and turn the alarm off so I don't have to hear the dreadful thing buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Thinking of attending Blog Sugar. We could be moving then if the house isn't finished. That's my only concern about gettin' a ticket now.
I'm with Annie the extra daylight. Cute mug!
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