He says he forgot to undo the boat battery and needed to go back up to do it. Soooo, I quickly got ready and threw a couple of things into a bag and off we went. One hour and ten minutes later, we were at the lake. First we made a quick potty stop at the cabin.
Then we had a delicious meal at Blanca & Pierre's, and a nice conversation with Blanca. Then on to the lake. This is what the sky looked like yesterday!
It was on the cool side at first, with a brisk wind. Then dark clouds formed overhead, and we heard a loud crack of thunder. Hmmmmm, should we go boating, or not? But the rain clouds quickly blew past, and off we went. This is my favorite house on Big Bear Lake. And this was the first time I have ever seen any activity there.
There was a lot going on at the lake yesterday, being a holiday weekend, and the last big hurrah of the summer. We enjoyed watching the skiers, the rock jumpers, the novice boaters plowing through troll lines in the lake.
Mr G threw anchor out to fish.
And I got cozy on the back of the boat with my blankies and yarn.
It wasn't long before I had slumped down into a prone position, as the rhythm of the waves underneath rocked me to sleep. I was in and out of my slumber, at times hearing the noises that were near us on the lake. The occasional bark of a dog. The kids shrill screams as they jumped from Big Rock. The whirring sounds of a boat as it passed us, and the yells of the fishermen nearby who were trying to avert disaster as the novice boater plowed through their fishing lines. And then, the sudden thump, thump, thumping of Mr. G charging to the back of the boat where I was, as he wrestled a big one to the boat!!! "GET THE NET" he shouted! I stumbled to my feet, lunging in one direction for the net, to the other for my camera, eager to see Walter at the end of his line.
Okay, so Walter he was not. But just the day before, Greg and Ron caught a couple of nice sized trout in the lake. Trout Fest is the first weekend in October. We are gonna get you Walter!!!!
We bobbed. We cruised. We trolled. We drifted. And before long the sun was slipping behind the mountain, and we headed back to Holloways to put the boat away. While we were at the gas dock, I noticed this retro looking sign on the pump. I liked it, so I snapped a picture.
It was such a beautiful day on the lake!
There is something about boats, and docks, and pines around a lake that just make my heart soar!!!
Yep, I would pick lake over ocean, any day of the week! We went into town and had dinner at Saucy Mama's, where we sat outside listening to a Jimmy Buffet wannabe busking on the corner, and shared spaghetti and pizza. Then walked next door to have an ice cream cone where we sat outside to enjoy as we people watched. Then headed on down the mountain. The sky was so incredibly beautiful that I actually unbuckled and crawled over fishing poles to the back end where my camera was, then scrambled back to the front and snapped photos almost all the way down the hill. I must preface these pictures by saying NONE of them do justice to the show that mother nature was putting on for us.
It was just gorgeous. The sky was a deep purple to the west, and then suddenly there was a bank of dark clouds that looked very threatening, with what appeared to be rain streaking down into the distance somewhere!
Stunning views, all the way down the mountain!
It was the best kind of day. Unplanned. Relaxing. Perfect! Today is Labor Day. Not much going on here. Probably going to throw something on the barbie tonight and just have a quiet day. See you soon.
Hi Kris, I agree that this was a wonderful way to spend a day. I too prefer lakes to oceans-especially when boats are involved.
The pictures were great as usual.
Enjoy your day today.
Hugs, Noreen
What a fun day! it's so nice to be spontaneous.
I always love your Big Bear posts. It's just too dang pretty up there! You got some beautiful pictures of the sky, just gorgeous! What a great way to spend the weekend!
The lake looks gorgeous Kris. Don't you just love when husbands are spontaneous? Come and make a wish on my blog...go to click here and it will take you to the right spot. Good luck.
Sounds like a wonderful day, especially the nap from the rhythm of the water. I also like your new back ground and header. Lovely!
Unplanned always turns out to be the most fun - you don't have time to create high expectations of perfection:)
What a PERFECT day. I totally love spur of the moment trips like that. How fun! I love all of your photos. One day I would love to go to Big Bear. It's all so pretty! Oh and your cabin is awesome!
First, I'm jealous.... which if you didn't know doesn't happen very often with me. It take alot for that to happen. So.... maybe it's the jumping in the car, watching people have the time of their life on the lake, looking at the fabulous houses, breakfast at a local regular spot, a pile of yarn on your laps on the water, a hubbie who keeps himself busy fishing and most important a cabin for a quick pit stop. Perfect, that goes down in the books as, perfect day well spent.
Looks like you had a great day!! Happy Labor Day!!
Beautiful header Kris!
Sounds like a wonderful unplanned day out on the boat with your husband! That lake is gorgeous. I don't know why, but around here we don't usually see pine trees near our lakes. Your fish picture with the net is really cool!
holy cow only one hour and ten minutes to get there, did you FLY????????
looks like an amazing day and I want that house!
Love the new blog look....so cute!
Ok, I have to ask...can I go on vacation with all of you. Y'all seem to have the best time! Great pictures! Happy Labor Day! Hugs, Liz
So lovely, lucky you and Mr Simplify. Aren't you glad he asked? Love that retro sign you caught!
Thanks for the tip about free ranging from 4 pm on...my girls love it!
What a nice spur of the moment day trip :) Sounds so relaxing..
It DOES sound like the most perfect kind of day, Kris! Beautiful photos...thanks for sharing with us!
Hello Kris,
I just happen to come across your blog tonight! My husband and I also have a cabin in Big Bear and we also live in Corona!! What a small world!!
What a perfect day! Sounds so relaxing, we did absolutely nothing this past weekend, I didn't even get on the computer.
Beautiful pics. You have a place there? Why didn't you stay? If I had a place on the lake I would be there all the time. You are blessed my friend! Living in such a beautiful place!
xo, Cheryl
My husband and I love spontaneous trips - they are the best. It looks like you guys had a wonderful day on the lake.
what pretty skies you captured!
Have I told you how much I love your blog! =) Just sayin'. Lovin' the new header and background! Can't wait to see you guys later this month! So close!
Gorgeous pics! Cute house on the water, I love that. Seems like it was a great day.
Ok Chris we are going to have to let each other know when we are traveling...lol...we spent the past 5 days up at Big bear at our cabin...lol...?Our son has the boat and didn't come up, but we did spend Sunday at the beach with my daughter and her family...great photos...Debb
I sooo need to spend more time in Big Bear. It is beyond beautiful :)
Gorgeous pictures- looks like a really lovely day!
man! those photos are pretty amazing!
Now wonder your summer has flown by... you guys are still having so much fun in the sun! Love seeing your pictures of Big Bear! I need to go there someday!
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