Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas Is Coming....

Is she cute or what?  This is Regan.  She ordered a Cowl and Bloomie from me.  She sent me the nicest email when she received it.  I was so thrilled to see her wearing it in her lastest blog post.  Look at that cute baby girl too!  Regan, I am thrilled that you are so happy with it. 
Jackie, I have one done, and one more to go.
Thea, yours is next.  I have been spreading Christmas Cheer all over our home these past couple of days.  I will do pictures soon.  Have a great day!! Bundle up, it is cold and windy again.


Bethany said...

What a cute picture! You've got cold and windy?? I've got warm and rainy.... I'd rather have your weather. More Christmassy.

Debbiedoos said...

Aodorable! How sweet Kris. Enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

She is cute! And the babes too! Good work on the cowl & bloomie too! I want a cowl too for Christmas mmm kay?

Unknown said...

Totally cute. Can't wait for a peek.

Teresa Kasner said...

What a cute baby!! I am looking forward to seeing your home all decked out for the holidays!
*M*E*R*R*Y* * *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Nicolle said...

She and that baby are adorable, and you did a wonderful job on her cowl and bloomie. I can see you selling a ton of those. They are so pretty!

mynestofyarnandbuttons said...

What a beautiful baby and mommy! Love the cowl you made. Can't wait to see your Christmas decorations...I am waiting for a sunny day for pictures, but no luck yet! xoRobin❤

Pam said...

I can't get over how darn cute that baby is! The cowl and bloomie are so creative and cute too and they look great on her! You are very talented my friend!

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Hi Kris,
Mother and daughter are darling. Love the cowl and bloomie. Her smile says that she loves it too. I got your sweet note. Thank you so much!! I saw your new button. Did you design it? It's very cute. I need to get one. Not sure how you do it. Is it easy?

NanaNor's said...

Hi Kris, You certainly are one talented lady-love the cowl and the pin as well. Of course Regan and her baby doll are adorable too.
Have a wonderful afternoon.
Hugs, Noreen

Grammy Staffy said...

Dear Kris,
No wonder Megan is smiling. I would too with your lovely scarf. You are so talented. I can't wait to see your lovely home all decorated. John is sick and pretty much flat down in bed. My ribs and left arm are still yelling at me..so.. with both of us not up to par, I am not going all out with Christmas decorating like I usually do. Our tree is up and my tables are decked out for Christmas but that is about all we are up to this year. Going all out with all the Thanksgiving decorations took all of my energy I guess. So, I will just have to enjoy looking at all of your decorating.

I just now posted about meeting you at the WIC meeting. That was so fun. I look forward to getting together with you again. Have a great week. Hugs, Lura

Nancy said...

That scarf is yummy!

DaCraftyLady said...

Beautiful tour of your country kitchen I loved that little round table next to the sink and all your cutie decorations, your daughter and g-baby are lovely... love her cowl... :)

Stacey said...

Love the cowl!! So cute!