Here they are at Amy's booth. Amy is a good friend of Gennifer's. She makes beautiful baubles for young girls, along with gorgeous hair accessories. She added a fun, young and hip vibe to our day!!!
Here is Denise and Joyce's set up. Denise makes the most fabulous things. She is a master knitter, and has an amazing eye for design. She is a talented lady who not only crafts with yarn, but makes beautiful jewelry, and other things as well. She really thought of everything, and even had a wrapping station, that many people took advantage of.
Denise by far and away, had the most merchandise, and Joyce volunteered to help her throughout the day. Joyce is in our Knitty Biddies, but did not have a booth. However, she worked right along side of us from day one, to get this off the ground, and helped in so many ways to make it successful. I just love this lady! Here she is wearing one of my Ear Warmers, which she wound up taking home with her. I thought she looked adorable in it!!
Here is Vickie's booth. She makes wonderful things. Her wrist gauntlets are so pretty!!
Our friend Viki, also a Biddy, had baked a bunch of wonderful goodies, and she did a great job on our refreshment booth.
We also had several of our friends who are Knitty Biddies, but did not have a booth, come out and spend the day to help. Sherry graciously made a large lunch run to Miguel's for all of us. Viki was busy from early in the day to the end. Lynners came to support us too!
I brought some of my patio furniture out to the front, so people could sit and knit. It was a cozy place to relax and visit. And eat our lunch!!
My booth was small. I didn't have anywhere near the inventory that Denise did. But I wound up doing quite well.
I sold oodles and oodles of earwarmers! As well as, took several orders for more in various other colors. Thank you Armenia, Sue and Glenda and Katie! A few pillows, and a few scarves. No Bloomies! Go figure!!! But, I will say, I was so busy being a host, and visiting with the many friends and neighbors that came out in support of our first Boutique, that I was not giving much attention to my booth, nor demonstrating how things are to be worn and accessorized. Like I said, I learned a ton from this adventure! Next time, I will be better prepared. But all in all, I was thoroughly satisfied with the day!
I was especially happy to see so many dear friends come by. I so enjoyed meeting my lifelong dear friend Sherri's first grandson! I got to visit with a dear friend that I used to be neighbors with, over 20 years ago. We were walking buddies, and our girls were childhood playmates. We moved, and she remarried, and we lost track of one another. But have been reconnected recently and trying to get together. I so enjoyed visiting my friend DiAnne!!! We are eager to get together again soon! All of my neighbors came out to say hi, and did some Christmas shopping. I was so pleased to see them. Many of my daughters friends came, and a dear friend that I used to be in a quilting group with came and brought her daughter that was a high school friend of my Erika's. What fun it was to visit with Kathy and Rebekkah!!!
Here is a picture of my daughter Erika and her friend Rebekkah, who is expecting her second baby.
My forever friend Sue came, and my best friend I have missed her, since I have been so busy with getting this boutique off the ground! A wonderful day indeed!!!
My initial plan for the day was to keep the garage door closed! I didn't want anyone looking inside at that mess! But as it had been so rainy, we were preparing for the need to move our merchandise into the garage, should the rain come. My husband set up the easy up for me, early in the morning, before he snuck off to golf that day. We never had to move to the inside of the garage, but as it turned out, keeping the garage open was a necessity, because we were in and out of the house for various reasons, bathroom breaks, and kitchen access. As well using the fridge in the garage too. The bunting added a nice pop of fun, and I will be making many more for upcoming things, as well as selling it in my Etsy shop too.
My grandson Noah oversaw the goings on, from his perch 5 chairs high in the garage. As well as later riding his scooter in and out of the set up booths and stations, using it as his personal slalom course.
My two most expensive pillows, (and my personal favorites) didn't sell. So I kept one, and gifted one to my daughter Gennifer last night. I am keeping this one.
My sewing room will be needing some serious attention in the wake of the hustle to prepare these past few weeks.
To all of you who sew out there, this is a tool that I cannot live without in my sewing room!! Bethany, this is the tool I was trying to describe to you. It is actually a tool that is found in a nutcracker set. These can be found quite easily at thrift stores, if you don't have one handy. I have bought several for pennies. They are ever so helpful in holding your fabric down as you go along corners, and especially for sewing ruffles on, and in quilting, for keeping those points lined up, and 1/4 inch seams precise.
I want to thank each and every one of you, who gave me encouraging words and comments regarding this Boutique. And to all of you who came out to shop and see us! Your support has meant so very much! We were nervous about it, and didn't know what to expect. But after having done it, and had such a great time, and good success, we are eager to plan our next one, some time in early Spring.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!!!!!
XO Kris
Sounds like you had a great day! Your items sure look nice and I love the pillows. Glad the rain held off. Wish we could get some!
Have a nice, relaxing week! Can't wait to see what you are working on next.
Looks like a fine time was had by all--great "venders" and fortunate shoppers!!
Best post of the day. It looks and sounds like yesterday was a great day. So glad you had fun with this whole adventure. Bet you are ready to hang out on the couch tonight, that's for sure.
Kris, I had no idea that you were going to have so much at your boutique-way to go girl. I loved each booth and seeing all your friends-made me feel like I dropped by for a visit. Now you can relax a little. Have a great evening and get some rest.
Hugs, Noreen
Glad the day was a success...
I know you all worked very hard...
Kudos to you all...
Your daughters are GORGEOUS!!!!
Glad to see the "bunting" ha ha ha..
Enjoy your week...
Linda :o)
So delighted to hear your boutique was a hit. Everything looked so professional, I love the wrapping station idea (smart cookie there). Sounds like you need a rest.
Hi Kris,
I've been away from Blog land for a while and I just started reading tonight.. I LOVE what you all did.. I"m thinking of maybe seeing if I can get some of the ladies in my area to do something like this in the Spring.. How long did it take for you to get all this together? And you had this at your house and just set up area's for each other? Did you need permits or anything? It really does look like it was such a FUN day!
Robyn :)
Sounds like a fun and successful day. I'm glad the weather cooperated. I wish I still lived around the corner; I would have walked over and stocked up!
Kris - So glad you had a great day - both weatherwise and sales. Everything looked so great and inviting - especially those ladies sitting around knitting. They looked like they were having a good time too.
Congratulations on a great show.
Hi Kris,
What a wonderful day, it looks like it was not only fun, but successful, too! Congrats! XO ~Liz
OMG I think we have one of those somewhere!!!!!!! I'm going to steal it and pretend I never saw it while it nests amongst my other sewing tools!
Also--your boutique looks darling! I would have bet that your bloomies would have sold out! Maybe if you did it in the spring?
I hope you enjoyed your donuts--it sounds like you earned them :)
It looks like you had a great time, and happy it went so well..congrats..
What a fun day! So glad you got to meet up with special people in your life - that's what it's all about!
So glad it all went well. It's been a joy looking at everyone's crafty business - a lot of work for all of you and a great deal of time and energy invested to get your Craft Fair off the ground - no wonder you had a lie-in!A treat to read on this cold and miserable morning, snow's here!Have a good week, my friend.x
I sooo wish I could have been there. Everything looks so beautiful and I'm relieved you had nice weather. Just about unpacked here and it's starting to feel like home. Would love for you to come out for a visit. Miss you!
Hurray Kris! I so happy for you!
I was thinking of you and it was a huge success!
Happy December 3rd, Yikes it's coming fast.
Now, that looks like a whole lot of fun...and, a whole lot of work! I hope it went well for you and your friends.
Oh Kris I thought of you a couple times on Sat! I am soo glad it went well for you. Sounds like such a fun day for all of you. Di and I did a couple of boutiques years ago. It is soo hard to "GUESS" what people would be interested in, haha. And it always seemed to be the unlikely. Anyway, soo happy yours was a success. Enjoy the rest of your week!
I'm sorry that I somehow missed the fact you were having a boutique. I would have loved to come. You crafty ladies are amazing. I'm glad that it turned out well for all of you. Have a good week. Hugs, Lura
Yeah! I am glad you had no rain and that your booth was successful! All in all it looks like a great day was had by all.
Wow, congrats on a successful and DRY bazaar! I have done many shows similar to that over the years and I never made a fraction of the money to equal the amount of effort it took. So, I admire your energy to do it!
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*M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
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((hugs)), Teresa :-)
I'm so glad it went well, Kris! I knew your pretty knits would sell well, and it sounds like your fellow knitters and crafters also did well.
Do you believe it hasn't been cold enough here as yet for me to wear the eternity scarf you knitted for me? It was 60 degrees today! It felt like Spring! I'm sure it will be freezing in a few weeks.
Enjoy decorating for Christmas!
Kris, I am so happy that it went well and that you had good weather. Love those pillows. I'm sure you didn't mind that they didn't sale. Wonderful that you got to visit with so many friends. Your sweet friend in pink really did look cute. Years ago when I went to a sewing retreat in N. Mexico they gave us a sharpened small wooden dowel to use similar to your metal one. They called it a Staletto. Works well.
It sounds like the boutique was a huge hit, all your hard work was worth it and next years will be even bigger. So happy it was a success.
Kris, I am so glad all the effort that went into the craft fair was rewarded by good sales and fun! I enjoyed learning all about it and the wonderful people who participated. Thanks for posting :). xx from Gracie
Your tool Kris is called a "nut pick", yes, comes with a nut cracker in a set. I have a stiletto that I absolutely love and use it for similar jobs when sewing. I am so glad you had a good turn out for your sale. They are a lot of fun, but also a lot of work. I am glad you had good weather too. Wish I lived close, I would have loved to have come and done a bit of shopping.
(((HUGS))) Susanne :)
Hello Kris! Looks like you had a fun boutique and I am sure you had a sale out! Fun, fun! Yes I did see Patty and Shelley! It was so nice seeing them! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas! xox
Kris so happy the weather cooperated and look how organized you had everything. So many pretty things for sale and your set up looked perfect!!! Hoping I can make it to the Spring Boutique!!!
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