I have been trying to blog for several days and for some reason, have not been able to upload photos to my blog? Anyone else have that trouble. I am using a different browser this time. My garden is growing in leaps and bounds. I have been using cilantro, spinach, and herbs.
We will be having fresh zucchini soon.
The zucchini and yellow squash box is full of foliage and blooms.
All of the new seeds I planted a few weeks ago have sprouted now. The tomato plants are huge and loaded with green tomatoes.
The other day I got a package in the mail from a sweet friend that I met through blogging. She was out thrifting and found these two signs and felt that they were perfect for me! What a thoughtful gesture Debbie!!! I love them both!!!! Your package made my day!!!
These are so cute! I put the knitting one in my sewing room. The bird watcher sign went out in the garden.
I hope we can get together soon Debbie!! Thank you so much! I will think of you whenever I see these signs!!
My chicklets are growing like crazy. I have one that is the funniest looking thing I have ever seen. She has this topnotch on her head that is growing feathers like a Mohawk! This is Ella.
I have never seen such a thing? She is a Lakenvelder. Hope it isn't a Roo!!! The other girls are all growing and healthy.
I will give them a couple more weeks to feather out, and then they will graduate to a bigger temporary house outside, where I can still use the heat light at night.
One day last week I popped into Joann's and while flipping through some magazines, I came upon a photo of some embroidery done on a pair of denim jeans. Actually, I think it was done a denim jacket. But I took a picture of it with my phone, and came home and put a hoop on my jeans and got busy. Mind you, I have not done a lick of embroidery since I was in high school, when it was popular to stitch little things on our clothes. I remember doing my pockets and some cuffs on chambray shirts. I only know a few stitches, but I sure had fun doing this. And if you know me, you know I LOVE my coffee!!! I love the way it turned out, even if it is a wee bit wonky. I did it free hand. A pattern might have been helpful.
Yesterday we went to my Mom's to celebrate my Mom and my niece Deanna's birthdays. I put my battery of my camera on to charge, and then left the house forgetting it! Sheesh. It has just been a bit of a rough go lately around here. I NEVER forget my camera! So I don't have any pictures to share with you of our fun afternoon on the lake at Mom's. She had quite a crowd there! We feasted on BBQ from Wood Ranch, and enjoyed boat rides, and cake, and good fun. Thank you Mom! And Happiest of Happy to you and Deanna both!!!!
That's it for today. I hope I can get my usual browser working, so that posting will be easier. This worked, but it was not my usual method, and not very speedy.
Hope you all have a good week. Supposed to start getting pretty warm here!!!
XO Kris
Monday, April 29, 2013
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Yay, pictures! Your jeans turned out very cute, especially for a free-hand drawing! Really groovy, man. Wish I had some of your fresh veggies.
I had a problem a few months ago trying to post pictures and yes it took so long to post!
The jeans turned out cute Kris!
Your Mom must share a birthday with my 2 oldest!!!
They are the 26th and the 29th...
Just another thing we have in common, eh Kris??
Those chicks are something else, and your garden looks fabulous dahling!!!
I have been thinking of taking up embroidery again...perhaps i the Fall!!
Enjoy the rest of the week...
Linda :o)
Glad you were finally able to post pics. Your garden looks great. I need to update my blog, it's been so long since I've posted. I'll try this week. Miss ya.
Wow ! Your garden ! Love the cute chicks ! That embroidery looks great on your jeans :)
I can't believe how much your garden has grown. It looks fabulous. Have you ever tried to eat the squash blossoms?
Your garden is coming along so fast...wish we had some of your weather! Cute chicks, can't wait to see them grow up.
Kris, that chick with the topknot is a HOOT!! What color eggs do they lay? I'm so jealous of your baby zucchini! I just begged hubby to make me at least one raised bed so I could plant some zukes. I LOVE your freehand embroidery.. the best art is done freehand and from the heart. Reminds me of my hippie days, I embroidered flowers on my bellbottom jeans and hitchhiked to SF to see Haight-Ashbury. :-) ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Kris Im hsppy you finally can post with pictures!
I love your garden and your zucchinis all look amazing and love your jeans:)
Im happy you had a nice day with your mom!
You make me a l m o s t want to have a garden!
I am in awe that you just winged the adorable stitching....no big deal. :) Super cute!
Love little Ella's top knot! Your gardens look great, such a nice long growing season for you! Your jeans turned out so cute! One of my girlfriends is doing embroidery on scraps of vintage tablecloths, have you seen that? Too cute!
Enjoy your day! Love you,
Kris, what a delightful gift from a fellow blogger friend! I think she picked perfect signs for you.
Oh, your garden is coming along nicely. Ours is a little behind yours in growth...we had so much rain. I can't wait to enjoy fresh veggies!
Love the jeans embroidery! It's been years since I've done any. What a joy for you to spend birthdays with the ones you love.
Have a great week!
Oh Kris, I love your garden, you definitely have a green thumb. That embroidery work is sooooo cute. You inspire me, I used to cross stitch and now I think I want to take it up again.
Love how you displayed those signs.
Smiles & Sunshine my friend.
Hi Kris, I thought about you last week when I was in no.Ca.~my hubby's parents home, that we just sold, had an avocado tree-which took my thoughts to you. I think I recognized Debbie's writing-bet it is the same Debbie I know through blogging. Love seeing your garden; I came home wanting to plan and glad I didn't since we have snow predicted for tonight. Wish it would just go away. Glad you had fun with your mom and niece.
Hugs today.
Your garden grows so much quicker than ours does!!! I don't think ours gets near enough sun. Our is looking pretty puny. :(
Cute new chicks.
hi kris :) just popping in to say HI. my surgery for my melanoma cancer on my face is tues, im so nervous.
Thanks for another good visit, Kris. Ella is so cute :-) Your new signs are wonderful gifts of friendship, and your embroidery looks great to me. So glad your garden is flourishing...encouraging for the rest of us who are challenged gardeners :-) I'm not sure which is worse, forgetting your camera or having such a good time that you forget to use it at the event you wanted to photograph.....I have done both!
Your jeans turned out so cute.. Those sign are adorable!!!... Your garden is coming along so beautifully.. We havent even begun ours here because we are still slowly trying to get the yard in shape after not really having been taken care of for 3 years but we're getting there little by little..
Those chicks are just so darn cute and I was thinking the same thing, maybe it's a roo?
The chicks are adorable and your garden looks so healthy and flourishing ... Wonderful signs, I like the knitting one the best. Oh that it were totally true, but it probably is a bit!
THe chick with the top knot is so funny, I love how they are all growing up so nicely. Love your new signs and your garden views. Glad you had some good family fun at the Birthday celebration.
Sending you a giant hug,
Great post Kris. Cilantro? Zucchini? You lucky lady. In late summer when out squash is ready I make zucchini cakes...similar to crab cakes with a tomato and prosciutto sauce...it's spicy too!
The signs are adorable...what a sweet friend. :-)
I've had problems with finding my photos on Picasa when I try to load them on to my blog, too, Kris. For some reason all my folders were not showing up although they were still all on my computer. So strange -- it must be a BlogSpot problem that hopefully they will correct soon.
The signs you were given as gifts are so cute! Your garden is looking so mature and full! We had MORE SNOW yesterday, so spring has forgotten Colorado.
I hope you are not near the terrible fires in Southern California!
Your garden looks so healthy and I love the embroidered jeans!
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