I have been waiting for the feed stores to get the kind of chickens I want. My first chicken that my brother gave me was an Australorp. I loved that chicken. I miss Snacker! Yesterday was my lucky day. They had them! I got one Australorp, two Barred Rock, and two Lakenvelders.
Their brooder is the pack n play that I used when the grandkids were babies. Now it serves the purpose of chicken brooder perfectly. I will keep them in my sewing room for about 6-8 weeks, and then transition them outside, and when fully feathered out, they will go into the coop with the other girls.
Here is the brooder. I have a light for warmth, and then I keep a screen on top, both to keep other animals out, and them in.
They are all very active and healthy. Here is one of the Lakenvelders. Love her topnotch.
They have names. I have named them after my Dad's sisters, Aunts and mother. The two Lakenvelders are Emma and Ella. The Barred Rocks are Hilda Guard and Laural Lee. The Australorp is Constance Rose.
That last couple of times I have raised chicks, I used shaved pine for their bedding. When I got my supplies yesterday, this was suggested to me.
ABM. It is a condensed bedding that expands upon getting wet. It is so much cleaner, and less flyaway than the shaved pine bedding! I highly recommend it!
The coop and run got a good hosing out, and cleaning yesterday too. I sure hope they will welcome their new sisters when it comes time to have them share the coop.
My grape iris are blooming all over the yards. So pretty. And so fragrant.
All of the blooms are pretty now. The geraniums by my front door.
More Iris in the front planter.
Pumpkin Hill is filling in nicely.
Spinach is ready to eat.
Peas are sweet and delicious, right off the vine.
I am thinking maybe a Caesar Salad with dinner tomorrow night.
Tomato plants are getting tall and loaded with blooms. There will be lots of tomato sandwiches soon.
My first bloom on the zucchini.
I plant in 6 week intervals so that I have a continuous supply of veggies coming in. I put in a whole new set of seeds yesterday.
These 5 girls will try to do anything to get inside my garden and dig it up and eat the greens. I have to keep this make shift fence up, and even had to weave sheets and towels through the lower slats to keep them from sneaking in.
Today was in the 90's. Several loads of laundry and sheets dried in no time at all on the line.
I could honestly live without a clothes dryer!
This afternoon Erika had Noah's 6th Birthday Party!!! I can't believe that he and Hannah are six! And little Clairey is 4! Where has the time gone? Noah was so excited for today. For the past several days, Erika has been running herself silly getting things ready for his party. He has been counting down the days. He had several of his class mates, and friends, and cousins come to celebrate with him.
Doesn't he look proud!
He had a "Mario" party. The decorations turned out so cute!
He was very thrilled with his many gifts!
Some Cousin Love!
Birthday Wishes.
So much fun.....and a very happy little boy! Happy-Happy 6TH Birthday Noah!! We love you so!!!
XO Kris
8 hours ago
Look who's burning the midnight oil! We're still up getting stuff packed up for a week in our "caravan" at the coast. *H*A*P*P*Y* * *B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y*!*!*!* to Noah!! Have fun with your cheeps.. I hope the older girls don't give them as hard of a time as my older ones did when we added the 2 Ameracaunas. What color eggs do they all lay? I'm envious of your garden. We just don't have all the much sun and warmth up here. OK.. time for bed.. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Your new additions are so cute! Reminds me of the "parenting" unit we did in junior high when we all got little chicks as children for a few weeks. As always your garden is looking lovely...I am hoping to plant some veggies of my own this year-nothing beats from from the garden! :)
The baby chicks are so cute... I would love to have some chickens but I don't have enough space... I love seen yrs and Teresa's ... Just so fun.
Happy birthday to your grandson Noah...he's so handsome. You have a beatiful garden, I'm sure you will have great salads and wonderful veggies this summer. I love the vegetables from my garden, but here in Orefon I haven't even started yet....
Have a great weekend Kris!
Happy birthday to Noah and good luck with your new "babies" :)
Your new little girls...so cute! You're so resourceful...love the pack and play reuse. And the sheets in the fence to keep your older girls out of your garden...genius! Love the pics of Noah's party! The one with the kids hugging...too cute! I miss kids in my life! My 24 yr old kid just doesn't fulfill my need for little ones anymore. Spent some time at our neighbor's for coffee last night. Their little 10 month old grandson lives there with them. I wanted to hold him...he was having NOTHING to do with me! Waaaaah! I was hoping for a baby fix! Happy Sunday! And, by the way...all the goodies in your garden look gorgeous!
Baby Chickies!! So exciting! They are so cute. Love that I get to watch them grow through your posts. Your garden and flowers look great. Happy bday to Noah! He's getting so big!
I love that you name your chicks! The big "sisters" look very healthy and content. And, I 'm so jealous of your flora. Our grass has just started to green! The birthday boy looks really happy. You are right in that they grow up so fast!!
Oh Kris, those little chicks are so adorable. Great use for and old Pack n Play. I bet their little chirps are so cute to hear. Will the older girls be nice to them? hmmmm that will be interesting to hear about. Happy Birthday to that very handsome grandson of yours. I think 6 - 8 are the best ages, they are fun, more independent and LOVE you! Not a lot of back talking yet either.
Hugs to you ,
So excited for you about the baby chicks. We used an old pack n play for our puppies years ago.
Your flowers are beautiful and your grandson precious.
You have done a great job.
Cottage Making Mommy
Im so excited to see your new girls and love their names. I am still begging or chickens with no luck:( Your garden looks wonderful. My seeds are started inside but we are still getting snow. I will definitely be June before we plant.
Kris, cute little chicks! Love the names. Happy birthday to Noah! What cute party ideas, Erika did a great job! He looks like he had a fun time. So envious of your gardens! We are supposed to be in the 60s, today! Woo-hoo! At least it should melt the rest of the snow...maybe there will be flowers, soon! Expecting more snow this week. I have to keep reminding myself that we REALLY need the moisture.
Sit back and enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Awww as soon as I saw peep peep I had to run over. So glad you got them. You will love the BRs but I have not heard of the last breed. Curious to see what they look like when grown. I introduced the girls to the new chicks and let them out together in their run and they were awesome just sort of ignored them and looked at them. Happy Birthday NOAH!!
I will be following your new little ones, as they grow. Sure wish I could have gotten the little ones too but now I will have layers right away. I think things are calming down in the coop.
Glad Noah and his friends had such a fun party.
Your garden is coming along fabulously!
Just the perfect thing to start another day with. Baby chicks, gardens abloom and the smiles of your grand kids. Off to tackle a few more must get done before next Friday. We are doing fairly well and did take a break for a good walk yesterday. Will keep posted when I can.
O the chicks are adorable! Looks like a wonderful birthday party fun had by all :)...Your gardens look beautiful!
Such a nice post, Kris. I am so envious of your garden - everything looks so delicious. And i love your chicken pictures and learning about how you care for them. The birthday party made me teary eyed, just wonderful. I suppose the fact that our baby is due this week might have something to do with that...Have a great Sunday!!
Baby chicks and birthday boys and growing gardens...all celebrating life!!! Thanks, Kris!!!
Oh that party looks like fun!!!
I love the look of laundry on the line--it's still quite too chilly here, though.
Kris, look at your new babies! They are adorable! LOVE that you made their brooder out of a pack n play! Wish I had thought of that when my chicks were new! Clever you!
Happy Birthday to Noah...he sure is getting big! Love your chicks...I have been seeing so many new ones out in blogland the past couple weeks! Your garden is way ahead of mine...I think I have so much shade...but this morning I did see a zucchini flower...yippee...and 2 tomatoes! Have a great Sunday!!
Hi Kris,
Your posts are always so action packed with such fun and diverse activities!! Your flower and vegetable garden are such successes! I love your chicken pillow in a previous post, not to mention those cheeky chicks of yours! Happy Birthday to your grandson, Noah!
Poppy :)
I smiled when I read that you named the chickens after your relatives. That is so cute!
Those geraniums made my heart skip a beat. Oh how I love geraniums.
You have been busy with all kinds of stuff.
H.B to Noah!
Good luck with the Chicks!!!
Love their names....very cool!!
Your grandson is very handsome...:o)
Enjoy the week!!
Linda :o)
Love your new little girls! Baby chicks are so darn cute. Love the names too. My spinach and radishes are just filling in nicely. I have Butter crunch lettuce as well as a mixture of leafy green and reds. Can't wait! Won't be too much longer before I can plant more. Happy Birthday to handsome Noah!
Happy 6 birthday to Noah! The years go bay so fast, don't they? That is why I'm so happy to be close to my grandkids now --I'd hate to lose out on ll their special moments.
Good luck with your new chickens! You are going to have lots of eggs once they mature.
I am so envious of your garden! Do you believe the forecast here is fro another foot of snow tomorrow? I think Colorado skips spring and goes right to summer. This snowfall will probably bring the moisture levels back to normal so it's a good thing.
Happy Birthday Noah! My littles ones are 7 and 4 similar ages and they are the best ages! He looks like a sweet fun grandson and his cap looks great!
Love your chicks, I thought you would get some. Seems like a long time to be inside but then again I don't know a thing about raising chicks, so please ignore my ignorance. Love the pac n' play idea. Your flowers and vegetables are thriving and flourishing, yummy nutritious greens!
Have a wonderful week, xoRobin
The chicks are SO cute when they are little. A fun new addition!
Awww.. such cute little chicks :)Your garden is growing fabulously ! Love fresh spinach ! We are supposed to get to 67 degrees today ! Woo HOO ! Happy Birthday to Noah ! Looks like we were both at parties this weekend !Have a great week Kris !
The new chicks are so cute! It looks like Noah had a fantastic birthday party.
What a darling party for a darling boy. All the decorations are so cute. Austin was Mario for Halloween one year. He really likes Mario too.
Congrats on the new baby girls.
Your garden looks great and the blooms are beautiful. You are such a talented gal.... Hugs,Lura
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