Thursday, September 18, 2008

Less about cake, and more about life!

When I started this blog, it was meant to be just for cakes and goodies. But then I began to blog about everything else too, and since last spring when I started, I have really only done a few cakes, and my blog became less about cake and more about life. And so I have been thinking of a new title for my blog for ages. Today it hit me. I think this title more accurately describes ALL that I do, rather than just a small part of what I do. Because it is indeed " A Sweet Life!"


Kelly said...

I love it! It still has a name to go with you and your cakes! And I love reading your blog!

Genn said...

Oh I get it, a "sweet" life. Tis true. Very catchy mother. I like it.

Kris said...

Aw shucks!