Sunday, November 29, 2009

Table Runners

Several have asked me about the table runners on the chairs.  They are thin damask table runners that I bought for a dollar at the Dollar Tree Store.  They had red, green, cream and gold. 


everyday katie said...

I love this idea.

Anonymous said...

One dolla??? I'm there baby!

Lauri said...

so fun! I saw these at the dollar store but thought they were too thin to do anything with. Obviously I didn't think about tying them on the chairs. I'm there tomorrow!

Genn said...

Table runners!! I thought it was ribbon at first glance. I might be there tomorrow too!

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Cute idea Kris and I think we have the same chairs! I bet the grands are just all so excited for Chruistmas now!

Loved the pics from Thanksgiving. It is clear where your girls get their good looks. Enjoy this most magical season!!

Maryrose said...

Kris, I love this idea. They are the right size and look fabulous and of course you can't beat the price. Good shopppa!! Win, win.