I pruned, and trimmed....
Untangled ivy that had grown up into trees, and onto bricks. Raked it all into piles, but by the end of the day, was too tired to pick up the piles and put them into the recyclers. I went into the grove later in the evening to check out the trees, and see what needs work. The oranges and lemons and grapefruit are in full bloom. The fragrance is out of this world.
Walking back in, towards the chicken coop.
The avocado trees are all loaded!
When I reached the swing, the girls started to run to me. Usually when I come to sit out in the swing, I have a snack. Popcorn or something like that. The girls LOVE popcorn.
Sorry girls, no snack today. I found this chicken on a stake the other day and I dropped it into one of the fence posts at the gate of the chicken coop.
I sat down in the swing for a minute under the avocado tree, and the girls all gathered around, hoping for a hand out. I think Tilly gave me the stink eye when she realized I had no food.
Can you see Dusty peering between the fence posts back there?
Before I went to the house, I gave the girls a scoop of corn scratch to gather them back into their coop.
Usually, I let them put themselves to bed, and I come in and lock up the coop at dark.
Twelve little fluff balls waddled right in to get their scratch. Goodnight girls.
I put the first coat of paint on my antique wringer washer. Yesterday, I scrubbed it really well. Used steel wool to clean it, inside and out.
I need to put another coat on it. I can't wait to use this for our summer ice chest for outside parties.
I love it!
Then, before going in, I picked fruit. The oranges are at their peak of sweetness! We are eating them with everything. And anyone who comes to visit, goes home with some!
I took my weary self straight inside for a hot shower. Greg and I had leftover spaghetti from the night before. I think it was even better the second day. Along with fresh orange and avocado salad, and Texas Toast. The spaghetti was made with the last of my roasted tomato and basil sauce from last summer's garden. I had enough tomatoes and basil to freeze about a dozen large gallon bags of sauce for the winter.
See you soon!
PS I wrote this post last night, and nearly feel asleep at the keyboard. I finished it this morning to publish.
XO Kris
Love all the chicken pics :) The washer will be such a cute cooler !I still have quite a bit of sauce in my freezer..hoping it makes it til summer , its the best stuff ! So many avocados !Bet you are sore today !
There you go workin' hard and makin' us all look bad just sitting around on our asses with our hooks! Do you like how I said "our" instead of "me?" Surely I'm not the only one. That pic of Dusty made me laugh. What a sweetie. He wanted in on the chicken action too. Wish I had a basket of that fruit...and the avocado! Mmmm!
Hi Kris, I'm sitting here imagining the fragrance of your garden and the wonderful taste of your fruit! I'm always a bit green when you start to share your avocados and fresh oranges-yummmy! What a lot of work, but a delight for your spirit. We are up to 29 degrees this morning and I'm ready to be outside. I've already cleaned and packed our guest bathroom and linen closet, so maybe I'll get some time in the yard. Hope you have a wonderful day my friend!
Hugs, Noreen
I can only imagine the fragrance in your grove, must be Heavenly! Love seeing the pictures of your chicks and poor Dusty, left looking through the fence! Love your old washer, that will be great for gatherings! Don't work too hard, today!
Look at all those beautiful things, I am still staring at snow here :(
Oh I am jealous of your avocados. Which one is the Delaware I gave you? I am curious what she turned out to look like? Does she lay well? I have been in the yard too but I have way less than you dear.
You are amazing. Maybe I can come out that way when my girls are on spring break in a few weeks. I;ll let you know the dates.
Okay I am officially jealous of your home. Fresh oranges, avocados and chickens too! I knew all of this, but everything in one post, plus green trees, green grass and fresh fruit just has me green with envy. I want to come smell your fruit trees and sit with your chickens. Please? we have had sunshine for several days in a row now though, so there is hope that spring will eventually find us. Enjoy your little piece of paradise.
Kris, What a beautiful spot you have!!! Love your surroundings, your chickens and your harvest!!!
You take such great care to your home and yard.
You seem to have a lot of energy, but I understand there on the yard work. I forgot that I'm not as young as I used to be but my body reminds me! Your surroundings are so pretty and what beautiful produce!
You are a hard working woman, Kris! Lovely photos form your place...I can almost smell the orange blossoms from here!
What a harvest of freshness! Good for you Kris.
I could eat avocado for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Your chicks look pretty happy too, well except for Tilly ;)
My spaghetti is always better a day later..something about all of the flavors 'getting to know one another'.
How do you freeze your basil?
I just love your beautiful yard but I could imagine how much work it takes to keep it up.
I would do anything to have an avocado tree in my yard. ,I eat 2-3 a week. What kind of dressing do you put on your orange and avocado salad?
Goodness Kris, there is NO way I could keep up with you! lol You got soo much done. I'd love having access to all those avocados though...how wonderful. The old washer as a drink holder is going to be soo cute. Enjoy this gorgeous spring weather we are having. HUGS
It's funny how we think, "well, I'll just trim that one vine." And then one turns to two, and then three and then so on and so on. I don't mind the trimming and pruning, it's the clean up afterward that I don't like. I get jealous of you every single time you show me those darned avocados. Your washing tub is adorable!
Wow, you have been busy!! It is amazing how you start one thing and before you know it you have been doing for hours on end!! Amazing how you have so much fruit, what on earth will you do with it all!! You must be very popular with your friends when you have such a harvest! xx
I have a craving for spaghetti now and orange & avocado salad... YUM!
You are so lucky to have the orange & avocado trees. Lucky, lucky, LUCKY!
I hope your mom is doing well & staying strong. xoxo
Don't you just love leftovers?
You did a good days work there, girlfriend..
But...I sooooo envy your climate...
Oranges and avacadoes.......heaven!
Enjoy your evening..
Linda :o)
Ps.....your chickens make me giggle♥️
Can I be one of your hens, lol, looks like you have royally spoiled the girls and they know who is a soft touch for treats. The oranges and avocados, oh my. I find myself wanting to just sit among the trees and take in the heavenly smell of it all. I don't blame you for spending so much time outside. We had another 6-8 inches of snow with blizzard-like conditions. Once again we find ourselves digging out. The total now is over 80 inches. Now maybe everyone can understand how sick we are of this stuff.
(((HUGS))) Susanne :)
I just love hearing about your girls! They are so beautiful and seem pretty clever.
Oh, how I wish I could smell that orchard...so sweet. Lovely fresh fruit. That dinner made my mouth water...left over spaghetti is the best!
You have such a lovely place and those chickens are so cute! Dinner looked YUMM-E!! xo, Liz
Girl.. you always amaze me with your work ethic! I volunteered at Multnomah Falls today and am tired. My son had a car wreck today, trying to avoid a woman who walked across the road in front of him. He ran straight into a rock wall, the car jumped up in the back and spun around. His poor vintage Landcruiser. Glad to see you post. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Kris! Your industry always inspires me! I have never smelled orange blossoms before, but can imagine from your description that they are lovely. I always love seeing your feathered friends, and the new rooster is handsome. I cut up a cup full of fresh basil, some garlic, and a tomato and simmered them with ground turkey tonight...with salt and pepper it somehow tasted extra good. Wishing you a happy weekend :) xx
Oh my, I can almost smell those wonderful blossoms! Nothing quite like that smell. I say almost because my nose is so stuffed up I can hardly smell a thing. lol! It is gorgeous weather here and I want to get out and work so badly! If I could just kick this darn cold. You really did do a ton of trimming. I hear ya about forgetting were not 25 anymore. I sure do wish I had some of that glorious fresh fruit and avocados. YUM!
Forgot to mention that I have an old washer that I planted. Have another one that I tried to sale for my sis. A friend wanted it, but hubby said no. May turn it into a cooler for me now.
double hugs,
Look at that fruit you picked. I am so impressed and a little envious too.
Boy you had a full days of work didn't ya?! Your sweet hens are so darling! Can't wait to learn more about them soon. Love all your fruits & vegetables too!
Hello again. I have been in the hospital for 22 days and I could not blog. I missed visiting you.
Wow... what a lot of work you got done. I wish I were up to doing just half as much as you do.
I just published my blog post with pictures of my latest adventures. I hope you will drop by and say hello. Have a great week. Hugs, Lura
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