She is much smaller, and will be a very small full grown chicken too. She will also lay small eggs.
They love to have all of that room to play during the day.
I wanted a better variety in my flock, so I am thrilled to have her! Now I need to get my Buff Orpington and Cuckoo Moran, and I am set.
The garden is really taking off. I have oodles of zuchinni and yellow squash.
After I harvested all of my cilantro, I planted more. So the bare spaces that you see, will soon be filling in with more fresh cilantro. I also planted another patch of sweet basil.
I have learned to utilize every inch of space I have in my little garden patch. I use the chain link that is behind the boxes as trellis' for the the sweet peas, and green beans.
I even found a nice spot behind the squash boxes to plant a few more corn stalks, and a small patch of sweet peas.
My Pumpkin Patch is taking over!
I can't wait to see those flowers open up, and begin to reveal their amber orbs!!!
I love the tendrils on the pumpkin plants. They are so long and curl like perfect ringlets.
Every year that I have had my vegetable garden, which has been about 5 years now, I learn more efficient ways to plant and use space. As well, as what companions well with other veggies, for optimal growth. I still have so much to learn. Most has been by trial and error. But one thing I know for sure is, chicken manure is the most fabulous addition to good soil and a successful garden!!
Below is my stacked drawers container for my cantaloupe. The cantaloupe with climb up the chain links as well as spill out onto the ground in front. They need some space. But you can use vertical space!!!
This next one is my stacked drawers container of watermelon. The variety is a smaller melon, so they can be grown in this space, as long as I allow the vines to stretch out onto the ground and up the fencing.
Watermelons like the heat. So even though these seeds were planted at the same time as the rest of my garden, they have gotten off to a slow start, taking off when we got the warmer days.
I did plant a few extry over on pumpkin hill, but they will undoubtedly get smothered in the pumpkin plants that are doing so well.
In the evening when I go out to water the garden, the girls all follow me over there to wait for me to toss them some fresh greens. They LOVE spinach, and cabbage! They especially love sweet peas, pod and all. They also love my nasturtiums and have nibbled the leaves to the vine! Naughty girls!!
Yesterday, I used my mandolin and sliced up a whole bag of apples, and dusted them in Stevia and cinnamon and put them into the dehydrator for 6 hours. Oh yummy, what a delicious snack this makes!
Today I am going to a little luncheon at Citrus City Grille for a dear friend of mine who is celebrating her birthday. It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day out there! Go enjoy it!!!
XO Kris
I sure enjoyed seeing and reading about your veggie garden. I imagine picking the fresh veggies and smelling them in the kitchen. And the taste cannot be equaled by the stuff you buy in stores. Those apples look delicious too!
Your chickie babies are so sweet and your garden looks amazing. Had to pull all my lettuce since it was starting to bolt. So many tomatoes right now I'm going to have to give some away. Hope you have a great weekend my friend.
all your pictures are really nice Kris; Iove all you plant. I wanna plant to the next summer cilantro is ok I make in spring or is bettet before??
Kris, love all the pictures and stories about the girls. Hope you have a lovely lunch with friends.
Hugs to you,
Wow - your garden looks fabulous! Our weather here has been cooler than normal so we have not had much going on in this neck of the woods yet.
You said you have stacked drawers for your cantaloupe. Can I ask what you did?
Your little chicks are so cute. They have sure grown!
Blessings to you.
Hi Kris, It is hard to fathom that you are already harvesting herbs and your zucchini is started. My girls have just started planting-mainly lettuce and some of the cooler weather veges. I found Cilantro didn't do well here last year but I'm planning on planting double the basil this year-just can't get enough. Love your "girls" too.
Hope you had a fun time with your friend and a yummy lunch.
Hugs, Noreen
Wow your garden has really taken off! I only have tomatoes and herbs this year. Went and looked at the chicks at the feed store today. I need a new coop desperately! Hoping to bring some babies home next month.
Enjoy your yard, everything looks great!
I really enjoyed this post.. Your garden is incredibly beautiful and that polish chicken she is SO sweet! I love that little tuft of hair on her head!
So envious of your gardens! We'll plant a few tomatoes this week, not sure what else. Finally feeling like we survived the winter, here! Have a great weekend!
Your Polish chick is so cute! It will be interesting to see her eggs.
And I love watching your garden grow, Kris! My parent's best gardens were during the years they had ready access to chicken manure.
I have been experimenting using you have any tips for how you have used it successfully?
Hope you had a good visit with your friend at lunch today.
You have such a lovely garden, and your babies :) they are so cute.
Have fun at lunch with your friend
Your garden looks so wonderful and luscious...I bet you will get lots of veggies from it :)
Love your garden pics and post ! Looks like you are going to have a bountiful year :) The chicks are so cute ! Have a great day !
Yep looks like a Polish. I am always amazed at how your garden takes off and passes mine. I think it is all the fog and overcast we get here that you don't. Mine need some more sun. Glad all is well. We need to see you. I still have your bday gift sitting here.
Your family must love all the wonderful food you grow and prepare for them. The apples look like a delicious snack!
Oh how fun! A pumpkin patch too Kris!~ You must enjoy your gardens so much. The chicks are adorable!
Hi Kris,
You not only have a green thumb, but, as we say here in Greece, a saintly hand! My gosh, girl! From robust, fresh veggies to the cinnamon apples and the PIZZA, everything looks good and I'm sure, tastes even better!
I am so jealous of your garden. My compost seems off to a slow start but I will be patient if it pays off with veggies like yours. It all looks so beautiful!
Your garden is amazing Kris. I can't believe you already have squash. Squash is a late summer harvest for us. Our garden is also small but it is just in the beginning of the season now. We played in it a lot this weekend. It's our fourth year and we are still learning too....wish I had some chicken manure. ;-)
Have a great week!!!
Hi good to see you pop by, i messed up the setting of my blog and had to start again..probably the reason you lost me lol
Loving ll the healthy looking food growing in your garden...and all the food posts....on my way for Lunch lol
Hugs x
Oh Yummy apple snack, looks totally devourable.
I love seeing your chickens, that frizzy headed one is so funny. Really want some chickens, but saw a pretty big fox just outside our fence this morning, we live next to a wee forest, reckon he or she'd make off with them :(
So I'll have to tune in on your blog for some cute chicken eye candy instead
Karen xx
Kris, I just love your garden.. I want one so bad.. we have the cedar boards for a raised garden, but hubby just hasn't gotten the oomph to build them. Hopefully this spring? Your Polish will be very cute. You should get your Buff and Cuckoo Maran quick so they can assimilate with the others the same as the little ones. You'll love them both! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Perhaps in my next life, I can garden in California!!!
We are only starting here...
Your garden is very very very
Great job!!
Linda :o)
I love seeing how wonderful your garden is growing! So fast and I love how compact it is.
Those girls are too cute! Keep eating your veggies!
Love your beautiful garden... Hugs, Lura
Love your beautiful garden... Hugs, Lura
I am so jealous of your wonderful garden, Kris! If there was one thing I'd change about where I now live it would be the ability to have a vegetable garden. Too many wild animals here, lack of space and too short a growing season for that to happen.
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