Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thoughts For Thursday

Ahhhh, it is finally feeling like Fall around here in So. California! We have had THE longest summer ever. But then, I bet I say that every year in October. For us, it can be hot from April to October. And this October has been hot all month until yesterday. So, today I got out the whirly popper and made a big bowl of popcorn for Noah and I. We snuggled in with our popcorn, and covered up with the soft blankie on the sofa and watched Shrek.
I put my mulling spices on the stove to simmer all day, and the fragrance filled the air in the house making it smell like I had an oven full of pumpkin pies.
I took Ducey to a new groomer today, and he came home looking like a handsome boy!
And I made Pam's (For The Love Of Cooking) Honey and Ginger Sesame Chicken for dinner, and can I just was DELICIOUS!!! If you haven't gone to check out her blog yet, and you like to cook, or just like to eat, get on over there and see her yummy recipe ideas. Her link is on my blog roll.
We sat in front of the Telly and watched the World Series.
And as promised, my favorite gadget picks for this week....instead of one, I picked two and a favorite tip. My Chef's Santoku knife. LOVE IT!! I go twice a year to Sur la Table for their free knife sharpening, and keep it in the covered case, and I probably use this knife almost every single day! Couldn't cook without it. And then another favorite is my bench knife. I use this to transfer chopped veggies to the pot, or whatever it is I am chopping. And I use it tons. Such a useful tool. Also handy when making large batches of sugar cookies, or any time I need to separate dough into sections. Just a really handy kitchen gadget.
And lastly, this is a tip I read in one of my cooking magazines. If you have a lid to a pot that gets hot, slip a wine cork underneath the handle. Now you can pick the lid up by the cork, and never burn your hand again!
Happy cooking and happy Fall!


Genn said...

Once again, you have made my mouth water with your delicacies!! That looks good. I do not have one of those large scoop thingies, I usually just use the blade of my knife. Although I have a little fear of my santoku knives now ever since I cut my thumb!

Debbie said...

Your dog is ADORABLE..the food looks great, and your tips are appreciated. However I will admit I am afriad of sharp knives. I think I have probably never known how to use them properly as they would make things much easier I am sure, haha. Have a wonderful week-end Kris!!

Helen said...

Oh I have to go drink a bottle of wine to get a cork! Actually I think I will look through my cupboards and see if I can find more lids......and I be it has to be a RED wine cork, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

I need one of those bench knives, how handy that would be! I'm always cutting up and using fresh veggies in my cooking, I'd get a ton of use out of that! Thanks for the tip!

That sesame chicken looks yummy!!!

Kelly said...

I love the wine cork tip! I will definitely be using that!

And once again, your meal looks scrumptious! (sp?)

Maryrose said...

You've been a busy girl...all that pent up energy from thinking about the wedding plans ;) See you soon. Let me know which days you are walking this week and I will see you there.

Room to Inspire said...

Okay, great tip with the wine cork! Everything looks yummy.
