Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Big Brother!!

Today is my brother David's birthday.  He is the oldest of the siblings.  We are all close in age, and growing up, had lots of fun.  As teenagers, our friends began to blend, and my two older brothers dated a lot of my friends, and I dated some of theirs.  Even marrying one!!!  AS adults we have remained very close.  I love you big brother.  Happy Birthday!!!!!  Cheers!!


Debbie said...

Happy birthday to your brother. How fun to grow up so close and have all of your friends interchangeable, One of my sisters is only 18 months older and we were always together, I see you have all gone large. Don't know if I can work it but I might have to try...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your bro!!

Love the bigness, it's so much better, now I don't feel like I have to click on a picture to really see the details. Plus, I think it makes the pictures more clear. I'm getting ready to toy with mine some more right now!!

Genn said...

Good pic of Dad and David! We called him to sing but he wasn't home... he lucked out. ;)

Pam said...

Happy b-day to your brother!