Monday, July 25, 2011

Banana Nut Bread--Oh Yea!!!!!!

Today the mercury was rising, and we had a little pool party here earlier.  After everyone left, I was looking at my over ripe bananas and a light bulb went off.  I know it is way too hot to have my oven on, but bake I did!  I have a favorite recipe for banana nut bread that comes from a neighbor of ours from the house that I grew up in.  Her name was Gerri, and I did a lot of babysitting for her.  She was a wonderful cook.  I remember how she taught my Mom to make enchiladas, the way her Mom taught her.  She also made wonderful banana nut bread.  What put hers over the top, was the melted butter she poured over the top right after taking it out of the oven. This left the top of the bread with the most delicious, ever so slightly salty, crunchy top to it.  So, today, Noah and I made some.
This was right before I cut a slit down the middle and poured  1/4 cup of melted butter on top.
Here it is after the melted butter ran down into all of the nooks and crannies, making it extra delicious!
And, since home made banana nut bread with melted butter poured over the top isn't naughty enough, I added about scant 1/2 cup of semi sweet chocolate chips to the batter.  
I guess you can tell that my recent food posts have not been very Weight Watcher's friendly!  Amazingly enough, I have kept off the 12 pounds I lost.  After Bass Lake, I will hit it again, and see if I can shed a bit more of my winter coat.   Until then, you may be seeing some more naughty food posts!!  Here is Gerri's wonderful recipe for:
Banana Nut Bread

Cream together, 1 stick butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, and 2 very ripe bananas
2 cups flour, 3 tsp. baking powder and 1/2 tsp. salt
To this batter add: 
1 cup chopped walnuts and if you are feeling naughty, a handful of chocolate chips
Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven, on middle shelf.  Bake for one hour.  Remove from oven and with knife, make a slit down middle of loaf and pour 1/4 cup of melted butter on top.  
This makes one large loaf.  Spray loaf pan with Pam before pouring batter into pan.
Before I go today, I have a random thought to share.  As I was lying on the big "rainbow raft" as the kids call it, this morning in the pool,  (and by lying on it, I don't mean with eyes closed, soaking up the rays.)  I was on high alert, with 3 kids under 4 in the pool with me.  All had on water wings, and Gennifer was sitting on the pool edge, in case she needed to pounce.  But suddenly, I was aware of a sort of whistling...bubbling sound.  I knew I was familiar with this sound.  And soon it hit me......I was losing air in my raft!  I found the leak, and at that very moment a thought came to my mind of my Dad.  We grew up with a doughboy pool when we were little kids.  My Dad had dug the earth down a bit, and layed the pool liner into the freshly dug hole each summer, and we 4 kids had a ball in that pool.  EVERY. SINGLE.  DAY of our summer vacation.  And on many a day, we were accompanied by numerous other neighborhood kids as well.  But in those days, my parents would buy us our pool toys for the summer, and they had to last.   So patching the tubes, and rafts, and even the liner of the pool, were a common thing to be seen during our summer days.  I remember my Dad would put on a mask and take the patch kit underneath the water to fix our pool, gosh I don't know how many times!  MANY times.  And our rafts and beach balls and pool toys, by summers end, were all a patchwork of Dad's handiwork, so that we could get the whole summer's use out of them.  I can even remember the smell of the vinyl and glue that came in that little kit that we used so many times.  I smiled.  I laughed.  And then I decided that I must patch this raft, even though it is several summers old, for old time's sake.  My Dad would be smiling down on me.  Oh how we loved him.  And how we miss him!!! 
And one last picture that I took last night after opening up the dryer and discovering that I had washed and dried my memory card for my camera!!!!  So I put it in the camera and took a couple of pictures to see if it was still working. is.  I wasn't taking it of anything in particular, I just pointed and clicked.  So, in this random photo is our new fridge.
 You can see a few of my appliances.  And as I said before, for the first time in my life....I now have appliances that are all the same color! And I really like the black fridge.  Especially that it is counter width and doesn't extend out beyond the counter tops!    Now...if only I could get a leaking pipe in my wall like my neighbors just did, that ruined their entire kitchen, which, despite the incredible hassle of it all, got them a brand new kitchen!!!!!    Oh, if only!!!!!
 Happy Summer!


Bethany said...

Isn't that such a distinct smell? Even the nephew will say "It smells like beach balls" when there's something new and vinyl around. This made me laugh because we have an above-ground pool and my dad still has to dive and patch, lol.
Also--you're going to have to change your header photo. It makes me feel inadequate as a gardener, hahaha.

Stacey said...

You just had to post a recipe that I just so happen to have ALL of the ingredients on hand huh?! haha.. Banana bread is one of my weaknesses, and the melted butter on top makes me smile just thinking about it.. I like your new fridge!! You're too funny about the leaky pipe.. Maybe one day it'll leak ::SIGH:: lol

Debbiedoos said...

Bad girl adding those chocolate chips! Oh but I can see that was delicious. Banana bread is my fav.

Genn said...

I almost made banana bread today too! I came home from swimming and looked at my 3 ripe bananas and instead, I froze two for smoothies and the girls ate the other one. But we did turn the oven on and make vegan chocolate chip cookies! And they weren't bad!

That memory of Papa made me smile. I can just see him patching up all of your summer toys to last a few more weeks. xoxo

And that was a really cool picture of your kitchen! I loved the lighting. And I like the black fridge too.

Anonymous said...

ooo thats good,, chocolate chipss , I'm in!!I think your kitchen is beautiful,,

Gloria Baker said...

athis banana bread look amazing!! gloria and I love your kitchen!

Pam said...

Kris you brought back memories for me - the same ones you had! We had doughboy pools too - and my dad patched them and the toys too. How funny! Your fridge looks great - mine is old and almond color - I am looking forward to it quitting someday and getting a new black one too to match the rest of my kitchen. But for now it is chugging along so I will keep it. And the banana bread looks delish! I love banana chocolate chip bread too. Glad you have kept your weight off. It is very hard. Enjoy your week!

Anonymous said...

Mmm, I love me some banana bread, and pouring butter over the top? OMG, that is the best idea, I'm drooling! Oh and the chocolate chips are a must, I might sneak over tonight around midnight for a little taste ;)

Love your new fridge, it looks perfect!

Bring Pretty Back said...

That banana bread looks amazing! The chocolate chips and the butter- DELISH!
The fridge looks great!
Have a PRETTY day!

Ann said...

Oh that really looks so yum ♥

I'd like to eat mine seconds from the oven... love it

Holly said...

Banana bread is a staple around here. Brian loves it for breakfast and I make at least a couple of loaves every month. I use the same recipe you do but I've never put butter on top, What was I thinking??!! Butter!!?? On Top!!?? Yes! That's what I've been missing all my life. I can't believe your memory card is still working, weird. Love the kitchen.

Cathy said...

Your photos are making my mouth water, Kris. I would love a slice of that beautiful banana bread to go with the cup of coffee I just poured.

Heather - The Good Life said...

Kris, your banana bread has my mouth watering! YUM! You'll get back on ole WW when you are ready. Congrats on maintaining your weight loss, that is no easy feat! Have a great day.

~Niki~ said...

love your kitchen~the bread looks yummy. i bake all summer long, even though i hate turning on my oven.

Anonymous said...

I can vouch that banana bread smelled ah-mazzzing!

Tammy said...

Guess what I'm making today!!?? Banana Bread! =) I was getting ready to throw out the nanas and then read your post! Good job. lol Def going to try the butter on top!

Whosyergurl said...

Love the nature wood dish. :-)

Isn't it funny how a smell can cause the memories to come flying back to us?

xo, Cheryl

Pam said...

Pouring melted butter on top of banana bread? Brilliant! So decadent and delicious.

Your fridge looks just like mine!

Jennifer said...

Sounds like summer is in full swing...and having fun! Have to admit with summer at peak temps here, banana bread (with melted butter running down the middle and a handful of mini chips inside!!) had not crossed my mind - until now!! You wicked woman. But I do have overripe bananas sitting on my counter just now!

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Hi Kris,
I am such a lover of butter. I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that I need to lose weight. Honestly, I come by it naturally. We use to tease our Mom and ask her, "would you like a little toast with your butter?" I love banana bread, but oh how delicious this looks! Loved your memory story. Funny how childhood smells stick with you. I love the smell of new plastic dolls. Reminds me of all of my wonderful Christmas memories. Your kitchen looks lovely. Glad your camera still works. Keep right on a bakin girly.

annielizabeth said...

Hi Kris, the bread looks delish! I love your hen stories and what a lovely story about your dad. My parents would also mend and fix every toy we had, I remember that well. The stuffed zucchini looks amazing. Summer always reminds me of that stuffed wonderfulness as my mom would grow some and then when my kids were little and space available, I'd grow some, then let 'em grow big and stuff 'em. I'm gonna try your recipe at some point. So happy for you that you have matching appliances now. It's a small thing really but means so much to a woman! Have a happy week!!

poppilinnstudios said...

Oh my-butter and chocolate chips!!! Sounds delicious.

Sandy said...

This sounds amazing! And I have 2 bananas that I need to do something with! I'm on a diet, however, I will make this loaf to send to the river with my boyfriend and his friends! :)