I am missing my camera SO much! I take photos EVERY day! Greg is going to send it in to be fixed, hopefully this weekend. My photos are just so/so. And all are from my iphone.
The weather has been lovely. Cool and overcast in the morning. Making it nice to do the morning chores before it gets too hot. The garden continues to be a favorite place for me to be. I putter out there first thing in the morning after taking the feed out to the chickens. I have grown sunflowers a few times before. But never have they been this healthy looking. I smile every time I see them.
I have planted all of my pumpkins now. I planted regular jacks, and Big Mac's. The Big Mac's grow to be 100 pounds and over.
In my front planter, a volunteer came up. For Fall I do a display of dried corn stalks and I pile up mounds of pumpkins around the corn stalks. When I disposed of them, a couple of the bottom pumpkins had broken, leaving behind a few seeds. It started off with several pumpkins, but now only one remains.
I also put two small mounds in this flower bed, and planted new pumpkin seeds. This planter will be filled with vines growing all willy nilly in no time at all.
Next to the corn patch, I have planted Indian Corn. I have never grown this before, and am eager to see what I wind up with. They are popping their little heads up out of the soil, and standing like soldiers at attention.
The corn is very close to being ready to harvest. I have one that is twins! There are two cobs of corn growing in one husk.
In the past, I have always had three ears per stalk. This year, some have 4 or more! Weird!
I got my very first tomato, and it looks like there will be many to follow. I planted 7 plants, and have an additional 2 volunteers, also loaded with fruit.
Last night, I picked a few heads of broccoli for dinner, and also all of the salad fixings.
Last weekend my Mom hosted a graduation BBQ for my niece Deanna who just graduated from high school. Loaded down with multiple awards and scholarships, I might add! I made my Mom a big basket of goodies from my garden.
It was so pretty that she didn't want it put away, she left it out on the counter top for all to see and enjoy, like a floral display. I had a bunch of ripe avocados, so I made a big bowl of guacamole. I fire roasted one of my jalapenos from the garden, and sliced it right on top for garnish.
Last night, I made Nana's Chicken. She has been so very on my mind. We all miss her so. Usually I make this with chicken thighs, but I had a package of breasts, so used those instead.
I wish you could smell this dish cooking! There is no more comforting aroma!!! Served over rice, with
fresh picked broccoli and my own garden fixings, made for a delicious meal.
If you would like to make Nana's chicken, go the search bar on my blog, and type in Nana's Chicken. The post with recipe will pop up.
The thrifting has been a bit sparse lately. Noah is out of school, and I prefer to do my treasure hunting alone.
One day last weekend, I popped into one of my favorite haunts and found these adorable vintage glass spice jars.
I also found this set of 4 Libby's vintage drinking glasses. I love the yellow floral detail. This is the exact size I like for putting a handful of clipped herbs into, and resting on my window sill for easy access when cooking.
I also found a pretty dress. We are going to an evening wedding in San Diego this weekend, and I will be wearing it. It was in perfect condition, except that the should strap was missing. I went to Joann's and bought wide, lingerie double fold elastic and made the straps and sewed them on. I even have a pair of pumps in the right color. And a pretty lacy black shaw to wear across my shoulders that will finish the ensemble. What a steal!
So I will be hanging up my gardening clothes, and getting all gussied up. Maybe even a mani and pedi!! Then it is off to San Diego to celebrate a special couple.
You can take the girl out of the garden, but you can't take the Garden out of the Girl!
Before I go, I want to say hello to my new followers! I will be out to visit all of you!! As always, thanks so much for stopping by! Go out and make it a GREAT day!!!
XO Kris
Kris, you are such an amazing gardener! I will bet you had some farmers in your ancestry. Your new dress looks lovely and I hope you take a photo of yourself all gussied up for the wedding and share it with us. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
I am in awe of your gardening ability Kris, it takes a lot of hard work. I love how much you enjoy it and would love to live right next door to you so I could share nay overflow of veggies. Hugs to you and have fun at the wedding, you are going to look lovely.
Beautiful Veg, Fabulous thrifty finds,Fantastic Dress and Shawl, you'll look amazing but then you always do, my friend. Enjoy. x
Your gorgeous produce, whether arranged in a pretty bouquet or growing out of the ground, ALWAYS is picture perfect, camera or not!
Your sunflowers are very happy looking and scream SUMMER! Your garden goodies all look so healthy. Love that you found a dress at the thrift shop to wear. Very cool! I don't remember the Nana's Chicken recipe so I'll have to go see it and refresh my memory. I bet you do miss your camera, even though you're pictures look great to me. I use my camera all day nearly every day. that's the only way you can blog as much as we do! Nobody wants to see a big bunch of words and that's it. I love seeing the everyday pictures of everyday things people do. See ya!
On your garden! As always I have garden envy. Growing up we would go to our garden or backyard fruit trees for an afternoon snack. I really wish we could grow avocados in Northern California.
Oh you garden is spectacular Kris! Such healthy eating too! Love the big sunflowers, oh my! xox
Your garden is so amazing, especially those sunflowers! Nana's chicken looks wonderful, I'm sure it is delicious.
Lovely dress, enjoy your weekend and the wedding.
Another happy post. Your blog is so enjoyable. Love your touch in the garden. You grow beautiful food.
Hi Kris! I see another bountiful post. :-). Goodness I wish I lived next door to share in that lovely produce. Our garden here in the north is SO far behind yours. I finally picked some lettuce this week for dinner. The corn is about 5-6 INCHES high, let alone feet high like yours. And our sunflowers are about 12 inches high. *big sigh*. Our growing season is so short, but I do have fun puttering in the garden here.
Your dress is beautiful and very smart way to repair the straps. I don't think I would have thought of that.
I hope you have a wonderful time. Please show us a picture of you all gussied up.
Hi Kris, Farm Fresh at your house! When I look at all your bounty of goodness, I think healthy and I am in awe! I love seeing your meals and all that goes into the recipes. Great find on that stunning outfit. Way to go in making it a striking outfit. Have a wonderful time at the wedding, you will be the second loveliest besides the bride!!!
Christmas! I'm not quite ready to think about that (yet). :-) Your sunflowers are beautiful and they would make me smile as well. Looks like you are going to have a great harvest of pumpkins, it will be fun to watch them all come up and decorate with them around the house this fall. Happy Friday! Take care, Heather
Hi Kris...
You wear me out! So busy!
You will look awesome in that dress...
Have a dance for me!
Linda :o)
You are always up to something good, Kris. Love this post and that chicken, my oh my. I must try it!
So love your sunflowers and your productive garden, Kris. I know you will look extra-special in the lovely dress you found. Wishing you a wonderful weekend! xx
There has been so much going on here that my garden has been completely neglected, that means that I have garden envy in a big way - yours is wondrous! I'm catching up on all the doings and love seeing all that has been going on in your corner of the world. Enjoy the wedding in your finery.
So curious what you will do with a 100 pound pumpkin??
Hope your camera gets fixed soon Kris ! Love your sunflowers ! I have them planted along our fence in the vegtable garden but no blooms yet ..we are so far behind you here ! Can't wait to see your pumpkin harvest ! Your garden is producing so much ! Have a great weekend !
I think your pictures are still great from your iphone! I am in awe of your beautiful garden and all of it's bounty. Your sunflowers are gorgeous. I know for sure that you and my mom would be in heaven in each other's gardens. Same here, enjoying the cool mornings and evenings too. I had the same thought about Christmas the other day....that is so crazy. We don't really do gifts, which is nice, but I sure do love the homemade route if we did. I just can't believe we will be getting our tree and decor out in another 5 months. Doesn't seem possible! I'm glad you are enjoying the summer. xoxo
I hear ya girl, I have such gardener's hands. No pretty nails here! I agree with your mom, a basket of pretty garden goodies is as gorgeous as a bouquet of flowers. Yesterday would have been my mother's birthday and I miss her terribly. Like you miss your Nana. Have fun getting all gussied up. Hubby and I just booked a get away to Napa Valley, CA for the end of July.
Why am I always hungry after a visit to your blog, Kris? LOL! And my nails are a lost cause...always covered in paint or dirt...
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