Thursday, October 11, 2012

Yesterday I had my beautiful daughter Erika model some of these things for me.  What a difference on her!!!   Ear Warmer.  18.00  plus shipping.
Small Bow Headband, 12.00 plus shipping
Large Bow Head Band, 15.00 plus shipping.  The lighting shows this as more yellow, but it is a true mustard.  A perfect fall color.
Bloomie Bands are 16.00  The two shown below are in Olive Green (Martini) and Mustard.
Bloomie pins individually are 15.00.
Ruffled Fabric Headbands are 12.00.  The one shown is leopard.
Tonight Erika will model the scarves and cowls and I will list those with pricing.
Tiana, Jennifer, Lindsey, Dawn, thank you for your orders!!!   To those who inquired about how to order, you can email me, or leave a comment here.  State the color you want, and I will get busy making it.  I will email you my address, and when payment is received I will ship your items.  Thank you!!
PS  Erika, thank you for your modeling!  You make everything look great!!!!


Dawn said...

Erika is just darling as your model. But you looked pretty darn cute yourself:)

Linda said...

What a beautiful girl. Love all your creations.

Traditions By The Seasons said...

What a beautiful daughter you have. Beauty runs in your family. =) I love all the different looks you've shown here, you are so talented! Thanks for sharing! XO ~Liz

P.S. Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog. *smile*

Holly said...

She sure is a beauty.

Gloria Baker said...

Of course she is georgeous and beauty but you really look beauty and cute yesterday you know dear is something you really have LOL
(believe me)xo
and yours daugthers are beauty because you are hahaha

Pam said...

What a beauty your daughter is! All of your products are sooooo cute!

~Niki~ said...

all beautiful. you've been busy!

Meredith said...

I think Ms Erika would look good with a paper sack on, she could probably sell it for a high price. Love all the wonderful things you have made. Wishing your sale to be a huge success.

Heather - The Good Life said...

Your accessories look great; good luck with your sale. Heather

priscilla said...

Your headbands look great, love them all ! Your daughter is beautiful !

Teresa Kasner said...

Kris, wow, you have been making up a storm!! I so wish I was close enough to come to your hand made sale. I'm back from my trip and catching up on my favorite blogs.. and of course yours is at the top of my list! We had a great time with the kids. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Tammy said...

Such a beautiful model!!!! Beautiful products too!!!

Unknown said...

Can I order up some of that beautiful hair Erika is modeling too? What fun these all are.

Pammy Sue said...

All of your things are great, Kris! They should sell well. Your daughter does make a great model!

Sunny Simple Life said...

Wow you are a busy girl. Your daughter looks so cute. Can't wait to hang out with you guys tomorrow night.

Deb~in~Denver said...

Erika is gorgeous! She looks so much like you. Your creations are darling, too!


Irene said...

They are all beautiful. My daughter will definitely love it!

Genn said...

Such cute stuff Mom!!!
I bet you have had tons of orders to fill now!

corners of my life said...

Oh so creative . . .

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

So so cute. I love them but I feel like a dork in them. lol! Look so cute on your doll of a daughter!

Cottage Dreaming and Flea Market Wishing said...

oh I just LUV LUV LUV my knitted wash cloths.....such pretty colors. :) How much are the cowels? and what colors do they come in?