Thursday, November 19, 2009

1 Card Table, Plus 3 Blankets = A Very Happy Toddler For 1 Whole Day!!


Maryrose said...

Oh I remember tents. What fun. When Sean was Noah's age the girls built him a tent that took up his entire room. Nice to have older sisters.

Debbie said...

There is nothing as fun as "tents" for kids. Soo fun for some reason. Noah is just adorable I think. Sometimes it is soo easy to entertain them.

Anonymous said...

I can remember clearly the tent we built in Sean's room Mom! How gross is this, inside that tent, I remember we got jello mix from the pantry and ate it through a straw, yummy.

Noah looks so happy under there! I should build some tents with my girls, I forgot about that. He is such a cutie pie!

Kris said...

I can remember days where me and my brothers used every blanket and sheet in my mother's linen closet to make tents through out the house. What fun.

Tawny said...

HOw fun! That will be great to do during the rainy season! I have been so out of the loop with blogging, but I have just caught up on have had such a busy November already with birthdays and celebrations! Your chicken dinner looks divine too, I"m going to have to try that!

Kelly said...

very fun. i havent done any tent building for awhile. the twins usually destroy the tent and then derek tries to hurt them. maybe tents will wait a littel while longer!

noah is getting big! seems so wierd... he's such a cute boy!

Genn said...

Cute tent! I need to get a card table!