Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Blog Love

Good morning friends.  And I want to say welcome to my new followers!  I try to visit each of you to say hello.  Some of you don't actually have blogs, so I can't come visit you.  But know that I love your comments!!!   I have had the pleasure of meeting so many of my blogging friends.  Last Saturday was one such occasion!  I follow a sweet lady, Maryjane, who blogs at The Beehive Cottage  She mentioned on her blog last week that she and her darling vintage trailer would be at a vintage and antique show in Murrieta on Saturday.  Since my husband was working, I thought I would pop on over to say hello.  Maryjane is just as I imagined her to be.  Warm, inviting...and so generous!  When I came to her booth to introduce myself to her,  I said, "Hi Maryjane, I am Kris from Simplify" and suddenly there were three other ladies, who revealed themselves to me.  Two were blog friends that I visit every day.  Elaine from Sunny Simple Life , who I have known the longest.  She and I visit back and forth nearly every day via email and blogs.  We discovered that we don't live that far apart, and have been planning to meet one day soon.  And then, a neighbor and friend of Elaine's, Patty, who blogs at Lemon Lane Cottage.  I have only known Patty for a short while, but have so enjoyed her blog!  With them, was Patty's sister in law Shelly, who does not have a blog yet, but we are working on her!  After we shrieked and hugged, and laughed a while, and visited some more with Maryjane, I got to go along with them to lunch at Tom's Farms where we spent a wonderful afternoon visiting, and shopping together.  But not before Maryjane sent us on our way with bags chock full of her handmade goods, that she gifted to each of us.  We all wished that Maryjane could have come with us, but I know we will be planning more get togethers and outings. 
Meeting these ladies was such fun for me.  They were all just like I thought they would be.  Their blogs represent them well!!!!
Today I have the pleasure of meeting another lady whose blog I have been following for several months.  Her name is Lura, and she blogs at Grammy's News  I found Lura through another mutual blog that we both enjoy.  Linda, from Behind My Red Door  Linda had mentioned Lura, way back last spring, after she had been in a terrible accident while en route to visit her kids in Utah.  She and her husband were both injured, but Lura's injuries were far worse, and they kept her in the hospital for months!  I have followed her along on her journey back to health, and although she is still recovering, she is now slowly getting to resume some of her normal activities again. Today she is the keynote speaker at The Women's Improvement Club luncheon right here in my town of Corona.  She has invited me to come and hear her speak about her accident and recovery.  In getting to know Lura a little bit, just through our blogs, I have discovered that she is a retired Home Ec teacher at a local high school here in town. I mentioned to Lura once that I have a friend who is a teacher there, and did she know her?   Come to find out, this friend of mine, Laurie, worked side by side with Lura in the Home Ec department, and Lura was part of the team that hired Laurie to work there, some 20 years ago.  Laurie and I worked together many years ago at Marie Callender's, when our kids were young.  What a small world we live in!!  And what amazing people I have met through blogging!  I hope you will visit some of these blogs I have mentioned today.  If you visit me, and find that we may have something in common, then I am sure you will find something you love about each of these ladies too.
I am leaving you today with some pictures of our beautiful sky.  The first couple I took the other night on my way to Hannah's birthday party.  It had rained all day, and was about to pour again.  I was so happy I had my camera sitting right there in the seat next to me so I could snap these photos.

That angry sky later yielded big fat rain and some of the brightest lightening and loudest thunder I have ever heard!!!  I LOVED it! But our dog Ducey didn't!!! When we got home later that night we couldn't find him anywhere in the house.  Which is so unusual because we get the "Wheatin' Greetin'" with him as soon as we enter, no matter what time of day or night.  We found him wedged underneath the sofa, between the reclining mechanism where he had quite a difficult time getting out of!!  Poor Ducey!
Yesterday on my way home from having lunch with the birthday girl, I actually had to pull my car over to reach my camera and capture these shots.  I was just awestruck at the beauty.  Of course the photos never seem to do justice to the actual sights with the naked eye, but I still thought they were worthy of sharing!
Heading up the street behind our house.

Cerulean blue skies, with cotton candy clouds!   The sun shone brilliantly through in such a way that stopped me in my tracks.  The trees which had leaves left on them were showing their Fall foliage, and they shimmered in the filtered light.  It was so beautiful! 
My friend Lauri Benson may recognize these next few shots.  : )

Shortly after moving to the home where we live now, Lauri and her husband had this house built, just up the road from us.  It was a gorgeous home.  Lauri's daughter Katie, and my daughter Gennifer were good friends growing up.  Sadly, only a few short years of living here in their dream home, Lauri lost her husband to cancer.  The kids grew up and moved away, and Lauri sold this home and moved to Arizona to be near her family.  I miss you Lauri!!!!
This next shot was taken driving down my street to my house. 
 And then because it was so pretty, I drove around and came back the other way.  These were taken coming up the street to my house.
Most of the parkway trees have lost their leaves.  What is left are golden and burnt orange in color and they looked like twinkling lights  in the breeze with the sun shining through them.

And pulling into my drive.  Home!
I hope that wherever you were yesterday, you got to get outside a bit and enjoy the spectacular day!  And now, I am off to meet sweet Lura.  Have a GREAT day!!!!
XO  Kris


Unknown said...

What fun. I love to do that on my way home. Just drive the hood as we say. What a bright fun crispness in the air kind of day you had to roll down the windows and just drive around.

What fun to meet one of your blogger buddies!!! Was it everything you expected? Did it feel like you have known her forever? Like you had been friends, since childhood? I can only imagine it was.

Hope we get those blue skies here soon.

NanaNor's said...

Hey Kris, So glad you got to meet these blog friends; simply the best when we connect in person. I will have to check out the blogs I haven't yet, I have visit Lura's.
Love all your photos and of course your street looks wonderful with trees that change colors-I miss that about Ca. Have a great day.
Hugs, Noreen

Lauri said...

Ooh..thanks for sharing the photos of our home and the beautiful pictures of Corona. The shots of the foothills were beautiful. I know Lura too and followed her accident through her blog. And how fun to meet up with bloggers you had never met. The weather here is fabulous too...so glad to be outside enjoying the weather once again.

Debbiedoos said...

Why you lucky duck getting to meet some blogging friends...HOW FUN Kris. Loved your drive, those are some awesome pictures you captured.

Teresa Kasner said...

Kris, that is so neat to meet people in real life that you met and became friends with on the internet. I used to be a paid chat host in Talk City an internet chat community - and went down to San Francisco to a Macworld Expo and met a bunch of folks that I'd only known by nicknames!! We called each other "Jax" and "LadySailor" (me) and GoldieGirl, etc. LOL!! All were just such great people! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Stacey said...

I have ALWAYS loved your street.. It's so inviting, and homey feeling.. Enjoy your day :)

Linda said...

What a beautiful street you live on...wonderful pictures...and great stories about all of your bloggy friends!

Sunny Simple Life said...

I love your post today and your zest for life. Hope your visit with Lura is as fun as ours and I am sending you and e-mail about getting together with some other bloggers. I will send it tonight. Off to a dr's appt.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm this is worse than texting & driving was my precious cargo in your car? I hope not

Tammy said...

Beautiful pictures! I've missed ya, since I was out of town! Hi!

Susan and Siobhan said...

Wow, I live in Canada...so my street looks nothing like that right now, lol. I'm jealous. You live in a beautiful area.

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

I loved meeting you Kris on Saturday, along with the others! Thanks for coming. What a treat! Next time I will met up with you all at Tom's Farms! A great meeting place.


Sinta Renee said...

It's amazing how lives do intertwine. I think it is so fun that you got to meet up with other blogging women and meet them face to face and spend time with them Kris! What a fun day!
Your photo tour of the neighborhood is great... I love the sky and the trees!

Debbie said...

Oh how I love to discover sometimes just what a small world we live in. How fun to meet all those blogging friends. And what gorgeous pictures. The clouds are really spectacular. I love when the clouds are like cotton candy and you can just tell the air is crisp. Oh, and don't you just love Tom's Farm...haven't been there in soo long.

Genn said...

Great post Mom.
These pictures are just gorgeous. So so so pretty. I love this time of year when the foothills are so clear and pretty and the trees lining your street are so full of color. You got some really beautiful shots.
It is always so pretty after the rain.
How neat to hear your blog friend Lura speak too. And what a small world it really is. That's fun for you.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

So nice you could meet so many bloggers, Kris! Your photos are lovely...you live in a beautiful area!

{cindy} said...

I can not imagine meeting a bloggy friend for real...how cool would that be??:) I hope to some day for sure.
What a beautiful place you live in.
Those skies and the views of the mtns are GORGEOUS!!! I would love to live somewhere i see mtns everyday! Someday....
have a happy day kris

corners of my life said...

Such a treat for you - getting together with your blogging friends. I bet they were just as thrilled to meet you too.

Holly said...

I'm so happy for you that you've been able to meet so many wonderful people. Isn't blogging amazing? It truly does introduce us to the most amazing women. Great pics! Have fun today!

terry said...

I don't believe it!!! I was at the Ivy Street Vendor Market this past Saturday too!

Saw your friend's vintage trailer -too cute for words.

The corner antique store is one of my favorite haunts where I go at least twice a month. Owner is super nice and love her dog - Bella.

Bought a few prims and bundles of fabric from the vendors and made a lay-away at the store.

It truly is a small world.


~Niki~ said...

love all your sky pics! great shots! happy belated to hannah! i am not sure how my blogger didn'tupdate me on your blog. hmmm

Nicolle said...

Blog friends are so much fun and I have met a couple of them in "real" life. I hope to meet many more. Maybe your sweet family one day?! :) I have truly been blessed to have the friendships that I have gained online. Many days it's what gets me through the day. LOVE the photos here. Just gorgeous. I've never been to CA. :( I've been a million other places. I think I would love it there.

Have a great night!

deb said...

Im so sad, I wish I would have known about that market...I would have loved to have gone.....looks like a great time was had!!!!!

Shanti said...

Hi! I'm new here, just found your blog... and what a delightful blog it is!!! you certanly have a way with words... all I want to do is keep reading and reading...
I loved your story about meeting blogland friends... I've never met one in real life but I do love the great world we have online...