Sunday, June 19, 2011


Snacker, the most beautiful, gentle chicken in the world, has died.  She was so much more than just a chicken.  She was a pet.  And I am sad.  So sad.
Unfortunately, I am learning things about raising chickens the hard way.  Apparently, even though Snacker was no longer showing any signs of illness when we put the other new chickens out into the coop, she must have been contagious, because we have two others that have shown signs of illness.  They are all being treated with meds again, and I have isolated one, the cuckoo moran, who seems the worst.  I am so upset at losing my Snacker.  She was doing fine, and then day before yesterday, she began to show signs of lethargy and her comb took on a very pale and shrunken appearance.  I took her out of the coop, and isolated her, kept her warm and comfortable, introduced medicated water, but could not coax her to take it.  She was not going to make it this time, I feared.  I feel terrible, absolutely terrible.  My brother gave me this chicken, and I loved her so!!!   And while I realize that it is a chicken, I am so sad to have her leave us.  And I am hoping that I can rehabilitate the others, and keep the rest from getting this. 


Bethany said...

Ohhh nooooo!!!!!! And she wasn't just a chicken - just like my Charlie isn't just a dog.... I feel terrible for you!
Big hug :(

Holly said...

I just don't have the words to tell you how sorry I am for you. I know how much you loved her. Wish I were there to give you a big hug.

Dawn said...

Kris, I am so sorry about your loss. It brought tears to my eyes. I accidentally poisoned my dog this week and she barley pulled through so I know how you feel. Animals are a part of the family just like children. It makes me sad to hear Snacker is gone. I hope the others pull through. :( what a sad day.

Sunny Simple Life said...

Oh Kris I know how much you loved your Snacker. I am so very sorry for your loss. I know if any of our pets die, I am crying for days. Let's hope the others pull through.

Tammy said...

Oh no, Kris! I'm so very sorry. =( I wish I could make it better.

Anita Lasher said...

Kris I just figured out how to reply without having my blog. I am so sad to hear about your Snacker. I know how much she meant to you. I am so sorry for you!!! tear , tear, tear,...Your pizza look so yummy and I hope your Fathers Day festivities are fun.

Pammy Sue said...

Aww...I'm so sorry! Losing a pet is so hard. Bless your heart.

Nancy said...

This is so sad; I am so sorry that you lost Snacker....
Pets hold such a special place in our hearts...I sure hope the others are OK......

Diane said...

Oh my gosh......I can hardly believe I feel the way I feel. Snacker was a chicken...but, she was our chicken....our family chicken It hurts to say good bye.
I think the entire family had feelings for Snacker.

Genn said...

Oh no.
I'm sorry.
I'm off to call you...

Pam said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Snacker. She had such a personality. Animals are a part of our family, no matter what kind of animal it is. I hope your other chicks will be ok. Hugs to you!

Stacey said...

Nooooo!!! I saw your post title on my blog list, and feared this is what happened :( I'm sorry, I know how much you loved her.. I hope the rest of the chickens that are ill, start to feel better soon!

Debbie said...

Oh Kris I am soo sorry to hear about your Snacker. I know how much you loved her. I pray the others recover completely, and your heart is comforted soon. HUGS!

Debbie said...

Oh I am so sorry. I loved hearing your stories about your chickens, especially Snacker. Its hard to lose a pet, no matter how long you've had them. Hope the other chickens will be fine. Blessings, Debbie

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Aw, Kris...I am so sorry to hear this- it is SO hard to lose a pet. I know you will miss her so much. I hope the others will recover...I am sending loving thoughts your way XO

annielizabeth said...

Oh no, so sorry she didn't fully recover. Kris thru your blog, I could just feel your affection for her and losing pets is so hard. Yes, put your energies into healing the others. They are younger and hopefully will respond to the meds. Take care...oxox

Pam said...

I am so sorry Kris... I know that Snacker was so special to you. RIP Snacker.

Unknown said...

Oh, no Krissie... I am so sorry. I feel like we all have lost part of our family here this week. I wish a speedie recovery to the other's. Keep us posted.

Janna said...

Oh Kris!!! I am so sorry to hear the news and am so sad for you. I know how it is to love and lose a pet, and my heart goes out to you right now.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Oh Kris, I am so so sorry. That's very sad. Anytime you lose a pet your attached to it's hard. I hope you can save the rest of them.

deb said... very very sorry..I know how much you loved her:(

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Oh this is sad, Kris! What is the average life span of a chicken? I didn't know they get ill this way...I'm sure there is so much to learn about raising chickens.

Reality Jayne said...

Sorry to hear about Snackers, Kris....I know how much joy that little chicky brought to you

Sue Pinner said...

Sending sorry xx

Sue Pinner said...

Sending sorry xx

Whosyergurl said...

Oh, Kris! I am SO sorry to read this! This just STINKS! I know you loved Snacker a lot. How long did you have that chicken?
hugs to you!

Linda said...

Oh Kris...I am so sorry for your loss. I know how much that little chicken meant to you. I hope the others will feel better soon.

Cathy said...

Oh dear, I'm so sorry, Kris. I hope your other chickens are OK.

Judi A. said...

I was so sorry to read about your loss of Snacker. It's hard to lose a pet, whether it's a cat, a dog, a fish, or whatever....even a chicken. Hope your other chickens are well, and that your heart is finding comfort in their presence.

Tammy said...

Hope you are doing ok.

~Niki~ said...

so sorry to hear about your snacker~i missed this post and did not realize. how old was she?
poor thing.
Yes, our animals, no matter how big or small, our like family, hugs to you kris!

Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear this sad news,, maybe she will rally round,,