Later on that day, Eri and I did a little Christmas shopping. When Geeps got home, we went to Sam's Club, bringing home one of their ready for the oven pizzas....and boy was it good, then later watched the movie Money Ball......which we both loved, and had a nice relaxing evening at home.
Sunday I wrapped, and worked on the bazoodles of orders I have for Christmas. It was a very nice weekend.
This morning when I got up, I was struck by how pretty the sun looked casting a morning glow across the fireplace.
This wicker tray sits on the coffee table. Inside is a simple stitchery, and an antique red tin lunch box that I have filled with some greenery and Christmas bells.
Sitting atop that table is a framed Christmas photo that we used as our cards one year. We borrowed my Dad's antique truck, put a fresh cut tree in the back, and all of us loaded up inside. We did some in the grove too. Loved these photos!
Below is a Christmas boot I painted when Drew was a baby. Noah's elf Billy is sitting amongst the candy
canes inside.
Several months ago I found this vintage, 100% wool ski sweater. Greg and I used to wear ski sweaters like this in the 70's and loved them. I snatched this up for one dollar! It was in perfect condition, but only a large, and a small large at that! I washed it, and line dried it and couldn't decide whether I wanted to cut it up and use the arms for different projects that I have seen on Pinterest, or just leave it. I hated to cut it, so I wrapped it around a down pillow I have. I whip stitched the neck closed and used a red yarn to make a decorative blanket stitch along the top of the neck.
I simply tied the arms together and formed a knot across the back, and using gray yarn, I stitched the bottom secure to the back. To remove the stitching will be as easy as one snip of the scissors, and I can do something else with the sweater if I choose.
I love it!
My kitchen table is casually set with some dishes that my Mom brought to me one Christmas as a hostess gift.
These winter themed dishes remind me of Big Bear, of course.
On the backs of the wooden chairs are red table runners, woven through the slats of the chairs and tied with a bow. I bought these a few years ago at the Dollar Tree.In the corner of the kitchen is my Cooking themed tree.
This particular garland I bought in a favorite shop in Big Bear. I usually leave this out all winter. It looks so natural.
A little collection of Christmasy things sitting out on the counter tops.
Message on the wall.
A green Bauer Bowl with Christmas cards for all to see upon coming into the kitchen.
These Christmas dishes I bought many years ago, at Kmart. It was a set complete with service for 8. It included sugar and creamer set, and platter, and large bowl. As well as 8 dinner plates, 8 salad or bread plates, 8 cups and saucers and salt and pepper shakers. I love taking these simple every day stoneware dishes out every year.
The living room is where we put our Christmas tree. Always in front of the big picture window. My living room is very small, and every year, I have to remove furniture in order to make room for the tree and gifts. Then, come Christmas morning, you can barely move in there! I bought this tall skinny tree the day after Christmas at Tai Pan a few years ago, and what a difference it makes in there! So much more room, and I love the way it looks.
It is loaded with ornaments that Noah helped to put on this year, selecting just the right spot to hang each one.
The tree is topped with a shimmery copper colored bow I made. The tree skirt is one I made many years ago. I did a blanket stitch around each of the reindeer and all of the appliques, but by the time I got to the words Merry Christmas, I was ready to toss the whole thing in the garbage. So I just left the hand written message as is, with the intention of finishing it, but I never did.
I wrapped, but haven't put on the bows and tags yet. Each gift has the recipients name written on the bottom in tiny letters so I know what the tag should read.An arrangement of greenery and lighted twigs, in a crock behind the chair in the living room.
More garland above the hutch in the living room.
A cloche filled with Christmas bulbs, our old ones, and a set of antique bulbs my sweet friend Holly sent to me.
That's it. Our Christmas home. I didn't take out all of the decorations this year, and only did the minimum outside. I sent Drew and Diana home with a box of decorations for their place yesterday.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you are enjoying the season!!!!!
XO Kris
What a festive Christmas display. Your home always looks so warm and inviting in your photos. Hope you have a great week. Heather
I'm enjoying your festive decorations because nothing has been done here. I have been in the kitchen and just finishing up with that. The tree will be decorated tomorrow--I hope!!
Truly Beautiful Christmas Home filled with Yuletide Cheer. I love every corner of it. I don't have room for a big tree either, so one year I bought one of those flat-against-the-wall trees and hung it from its hook. Everybody laughed at it!I subsequently bought a small white tree and it's very pretty.
Nooooo.....DON'T cut that FABULOUS ski sweater up....they are like gold over here in Europe, since the appearance of a Scandinavian Police Drama called 'The Killing' in which the main character policewoman sports a new collection of sweaters each season (they always look so itchy and scratchy to me!) I think the knitwear designer is called Gudrun Gudrun who must be making a 'killing' on her wares now.There's a Ravelry Group devoted to the subject!They WOULDN'T believe you paid less than 1Pound Sterling for yours!Have a great week, my friend and so much gratitude for popping over to mine.x
I just love when you do your christmas home tours. Makes me want to make a mug of cocoa and come over. I love that tall skinny tree!
It was wonderful seeing all your decorations and know that they are all dear to you & your family.I especially loved your buffet table and
trees. Thank you for opening up your home and sharing.
What a beautiful christmas home you have made :)
I have always wanted to visit your country by x-mas time and last week I did and I loved it :)
While I enjoyed visiting and viewing all the Christmas decorations, I especially loved the glass cloche filled with Christmas light bulbs, Kris. Somehow they took me right back to the living room of my childhood in Missouri and our simple treasures brought out carefully every year to help us celebrate Christ's birth. Thanks for posting and reminding me of the precious times I had with my family in my childhood. xx from Gracie
Thanks for inviting us into your festively decorated home. Aren't those things that were lovingly made the special touches that make a house warm and inviting? I have one of those skinny pencil trees too. They do allow for more space in a room. I love mine too.
Susanne :)
Wow girl, send the man away, and look at you go. You sure did get a ton of decorating done and it all looks great. I need those cabin dishes. I have a set bu the cabin is different. I have one of those dryer tools too and it works great, got it at a garage sale for $1, the lady never even took it out of the box.
Wow Kris, You are really decked out! I love it all, I looked two times on this post to pick my favorite decoration but I couldn't pick one, love it all. Merry Christmas to you, you are now ready!!!
Everything looks just wonderful Kris! I love it all. I have sent a lot of decorations to my kids too. I am glad they want them, haha. Enjoy your week!
Looking good ,Kris ! Love your skinny tree !
That pillow looks great, Kris...
What a great idea...
I also like the old bulbs in the!!
Guess you are missing your cabin, like I am missing the cottage..sigh..
I have been keeping very busy here at home...
Enjoy your evening..
Linda :o)
You are so lucky to be able to get your decorating done! We had the painters here again today, they did our family room where D and I hang out. But the cleaner lady who has to put everything back got called out on another job last fri and today so all our stuff is still in boxes. VERY frustrating! Love all you've done to Christmas-fy your home.
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*M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
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((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Your home is so beautifully your tree! You are so smart not to put bows on your packages...I hate them they are always falling off. They look great that way.
It looks so fun and happy around your house! I love your idea for the sweater pillow and Christmas cards. The old bulbs on display are fun too. Cute cute cute!
Oh I do so love a good Christmassy house!!!!!!! I dig your sweater idea! But my favorite thing, because I will always be 7 years old, is the jar with all the light bulbs in it :)
I love the way you decorate for all of the holidays... especially Christmas! Your home looks lovely.
Ah Kris always I loive how you decorate in every season:)) all look fantastic and lovely, by the way I HAD a sweater like this many years ago LOL I ove this!
Here I begin but I have to make a lot still and the last weekend die one of my dogs so was sad and difficult!
Hi Kris, Just trying to catch up-I feel like I've been at your home visiting. Love all your decorations! I have several crocks and yesterday went looking for greenery at the craft store to add in but of course they were out of it. Oh well. Have a beautiful day in the warm Ca. sun.
Hugs, Noreen
You got some cute stuff going on over there Kris! All so warm and cozy! Love the sweater pillow! xox
Wow! Everything looks SO amazing! You are a wonderful decorator!
Your house is beautiful Kris. So festive! Merry Christmas!!
Everything looks so beautiful Kris! Warm, cozy and welcoming!! Have a lovely week!
Hi there!!! I just wanted to tell you that I adore your blog! You have wonderful wonderful ideas, and I am so thankful for you!
P.S. I LURVE those snowman measuring cups...tee hee!
Have a good day!
Your home is looking so festive and cozy, Kris! LOVE the sweater wrapped pillow!
great stuff, you really go all out! lovely home :)
Such charming little touches everywhere.
Ohhh how very cozy and warm you have things looking. I love it Kris! Enjoy.
I really enjoyed your home tour, Kris. I pinned a few things. Love your living room tree and the colored light bulbs in the glass container - hadn't seen that before - just wonderful. Everyone will feel so cozy in your home. Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas Kris! Your home looks cozy and festive. Enjoy the holidays with your family!
Lynne xx
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