Friday, November 4, 2011

Five For Friday

Good  rainy Friday morning to you!  It is a beautiful, grey and wet day here in So. California. I am linking up with Janna today at:

5 for Friday: happiness is…

Five things that made me happy this week are:

1.  The beautiful grey skies and glorious rain we are having today!!!

2.  My two new pairs of boots I found at Target!  Tall black UGG knockoffs, and tall chestnut boots!  The last pair in both, and my size!!!

3.  Moving my family room furniture for the winter months so that we can enjoy roaring fires from every spot in the room!  

Ducey looks pretty stressed, doesn't he!

4.  Having a nice lunch with my Mom yesterday at King's Fish House!

5.  And lastly, feeling peace after having made a very big decision for our lives this week.  

Go make it a great day!

XO  Kris


Debbie said...

Isn't the rain wonderful? I am loving it too. The boots look perfect! Is that a calender quilt I see there on your wall? Love it too! Have a great week-end Kris!

Sinta Renee said...

Nice to have the change of seasons! We got snow in the mountains here last night. Big decision??? hmmm, will you share?

Heather - The Good Life said...

I was out looking at boots last night at Kohl's. I didn't find what I was looking for although they did have some pretty ones. I've also been trying to figure out how to arrange our furniture for when we put up our tree. Doesn't moving the furniture around give a wonderful sense of accomplishment and a fresh perspective. Enjoy your weekend Kris. :-)

Holly said...

Hey Sugar Pie! We're supposed to get your rain tomorrow. Looking forward to it. Your house looks so pretty, would love to be there right now with a nice cup of vanilla nut coffee. Miss ya!

Unknown said...

Love all the wonderful fall decorations you have made! We too are having rain and I love it for we need it so bad. I am crafting away...ha!

Love those black boots...they look so feet are cold...well, I guess they always are...

deebriese said...

Your house looks so cozy! Wish I could stop by my friend.

Anonymous said...

Ah great list Mom! I love the rain today! I wish I was snuggling up with Noah watching the Upside Down show & not at work tho, ah well lol. I haven't had Kings in so long, sounds good! I'm so glad you have peace & I'm so excited for this new opportunity for Dad and for us to see him more.

Bethany said...

When they're the last ones AND your size do you tell yourself it was meant to be, that they were WAITing for you to come along? I do. It helps me justify the $$$.

Dawn said...

I love rain also, especially if there is thunder and lightning with it. Great boots, meant to be when they only have your size. Wow, your fireplace is huge, I can see why you would enjoy a roaring fire. {hugs}

Janna said...

Great post, and whatever your decision was,I'm thankful that you're at peace about it. Way to go on scoring those boots. Double whammy! Thanks for linking up.

Whosyergurl said...

What a beautiful fireplace! Looks so cozy and wonderful. I love rain and grey skis, too!
Congrats on the boots...score!
xo, Cheryl

Linda said...

Love the rain...the boots and Kings Fish house!!

Road To Creativity said...

Love the post!! And of course the boots!! Have a great weekend!!

Melissa said...

Love the shoes! I want some new brown boots so bad! I'll have to run and go check them out.

Teresa Kasner said...

I bet the rain makes you feel Autumny in sunny SoCal! We're having clouds up here, but that's business as usual in Oregon. I do hope you share the decision you made.. and I'm glad it's bringing you peace.
((hugs)), Teresa :-)

mynestofyarnandbuttons said...

Great list, always a good idea to write it down and celebrate!. Have a great weekend, xoRobin❤

Sunny Simple Life said...

I love your changes and how I wish we had a fireplace in our den. It is in a bedroom so not used often. Hmm are you moving???

Pammy Sue said... mysterious!

Nicolle said...

I LOVE your fireplace. So pretty. I also love rainy/gray days. They are so comfy and cozy. I am glad that you are feeling peace about a big decision. Those are always hard to make, but such a relief when you feel good about it. That is a really GOOD thing!

bj said...

Everything looks so nice. I am so glad to find someone else that loves cloudy skies, rainy days...they are my very favorite.
And, don't we love it when we listen to our hearts and make the right decision? I sure do.

Genn said...

lovin the rain too, i wore my hunters today!!!
love your new boots,
and so glad you are feeling at peace with that big decision!!
i love you! xoxo

deb said...

love the the rain....LOVE Kings Fish house...did u come to the one here at Victoria gardens?
your house looks so cozy!

Unknown said...

We do have so much to be thankful and happy about - we just have to take the time to think about it - thanks for all the lovely photos and reminders!

Gloria Baker said...

Look amazing Kris! I love rain a lot!!!lovely photos dear! gloria