I took this next one on the beach one day while we were in Laguna. It has always been one of my favorites!
And another one.
Those were the days of guys wearing their hair longer. Greg also had a handlebar mustache.
He had a Volkswagon Camper Bus that we went all over in. I loved that car. I sure wish we still had it!!
We had driven up to San Francisco to visit his Aunt and Uncle. That is his cousin Bren sitting next to him.
This was taken on our first Christmas together.
How do you like my Farrah Fawcett hair? Someone said that Drew had my golden locks. I am giving away a secret here. I wasn't born blonde. Just born to BE blonde!
My high school graduation day. I see Erika and Gennifer both in photos of me. Not so much of Drew, as he has always pretty much been all Greg. But he has Fink eyes. He looks a little like photos of my Dad as a young man.
This one was taken a few years later, after we had the girls.
Striking resemblance, don't you think?
And how about Greg in a beard?
I was not crazy about Greg in a beard. In fact, I hated it! I am not crazy about Drew in a beard either. They have nice handsome faces. Why cover them in hair? Greg was about 29 here in this photo.
When I was uploading these next photos, of a cowl I made yesterday, I was thinking to myself, how much I look like my Mom!!!
This is a pattern that was shared by my blogging friend Priscilla She has the link on her blog to the video. I have done several of this lady's patterns, and she gives great instructions. I love the texture of this cowl.
To make the flower, I also used a pattern that Priscilla had on her blog. I like to use my beautiful daughters for models, but it is hard to do sometimes. I was all dressed up in my sweats today, but took the photos anyway. I have no shame.
This cowl is so soft and cozy. It can also be worn up over your head as a hood. In the back, it looks like a snood. I love those too.
I will surely be making a lot more of these!
I recently found the wreaths that I put on my front doors after Christmas comes down. They were hiding up in the rafters still.
I painted two wooden hearts with chalkboard paint. On one side, I have a Valentine message. When Valentine's is over, I flip the signs to read Welcome Friends. I leave these up until I put my Spring baskets on the door.
I like to pick up little wooden benches when I see them. I use them in all sorts of ways to decorate. Also on buffet tables to elevate things at various heights to add visual interest. This bench was painted sort of a light blue. I painted it over in barn red, leaving some of the blue to show through in spots. The sides of the bench have little heart shapes cut out of the wood.
A red candle nestled in coffee beans, inside an antique jello mold tin. An antique red lunch box, with some of my crochet puffed hearts tucked inside. On the second shelf is a tiny quilt I made years ago when I wanted to learn how to make my own chenille. You use multiple layers of fabric, and then cut it, and wash it, and using a stiff wire brush, you fray the fabric up until it is soft like chenille. I used both a red and a navy blue fabric to make my heart. Then, for fun and practice, I machine quilted it in red thread, and bound it. I put little eyelets in the top so I could hang it.
And also put an applique heart on the back and used a blanket stitch to attach.
There is also a cute mug rug that a blogging friend sent to me. And a little heart pincushion that I got when taking a class at our local quilt shop. And a little Valentine Mouse Limoge that my Dad gave me one year.
I put a red tablecloth on the little breakfast table in the kitchen. And then some Moda Hankie fabric on the tray with some Valentines.
Greg got me that chicken napkin holder one time when we were at the Farmer's Market here in town.
Two of my favorite little Valentine pillows rest on an ottoman in the family room.
Remember the wooden cabinet with basket shelving I got at the Goodwill recently? I love it here in the family room. It holds our DVD collection in the upper two shelves.
I have kept the top of the chest free of clutter, but today when I was looking for photos of Greg, I ran across my Jim Shore pieces, and decided to put those out for awhile.
In the large bottom drawer, I have put some of my ever growing yarn collection.
Yummy, yummy yarn!!! Don't you love those yarn cakes you get at the yarn shops after they have put your hank on a swift, and wind it into a nice pretty ball? I sure do. Well did you know that even if you don't have a swift and winder, you can make them yourself? I didn't. But my friend Niki shared this great tutorial on how to wind your leftover balls of yarn into nice neat yarn cakes, using an empty toilet paper roll. Dropping your beginning yarn down inside the tube, and then winding the yarn around the top portion of the tube. Then gently slide ball off of roll for the perfect little cake of yarn. LOVE it!!! I wouldn't want to do it to my larger rolls, but when you get all of those messy ends, it is a nice way to organize it.
I got this beautiful yarn bowl for Christmas from my girlfriend Ally, and it works perfectly for feeding your yarn through without having your yarn bounce all over the floor or whatever, while you are working.
This was sort of an all over the place kind of post. I have spent the last two days just relaxing and crocheting. No housework, except laundry. Felt kind of nice. I think I needed it.
See you soon with my movie review. We are trying to see all of the movies nominated for awards, as I go to an Academy Awards party every year, and we vote for prizes. I like to see as many as I can. I don't think I can see 12 Years A Slave though. Too brutal for me.
Wow they do look alike. If you had just put the pics together and not said anything (except for vintage look to the photo) I would have thought them the same guy. :-) I like your cowl very much!
So much goodness in this post Kris.
Yes, your guys DO look a lot alike. Great Father/Son comparison and both very handsome.
I LOVE your hair! The cowl is nice too :) You take great a selfie...even in sweats.
Your Valentine decorations are too sweet, love the wreaths on the front doors.
I just got a yarn bowl too. I haven't used it yet but I plan too soon :)
yes. drew definitely looks like your hubby! thanks for the mention about the ball winder technique. I like using the toilet paper tube. Made it wind really quick. and when you pull the yarn from the middle it's not so tight that it won't pull nicely. :)
Great to see Greg when you two started out.. his son is a total carbon copy! Strong genes! You were (and still are) an adorable girl! No wonder he fell for you. I was showing the photos to my hubby and son and they loved that he had a VW bus. We got a brand new 1970 red one right after we got married. Had some wonderful times in that. I like your big basket drawer of yarn.. you can take it out and use it then stick it back out of sight! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Wow! Greg and Drew look exactly alike! Both very handsome. Love the pictures of you, you haven't changed at all! Your Valentines decorations look great, I need to get a few things out before I run out of time! That cowl is gorgeous! Glad you are finding time to relax!
This sure do look alike! I loved seeing pictures of the,two of you...
I love all your valentine's Day decorations and I always love seeing what you have made.
Thank you for your sweet comment on my last post
What a great post! Two peas in a pod are the two men in your life. No denying those genes is there? And you are gorgeous my friend. Then and now! Your cowl is so beautiful. I especially like the look of the back when it's all "snood-like". :-)
Your valentines decorations are sweet. I made a bunch of those hearts with flowers last year and promptly gave them all away. I think I need to make some more just for me and my decorating.
Thank you for sharing with us. I hope you enjoyed your movie. I would be willing to bet I haven't seen one of them that is up for an award. I don't even know any of them I don't think. Have fun!
What a great post! Two peas in a pod are the two men in your life. No denying those genes is there? And you are gorgeous my friend. Then and now! Your cowl is so beautiful. I especially like the look of the back when it's all "snood-like". :-)
Your valentines decorations are sweet. I made a bunch of those hearts with flowers last year and promptly gave them all away. I think I need to make some more just for me and my decorating.
Thank you for sharing with us. I hope you enjoyed your movie. I would be willing to bet I haven't seen one of them that is up for an award. I don't even know any of them I don't think. Have fun!
Hi again, Kris! It is always fun to visit your posts, and I loved every part of this one even if you felt like it was all over the place :) You are a beautiful model! And the cowl is very pretty and practical. I loved seeing your latest decorations and especially love the basket chest you found and have put to use beautifully [such a pretty yarn drawer, too :)] I hope you enjoy your academy award research more than you did the Super Bowl :) Oh, and I keep meaning to tell you that my household finally "discovered" Duck Dynasty. Much laughter is heard when it is on, and I remember with a smile that you recommended it months ago. Thanks! xx
Hi Kris... What a great post...lots of new thing as happening...love all the valentines decoration and yes the boys look so much alike... Amazing. Love the little yarn bowl. I've seen several in different places but was always curious how they work. The cowl is just adorable. Have a fun rest of the week.
Drew and Greg are like peas in a pod for sure!! If you didn't know that it was photos of two people, and apart from some of the hair lengths, you would think that it was the same person! Love all of your little valentines touches and your new cowl too. Your yarn bowl is lovely, the sheep is so cute!! Hope that Greg's new job is going really well for him. xx
Ohhh, so much good stuff in one post! Score!!! You have such handsome men, and yes, they look so much alike. People tell me all the time that I look like my mom. I love that!! Your wreaths are so cute, I still have your paint color that you sent me and one of these days I'll get around to painting our front door too.
Your son and husband do look so much alike ! Love the cowl :) and all your Valentine decorations ! Cute wreaths !
Well where do I start? lol Your son is a clone of his father! And such handsome men! And I saw your grand daughters in that young photo of you! And I have noticed a few times how much you like your mom! I too am born to be blonde, lol. Only I was WAY darker of a brunette. I am loving the new cowl. LOVE the front door wreaths and all the Valentine decorations. Haven't dug mine out for some reason this year. And now it's almost here lol. Enjoy your day Kris!
It's thankful Thursday and I for one am thankful that we can all look back on hairstyles and clothes and smile. You and hubby were so cute and still so young looking. I always wanted Farah's hairstyle but never had enough body to hold it.
Love all your Valentine's day decorations-I'm packing so not putting any out this year. Enjoy your nice warm weather my friend, I'd love for you to send it our way.
Look at that stache on Greg! Ha-ha! And I think I had a Farrah hairdo too back then. We got snow today! Yipee! I'm sure it'll be 70 tomorrow. LOL. Love the cowl.
Oh boy, they do look alike...especially those bearded pics! Handsome men you are surrounded by. :-)
All your V-day decorations are so fun and festive.
I dress up in sweats everyday now! Glad you were wearing them. Have a good day!
Love all the old photos of your husband; what fun to look through and reminisce. Your cowl is very pretty. We have more snow and cold and chilly weather here in OH, trying to stay warm. Take care, Heather
Loved looking at the older pictures...Drew does look just like Greg! Love the yarn bowl...and the cowl...and all your Valentine decor...so pretty! Have a great day!!
Happy Birthday to Drew!!!! Twenty five is a big one. Love how much he looks like his Dad, and I love all the pictures of you past and present. Can I have that yarn bowl please?
The two handsome men in your life, I'm sure, are crazy about you, for your ceaseless energy, whether it be cooking, decorating, knitting, hiking, blogging...the list goes on!
Love that gorgeous wreath and the cowl is very pretty, as is its model!
Look like your mom???????
I take that as a GREAT compliment!!!!!!!!
I love you.....baby girl of mine.
Thanks for posting those vintage. It was fun to see a snippet of your past.
Thanks for posting those vintage photos. It was fun to see a snippet of your past.
Hi Kris....♥️the pics....you look beautiful!
Linda :o)
I enjoyed seeing the early photos of your husband, Kris, and I agree your son resembles him so much!
I met my husband when I was 19. He had a mustache then and still has one now--I've never seen him without one! I never liked mustaches on men until I began dating him..lol
Yes they look like twins and you look so cute in all those photos.
Wow! Your son looks just like your husband. Love the cowl - cute & cozy.
They do look so much alike, Kris! And I have so many pictures where we look like we could have been your brother and sister lol! Except my Farrah hair was even darker...and my hubby's beard made him look like an axe-murderer. I loved the look back in time this morning!
And I love the cowl and all your festive decor, too!
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