Thursday, July 7, 2011

S. I. C. K.

SICK...sick, that's me.  One of the worst head colds ever!  Noah started it.  Then Jake, then Claire, then Hannah.  I caught it the day before our 4th of July celebrations.   Wasn't feeling too zippy on the 4th.  It has gained steam all week.  Nyquil is a beautiful thing.


NanaNor's said...

Hi Kris, So sorry that the head cold gathered steam and has you down. I used to take Nyquil too but can't anymore but thankfully there are other remedies out there. Summer colds are certainly miserable! Hope you are up and feeling better soon.
Hugs, Noreen

deebriese said...

Kris! feel better! I hate being sick in the summer. My grandkids share with me also..

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Oh no, Kris, I hope you feel better!

Sending you some get well
(((VIBES))) and some ((hugs)). Get some rest! XOXO ~Liz

~Niki~ said...

aww, poor thing~get better real soon my friend!

annielizabeth said...

Hi Kris, bummer you feel so crappy and in the summer, too. Take lotsa Vit C and some A also. These will help to shorten the duration by fighting any bacterias!!! Get well soon!

From the Kitchen said...

Oh dear! I hope your "summer" cold doesn't follow the same path as mine. I coughed my head off at night for about three weeks. It was terrible! Get well soon.


Maryrose said...

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well....I hate summer head colds. Get well soon and let me know if you need anything.

Dawn said...

So sorry to hear you are sick. My hubby has had it also and it lasts for weeks with several relapses:( Get lots of rest and feel better soon.

Debbie said...

Oh Kris sorry to hear you are feeling so sick. Head colds in the summer time (anytime really I guess) are just no fun. I have prayed that the Lord might touch your body and you would be back to your active perky self soon. HUGS!!

Anita Lasher said...

I am sorry to hear that you are sickypoo! Get Better!

Heather - The Good Life said...

Hope you are feeling better soon!

Debbiedoos said...

COld suck! Hope you feel better Kris, and yes I agree Nyquil is great!

Linda said...

I've heard it's going around...hope you feel better soon!

Whosyergurl said...

When in doubt...TAKE THE DRUGS!

Hope you feel better soon!

xo, Cheryl

Unknown said...

Stay in bed right where you are. We all are sending you get well wishes. Sleep, sleep, sleep.

Nicolle said...

Oh, sorry you are sick! Summer colds always seem to hurt more too.

Someone introduced me to Alka Seltzer Cold and Flu a few years ago, and I swear by it! I hope you are better soon.


Kerri said...

Oh no! Summer colds are the worst! Hope you feel better ASAP! Drink some whiskey! :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you're feeling better

Tammy said...

Hope you feel better fast! I have something too. I hate being sick in the summer. =( Get lots of rest!

Genn said...

I'm sorry you feel so crummy!!!
I hope you start feeling better soon!
Take it easy.
Rest up.
Let me know if you need some soup.

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Aww I am so sorry Kris!! Here's hoping you feel better ASAP!! Big hugs!!

Stacey said...

Boo!! Summer colds are the worst!!! I hope you start to feel better soon!!!

Holly said...

Oh ICK!! Nothing worse than a mean ol summer head cold. I love Nyquil, like seriously love it! I sometimes chug it and sleep for hours on end. Hmmm....that doesn't sound very good does it? Feel better.

Pammy Sue said...

Sorry Kris! I'm sending you some feel-better vibes your way from Texas. Sleeeeeeeep.

Tawni716 said...

Hope you feel better soon! Payton had that last week & had to get on antibiotics for her first time. Hope all your grandbabies are doing well now!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Your fourth looks like fun, Kris! So sorry you are feeling's here, husband just went to bed, sick with it. Hope it passes soon! Feel better and get pampered!

Jennifer said...

Clear out that cold fast!! Being sick in summer should be illegal:) Loved all your fourth photos!! You guys have the best fun!

Tammy said...

I LOVE the new look!!!!

Kaylen said...

I had that a few weeks ago. It is terrible! I hope that you start feeling better soon.

deb said...

nothing worse than a summer cold...get better so we can sew!!!!!!!!

Cathy said...

So sorry you are under the weather, Kris. A cold in the summer stinks. Hope you feel better for the weekend.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

The only thing that helps me when I am sick like this is to drink hot fluids and sleep a lot. I hope you feel better soon!

Lisa said...

Feel better soon!

DaCraftyLady said...

so sorry to hear you are ill, drink plenty of water and have some good old chicken soup with saltines, it does wonders for a cold!! Rest Rest.....hope you start feeling better soon...Debb