Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Claire!!!

Today, our little Claire turned 1!  I just can't believe how fast a year has gone.  In fact, how fast all of the years have gone!  Seems like yesterday that our girls were babies.  And then when they got to school age, along came little brother Drew.  And "our" baby will be 21 in a few weeks.  But...back to Claire.  Genny and Jake decided to skip on a big party for Claire.  She will never have missed it, and it made it much less stressful for them.  Plus, seems that someone has been sick constantly lately in their family.  And in ours too.  So tonight we went over to wish our little Claire Bear a Happy 1st Birthday.  She was so cute.  Taking a few steps here and there, but not yet toddling all over.  She liked her new toys, and so did big sis Hannah.  Geeps and Gamma love you Claire!  Happy Birthday!


Genn said...

Oh my gosh, those pictures are so cute!! I love them!! I did not get too many great ones of her eating her cupcake.

Thanks again for EVERYTHING tonight!! The girls gifts were SO nice, and thanks for getting the cupcakes for me, and dinner was SO SO SO SO SO good!! Can you bring it every night?

Love you!

Debbie said...

Those pics of her are absolutely ADORABLE. What a cutie...and I'm with you. I watch our grandkids growing up soo quick and can hardly believe it. It's going even faster than my kids did...Anyway, I LOVE a 1 year old. Soo cute. I will have 2 in a couple of months. ENJOY yours..

Kelly said...

cute, cute, cute!

Amy said...

She is so cute!

Anonymous said...

GREAT cupcake pics! She looks so cute! Glad you guys had a nice and easy celebration, nothing can top the Grandparents!