He looks a tad hot don't you think? They have this down to a science. They start the fire for the pit at 3:00 a.m. the night before the roast. The pig was raised and then butchered and dressed by Jane's brother. The pig goes on about 5:00 in the morning and cooks all day. We ate at 5:00.
Jane comes from a very big family. She is one of 11. And then she and Mike have 5 kids. 4 of which are grown and living their own lives in various parts of the state and beyond. They all come home for this big festive occasion. It was so fun to see them all working like crazy to prepare for the party.
Only their youngest one lives at home now. His name is Christopher. He is very near and dear to our hearts. Chris has Down Syndrome. I remember one time when we were all together for a Labor Day party at the beach house Mike and Jane were renting, that Mike said something that I thought was so beautiful. All of the kids were young, and playing down on the beach. We were talking about how it wouldn't be long before they were all grown up and moved away. Mike said, "Yes, but we are so lucky, because we will always have one child, in Christopher." I thought that was so wonderful. Chris is 18 now, and he is very high functioning, and very bright. A sports enthusiast like no other. He has a memory like an elephant, and in many ways, you even forget he is challenged at all. He did a naughty thing last week, and was supposed to be riding his bike to his brothers house, just down the road, where his Mama was waiting for him. He decided to take a longer, more scenic route, and he fell off his bike. He only learned to ride a two wheeler a few short months ago. He was wearing his helmet, but he broke his arm. See what happens when you don't mind your Mama!! Here he is sitting back in the grove getting a haircut from a family friend before the party.
This waterfall is so pretty. And it is directly on the other side of the fence where I have my garden. So I get to enjoy the soothing sound of the water when I am out on that side of my property.
When I went back over at 3:00 for the party, I left my camera at home. There were well over 200 people there, and I didn't want to mess with lugging it around with me. I wish I had a few pictures though. They had a fabulous steel drum band playing. They played authentic reggae, calypso, and soca and it added so much to the party. Even though I was there stag, I couldn't help but get out and shuffle around a bit to the Island flavor of their sound, taking care not to wrench my knee, of course!!! This band is local and I would love to hire them for a party here sometime. It turned out to be a very windy and chilly day. Everyone was pretty bundled up by the late afternoon. But we had a ball. I stayed until 8:00 p.m.! I got to visit with my friend Cate, whose husband is in Mexico right now fishing with Mr. G. And Jane's sister Mary lives on a farm and has over 100 chickens. She and I go on and on about our "girls" when we are together. Jane's other sister Martha, oh I love her. She knits and has a lot of the same interests that I have. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Today is Memorial Day. I have no plans. I am feeling a little bit sorry for myself, and wishing Greg were home. I know that I should BBQ something. Maybe Drew and I will go get some shrimp to throw on the barbie. I hope you are all flying your American Flags today. And remembering those who have served this great country of ours, and those who still are. Some gave all, and all gave some. And as this holiday weekend concludes, I wish you a fun day and safe travels!
Oh my...that pig. Was it good? I don't like seeing his face or whole body like that. I don't know. I guess I have too much empathy for animals because that is disturbing. I'll eat it; I just don't want to see it! What a city girl. ;)
I feel kinda sad for the pig...
I like pork and all...Iknow it doesnt make sense, but i feel sorry for him
Looks like a fun time though...Friends ,food and fun.........
WOW, now that's a roast! The pig doesn't bother me at all, I guess I watch too many cooking shows...lol! Also, having lived in the south for several years...BBQ has always been high on our list. Looks like a fun cook out and get together.
Happy Memorial Day to you and your family! XOXO ~Liz
P.S. Yes, my husband has a cousin that lives near by with his wife and son, so they are coming over this afternoon. =)
What a wonderful tradition. So glad you got to be a part of it and had fun!
Glad the pig roast was a fun time!
They really do have that down to a science now huh!
Great pictures. Their yard is so pretty.
No comment on the pig. It would scare little ones I think. Just kidding. I hear it is tasty like that but I have never tried it. We are doing pork ribs today. Does that count?
Oh my, the pig scarred me. LOL
What a fun time!!!! I still can't get used to seeing a whole pig laid out like that, but it sounds like a great party!!
What fun. But, I bet is was hot around that pig. Our neighbor did one a few back and it was a blast.
By the way, I totally agree with what you said to Pammy regarding Mrs. P, I feel the exact same way. I knew there was a reason we get along.
Any one, long weekend with Scooter a foot and keeping on chore duty. Will be glad to sort of get back to blogland tomorrow. Visiting my mom in the AM, but hope to get around and post in the afternoon.
But for now it's time for bed, after a steamer out in the garden today.
Wow, that's the biggest pig I've ever seen roasted! Sounds like a perfect party- food, friends and good music. I love when neighbors become good friends. Loved reading about Christopher. I have two cousins in their 30's who have down syndrome and they are so dear to our families. They both have the most special parents too...I think God planned it that way.
Wow, what a party! I've never seen a whole roasting pig before. Love that backyard.
This sounds like a wonderful time...Their waterfall is soo pretty, and you are right, I LOVE the soothing sound they make. I have a feeling that pig was delish! Glad you got to be a part of it all!
Kris, you didn't say how wonderful it smelled or how fabulous it tasted! SHEWEEE! That is one big ol' pig! Seems very fun!
xo, Cheryl
We used to do Pig Roasts every year with the company I worked for back here. Actually it's the company that Brian and Dennis work(ed) for. It was always fun. And then last year we went to a Pig Roast here at a lake house. They had a little band playing too. Lots of fun.
Christopher is growing up isn't he? WOW time does fly by.
Hope you had a Happy Memorial Day.
That sounds like some gathering!!!! Man that's a BIG pig. Guess that's the size you need to feed 200 people. Looks like a blast!!!
Kendra aka "Domestic Princess in Training"
Good gosh..that is one huge pig!! Yum..lol..can't help it! I'm hungry....most people think their meat is born wrapped in the cellophane packages...hard for them to see it in real life..
Roasting a pig!!!! What a party. I should have come over and crashed the party.... with 200 people there I bet they would not even noticed us.
We didn't have anyone over on Monday. I wish you and Drew had come over and we could have had a BBQ here.
When you get a minute come over and visit. I am looking forward to meeting you.
Hugs, Lura
Kris, I found my way here by chance and having read your latest post decided to read on. I'm so glad I did that. You've created a warm and welcoming spot for your readers to visit and I really enjoyed the time I spent here. I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary
That certainly was a big pig!It sounds like you had a really nice time...have a great day!!
Hi Kris, I just gave you an award, pop on over and claim it if you like. :-)
He definitely looks a little toasty...
He looks like he has been out in the sun too long!!! Oh, I bet that it was some good grub!! One of my favorite things is carnitas.
Love the story of your family. I spy a shirt that says BEYER. Where do they live?
Looks like fun for all, Kris.
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