Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Warm Winter!!!

This is the warmest winter I can ever remember.  I guess those of you in the cold places must think I am nuts!  I should be loving this weather!   We are warm from April to November.  By then, we are ready for some cold and rain.  But getting it, is another story.  We have been in the 80's for a couple of weeks.  So, we have been spending a lot of time outside.
Last weekend, Greg rented a gas wood splitter.
He got quite a bit of wood cut and stacked for our winter fires.
 It is time to start picking the oranges.  All of the trees are loaded with fruit!   This gigantic orange stands out next to this normal sized one. 
It looks like a pumpkin!  I cut it, and it is all flesh!  So sweet and juicy. The chickens are beginning to lay again after their molt.  I use that old slide as my water station for them.  It has two steps, so I can keep my cleaning brushes and things on it, and set the water feeders on the top to clean and refill them.  It saves my back. 
This is the swing where I love to sit and crochet.  The seat cushions are covered up with old beach towels to keep them clean, so it doesn't look very inviting in this picture.  But I still love this spot.  Even if I am just walking through here.  I love the way the oranges take command of this photo.  And I also liked that the light shining through the red door windows makes it look like a light is on in the coop.
Noah has been playing basketball out on the sport court a lot lately.  He has gotten pretty good too.  I love to watch his determination.
That tongue comes out when he is concentrating!!!  Ready to take his shot.
He shoots....
He scores!
I think we have a basketball player here!!
It's really nice to see the court getting used lately.  We built it when Drew was about 12.  He played basketball non stop! 
I love being out here so much.  I stroll up and down each row.....
Taking notice of which trees need to be trimmed and topped this  year.   I pull off the split fruit, and take note of where the volunteer trees are coming up that need to be removed.
I do love that we can be outdoors year around here.  But I also wish we would get some nice cold winter weather to cozy up inside with a hot tea and warm quilt, to sit beside a roaring fire.  That is one of the things we love so much about Big Bear.  There are 4 seasons.  And we enjoy each one of them. 
 Thanks for taking a little walk in the grove with me. 
See you soon.
XO  Kris


Amy at love made my home said...

So lovely to see the sunshine Kris. That great big orange really is enormous isn't it!! Hope that you are having fun. xx

priscilla said...

The oranges look beautiful ! My boys would have been over the moon for a sport court :)Such nice weather ! We had a dusting of snow last night !

Debbie said...

Goodness I am with you...WHERE is winter? I am just not ready for upper 80's! My boys and their dad would have LOVED LOVED LOVED having that basketball court. How nice that would be. Our driveway was covered in would be basketball players for years and years. I love that the grands are getting their turns now. Enjoy your day Kris!

Sunny Simple Life said...

I am with you way too warm and yes I love your grove too. I bet Noah will be a great athlete. You guys have that in your genes. And YES love Big Bear. We were going to rent a cabin for the snow in Feb but glad I didn't now since chances are there won't be any. I think we will wait till summer and then we can rent a boat and use the lake and all the kids can come up. Miss you and maybe we can hang out soon. Let us know. We can come your way.

Home Meadows said...

Your fruited trees are beautiful and I imagine very peaceful to walk through. We've had really cold and earlier this week it was 40's and 50's. We have had a lot of rain, so when the weather warms up everything is super muddy. You have a beautiful home and property and I enjoy reading about your gardening. You are an inspiring person Kris. Take care, Heather

From the Kitchen said...

Warm weather, oranges ripened on the trees and a budding basketball star. What more do you need?


Deb~in~Denver said...

Kris, your grove looks so quiet and peaceful. Bet it smells divine, too! What a perfect spot to sit and watch your future NBA STAR! He sure looks like he's having fun! Those oranges look so delicious! Hope you get some cold weather so you can enjoy your fire!

Love ya!

Sarah said...

Those oranges look so good right now! So does the sunshine! It's been snowing or frigid here for a week. But I don't think I'd take 80 degree winters over the fun and beauty of the snow. I know what you mean about missing out on fires and cozy mornings and evenings with the cool weather. Some of the best times!

Linda said...

Gosh Kris....how big is your property?
How wonderful to grow all the foods that you and Greg take care of!
And those chickens...always make me smile!
We are having insane weather up here...had a bit of a January thaw...lost a lot of snow...had some rain...now we are back to colder temps, and snow expected again!
Can't wait to get out of Dodge, and head South!
Only a few more weeks....YAY!!!!
Except....We will miss Miss V terribly...but will SKYPE, so hope she remembers old Nana and Papa!!!
We have her today...she has been napping since 10:15...God love her!!! Such a doll!

Anyway...before I start blubbering...

Cheers! my friend♥️
Linda :o)

Betsy said...

Count me on on the jealous types, although right now we're having a stretch of 40 degree days which is unusual for January. This is usually when we get our snow. Your oranges look wonderful. I can't imagine living where I could go outside and pick oranges to eat right off the tree. Yum! They're so expensive here. Our boys would have loved your basketball court. They had to make do with a small concrete pad. Enjoy your warm days!

Holly said...

Your yard looks great! It's been pretty chilly here. The days get up into the 60's but still not warm enough to open up the windows. After a long winter, my house could use a good airing out.

mynestofyarnandbuttons said...

Hi Kris, It is so amazing to see your weather and oranges and sun! Love it, we are cold, damp, and really not too nice. It was freezing here but this week we had a thaw and now it is like mud season. Mother nature just teasing us, cold weather sure to follow. You have a wonderful set up at your house, so many great things to do, fruit, veggies and eggs. Hope you are well, take care, xoRobin

annielizabeth said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR KRIS! Just stopped by to see what you've been up to. Yes, it is much too warm. We need rain. Wish I lived closer as I'd buy some oranges from you. Have a wonderful, healthy 2014. ;)

Lauri said...

Agreed, it's WAY too warm for this time of year. I would love some rain and chilly weather.

Your oranges look delicious. Yummy orange juice for sure.

Teresa Kasner said...

Getting to enjoy your oranges vicariously brings me happiness. I can't imagine how wonderful it would be to live in your grove with oranges and avocados. You're so lucky!! Thanks for the email..
((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Patty Antle said...

I want to eat an orange now. What a nice place to stroll and watch your grandson play basketball. I am going to visit our son and family soon in Carlsbad CA so I will get out of this crazy cold Indiana weather for a few days. Enjoy the sunshine!

Lynne said...

I'm with you Kris, bring on the rain!
I feel like we got cheated this year.
No cozy fires, no scarves or mitts, or hot cocoa. I'm drinking iced tea and wearing t-shirts. As usual, love all the pictures of your yard and chickens!

NanaNor's said...

Hi Kris, I must admit there are days when I miss a mild winter; I do enjoy the four seasons here. Love going on a walk with you-your oranges look delicious. Noah seems like a natural. Have a great day my friend.

Susanne Tyree said...

You truly are blessed to be able to have the best of both worlds when it comes to your weather. Around here it is cold and people think when the temperature is in the 30's they can run without a coat on. It makes me shiver just to see them out and about while I am bundled up freezing my butt off. I love the orange grove, in fact the other day my youngest made the comment about how expensive the fruit is at the grocery. We 3 gals in this family all own juicers and my youngest is the expert at healthy living and eating. How wonderful it would be to walk outside and pick some fresh fruit. I would gladly send you some colder weather so your farm hand (lol, your hubby) can build you that cozy fire. But alas, I have no way to package it up to send your way.
(((HUGS))) Susanne :)

Meredith said...

It has been lovely visiting you Kris. I love the sunshine, the determined basketball player, the beautiful oranges and your friendship.

Lindz said...

I love your backyard!! My kids would love that awesome basketball court in the backyard!!! :) Lucky Noah!!

Kelli said...

I always love seeing pictures of your yard. We have had crazy weather here in Northern Ca as well. No rain...I am afraid to see what this summer will be like.
Have a good day!