Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I LOVE this fabric bunting!  I have been seeing it for some time now, and have wanted to make some.  Finally I did.  I chose some soft floral hues that I had, and when I ran out, I bought more that was similar, but they are from several different lines.  First I cut lots of triangles and pinked the edges with my pinking rotary cutter.  I purchased 3 packs of wide, double fold binding to sew the triangles to.  I used a template that was 10 inches, and 10 inches down, with a two inch top to fold over at the top, or in my case, tuck inside the fold of the binding.
I believe I got 9 or 10 across for each length of bunting.
I love the vintage look of this fabric bunting!!!
It is just tacked to my ironing board in these photos.  But I think I like it in my sewing room.  My sewing room is done in pinks and greens, and soft florals.  So it would be a perfect fit for this room. 
SWOON!!!  Next up........Bunting in Red, White & Blue for 4th of July!
The guys arrived about  1 yesterday to remove the bougainvillea.  Here she is, in all of her glory.  Like a giant cascading wave of color, spilling onto the ground with thorny limbs, and her bright fuchsia flowers, littering the ground, and swirling about like paper confetti in the wind.
The top had recently been trimmed, so it doesn't show the usual brilliant color.  They began, only to reveal a massive thicket of twisted and gnarled thorny branches, that have been growing for over 30 years, embedding itself firmly into this corner of our yard. 
It is not finished yet.  They will return today to finish it, and remove all of the debris. 
Two long lost basketballs were discovered in there.  Along with a huge rusted, and very heavy pipe.  As well as the dark tunneled homes of a  host of critters and varmints!!  I loved to drive into my driveway and see this beautiful splash of color all of these years.  I will miss you bougainvillea.  Goodbye!


Holly said...

Love the bunting, we are definately sisters. I've been saving fabric to do the same thing. Did you use bias tape to string them together? That was my plan. I'll post it when I've finished it. I know you will miss that beautiful bush but think of how much room you will have and NO MORE PAPERY LEAVES!!

Genn said...

Cute bunting. It goes good in the sewing room.
Wow that big bougenvilla seems like such a job to take down. I can't imagine what all was living in there.

Sunny Simple Life said...

Oh I love the bunting and the red white and blue is going to be so cute. Did you have to sew it or did you just cut with pinking (sp?) shears?

Bethany said...

Bunting is one of my favorite things - there's just something about it I can't name...

Unknown said...

And SWOON, I must. I so have to do one from the 4th. Fabric perfect of course, like your's. Now look what you have made me go and do, think about a shopping trip. And yes, please tell how do you do, pinking or sewing....

I can't wait to see what is going into that space now. Keep us all posted.

Stacey said...

That 4th of July project is going to be ca-uute :) And, that was a massive bougenvilla.. Holy cow! Your side yard is going to look so much bigger now :) What a job that was to remove huh?!

Anonymous said...

that bunting is really cute,, the colors are beautiful,, the red white and blue will be smashing,, sad to lose the shrubs but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!

Whosyergurl said...

Kris, LOVE the bunting! Was there a homeless person living in there? (Probably not very PC of me...my lawyer daughter would say...)
xo, Cheryl

Whosyergurl said...

Kris, LOVE the bunting! Was there a homeless person living in there? (Probably not very PC of me...my lawyer daughter would say...)
xo, Cheryl

Pammy Sue said...

I'm in love with all of these! Are you going to put some of that bunting in your etsy shop? If you do, stick a "reserved" sign on one for me!

Anonymous said...

I just love your bunting! So soft and pretty, and feminine! It will look great in your sewing room!

Lauri said...

I didn't know they made pinking rotary cutters. Must Have!! Your bunting is darling...I have thought of making some as well. I think you just gave me some inspiration.

deb said...

ok...now I have to have a patriotic one TOO!!!!
removing that plant reminds me when we took down a wall of morning glory....it had been there for years...there was a mummified RAT in there....guess it got tangled up, I swear I used to stand there and watch that stuff grow!!!

Kerri said...

I love it! It looks so cute in your sewing room!