Meet the new girls.
Two beautiful adult Barred Rocks. That are very good, and reliable daily egg layers.
And the two new girls she recently got this Spring. They are about 3 months old. A Polish, with those crazy feathers on her head, and a Delaware.
I brought them straight home, and took them out to the coop run where my girls were. I sat out there with them, for the rest of the day. Making sure there was no pecking, or problems. There was the obvious curiosity. Checking out the new digs.
Seems to meet with their approval. There was some showing off.
And a stare down or two.
My girls were not mean, but sitting in the corner with their tail feathers to the new girls in town, was certainly not very hospitable.
I'm not gonna look, I'm not gonna look!!!! Then the huddle of my older 5 hens, took place.
Still behaving in a less than welcoming way.
The younger two, in all of their juvenile energy, were happy to flit from one end of the run to the other, taking it all in.
My younger five, were all too happy to have more playmates. But the girls that are full grown, are a bit more reluctant to make immediate friends.
The run is plenty big enough for all of them to have their own personal space, until they do become more comfortable with each other.
Erika and Noah came over for a bit. Noah was eager to meet the new girls, so we went into the run, and he wanted to hold them.
I love this picture! Then, I wanted him to pick out his pumpkin and scratch his name on it. So off to the pumpkin patch we went. He had a hard time deciding, but wound up picking this one.
Using one of my vintage knitting needles, I helped him to scratch his name just on the surface of the pumpkin so that he can continue to watch both the pumpkin, and his name grow, until October.
I will have Hannah and Claire pick theirs out this Sunday on Father's Day. What fun!
So, I now have a flock of 14 girls. 7 mature and laying, and 7 who will be laying soon. I already have lots of customers for my farm fresh eggs. Once you eat these, you can't buy them in the market. Ewww!
Before I go, I have to show you this great gift that Elaine gave me. She is so thoughtful, and knows me well!!! The book is full of wonderful pictures and great ideas for all kinds of coops. I have plans in my mind already for adding on! And a darling Paula Deen Chicken Tea Towel. The card is so perfect too!!! The inside is a recipe card with the picture of the chicken on it too! So cute!! Thanks Elaine!!! I love it!!!
Happy Weekend! Greggers just got home, and we are ordering pizza!!!
XO Kris
OH Kris I'm so glad you were able to provide the chickens a home. I had terrible neighbors in the neighborhood where our house burned down and know the feeling. We still haven't sold the lot but they call us in everyday for having tree limbs in our driveway there and they aren't our tree limbs. Bad neighbors stink. Oh maybe that man will move from her neighborhood.
Cottage Making Mommy
Sorry to hear about the "unhappy" neighbor your friend had to endure. Perhaps a supply of eggs would have helped but it is doubtful. Some people are just unhappy and spiteful ... my dad always said that life is a circle and will come around. Hope she's there to see when it comes back to him/them! You're right about the BEST eggs ever ... we can no longer even think about store bought eggs ... we LOVE freshly laid eggs!!
Well those ladies have found the perfect adoptive Mom that is for sure. They will feel like they are at the spa. Hope all the original ladies well treat these new friends like family soon. Your are so kind to take them in. Love that you let your grandkids carve their names in pumpkins and watch them grow, that is a great idea.
hugs to you Kris,
I have a lump in my throat. I will do my post with just a link to what you said. They look good and at home there.
I am so sorry Elaine had to give up her chickens after wanting them for so long. That part of your post is so sad. BUT...the good part is that Elaine knows that her babies went to the BEST Chicken Mama they could ever wish for and that is a happy ending. Before you know it, the whole coop will be one big happy family.
Wish I had the time and lived in a place where I could have chickens.
I love that name Jeanna gave you, 'Chicken Mama' - that's just what you are to those lovely new chooks and all your older ones too. I'm afraid we had a disaster at work last week and the evil fox ran off with 4 of my boss's best hens AND Brooster the Rooster too, even though they were all shut in for the night. He climbed on top of the potting shed roof and jumped down into the run, sly devil. We've since got another 4 new hens but there's a lot of posturing going on and not a lot of egg-laying. I miss those golden yolks so much - they make the best omelettes!
Great idea with the pumpkins. Can't wait to see them grow. Have a good weekend, my friend. x
ps forgot to say, LOVE your new header. I may just have to copy you, geraniums are my favourite at the moment!
Oh your poor friend, having to give up her babies because of some evil grouchy old jerk. My daughter is having issues with an old grouchy jerk who cut down all the privacy hedge all along the side of her house and yard and now he sits in his yard and stares at her and the girls. She called in a surveyor and found out that the hedge was on HER property!! Old grouchy men. Enjoy your new girls! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
So sad for your friend, but I know how relieved she must be to know that her gang is going to such a wonderful home. Love that picture of Noah!!!! Love the look of your blog too.
Hi Kris,
You're such a sweetie for taking care of Elaine's chickens! Kudos to you!
PS: LOVE your new banner!!
Thats so sad that Elaine had to give away her chickens ! I love her blog, bad neighbors just plain suck..
OMG thats alot of chickens ! :)
Great photo of Noah !
Have a fun weekend :)
How horrible for Elaine. I would have been a real stinker and kept my chickens and told the grumpy neighbor off. So glad you had a home for them though. I have come to hate the human race cause of people like that. You certainly wonder what is so wrong in their live that they have to complain about chickens. I bet if she offered him fresh eggs daily he wouldn't complain about that.
So sorry Elaine had to give up her must have killed her. However, she is so lucky to have you as the new Chicken will treat them all great! Wish mine took to getting new sisters...I still am only getting one egg a day, out of 5 hens!
I know you will love the new girls just as much as you love yours. My heart is heavy for Elaine, I know that must have been so hard. They will certainly keep you busy and entertained.
Never thought I'd say this, but...I have chicken envy!! I love those ones with the big feathers on their heads.
Yes, I visit Elaine and know of her chickens. How cute was her coop and I read of the progress she and her family made, making it "just right". It all looked just like it was meant to sad that she had a neighbor who wasn't happy about it all. She was lucky to know you and to be able to trust you to adopt them. For sure she knows they are in good hands. I laugh whenever I read your posts on your hens. They sure do have a personality about them, and looks like they are a bit snobbish at the start and letting everyone know the pecking order and who is in charge. That silly hen with the feathers is a real goofy looking girl, but isn't she just "the bomb" with her fancy feathers and all. I could sit all day and watch chickens. My cousin in Texas has them too, and she loves them. Hope all is well for your weekend. Maybe Elaine could come and visit her girls sometime.
Susanne ♥
Hopefully they will be able to come and visit the chickens sometimes...too bad...I would want to move with crabby neighbors like that! Love your haircut, Kris!
So happy to hear that story has a happy ending and the chickens were able to come home with you! They are adorable! I find it interesting how the other chickens responded, I truly don't know that much about them. I love the idea of carving Noah's name in the pumpkin, how neat to watch it grow! Have a wonderful evening!!
Jill xo we can officially call you..
The crazy chicken lady!!! hahaha!
Looks like Noah is happy!! and so cute!
Good for you...helping out the chickens!
'Cause you are such a nice person!!
Linda :o)
I "know" Elaine through her beautiful blog and I'm so sad that she was not able to keep her chickens. I know she took good care of them and her neighbor was being very unreasonable to deny her and her family this pleasure. She must be so relieved that you could take her chickens Kris! I hope Elaine will get the chance to see them from time to time.
I came to visit from Elaine's and I'm so glad you were able to give her chickens a new home. I am so sad for her!! Loved your post!
I'm visiting from Elaine's blog. I'm so sorry she had a crabby neighbor--not even next door. Really?
I'm very happy her chickens went to a wonderful home. We hope the chickens will all be friends quickly.
What a dear girl you are, Kris!
I've been following Elaine's blog for a while now and just saw her post about having to give up her chickens. I'm so glad you were able to give them a good home! I keep chickens as well and love them dearly, so I know it has to be so hard on Elaine right now. Thanks for helping her out :)
I love Elaine and her blog, and I felt so bad to read her post today. But I see her hens will be just fine in their new home, and so nice to meet you. xo
Elaine should just stand out in her yard and make sounds like a chicken, then when her neighbor complains, she can show the police that she doesn't have any chickens - that old coot is crazy! I feel so bad for her, but happy for you! Love chickens...
Elaine's chooks look right at home at your place Kris. At least they had a caring home to go to where they will be well looked after :)
We live down the road from a hobby farm. The last owner had a donkey who, once in a while, make a huge racket. I loved it. Nothing neater than hearing Gods creatures "talking".
There is at least one crank in every neighbourhood.
What a very sad story, but with such a happy ending!
I guessed 9 hens before, but I see there are 14 total. I love the black and white striped ones but they are all so pretty. It's cool to scratch names on watermelons - bet the kids just love that. It's been fun catching up with you Kris!
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