Thursday, July 7, 2016

Fourth Of July 2016

Our town did their annual parade and concert in the park on the Saturday prior to the 4th of July.  It was different, but fun and festive, just the same.  Noah and his Dad were in in the parade, so we left early to secure a good spot along the curb on Main Street, to see them coming!  Noah spotted us walking across the street  from where they were set up in the staging area.  He was SO excited to be participating in his first parade!
He was looking sharp, decked in his Patriotic gear from head to toe! 
We were lucky that the weather was unseasonably cool on this day.  So sitting there for a few hours was not a problem.  Our granddaughters, Hannah and Claire, with their little friend Ryan, sitting along the curb with us, waiting for the parade to begin.
Those 10 gallon hats came in mighty handy to haul all of the candy that was thrown from the floats!!!
The National Anthem was sung, and the Pledge Of Allegiance was recited at the beginning of the procession.

Then away they went, one float after another, the Red, White and Blue, proudly waving!   Freshly washed and waxed fire engines.....
Red Tractors...
Men in uniform, scouts, city council, and Jazzercise groups, one after the other, marching and waving along Main Street.  Then came Noah's float, with his  Dad on motorcycle alongside.
My favorite, besides Noah's float, was this one from Jerome's Furniture Store.
I went to take a photo of Smokey The Bear, and instead, someone insisted on taking the photo of me with Smokey The Bear.
I took this photo of my Uncle Johnny's family, sitting just a few feet over from us.  Minus Uncle Johnny.  He was at home making waffles, I was told.
Our little town has sure grown in the 30 plus years that we have lived here.  The parade used to consist of a few local groups, and be done in an hour.  Now, it is quite a production!  Fun time! 
After the parade, we were invited to go next door for lunch and swimming.  So the day was full, despite it being a couple of days before the 4th of July. 
On Monday, the actual 4th, we all went down to Newport Beach, to spend the day on my brother's boat.  We had a wonderful day of swimming, paddle boarding, kayaking, boat rides, food, more food, laughter, and great family time!! 
My nephew and his wife, have a new baby girl, and they live in the Bay area, so having time to spend with them is such a treat! 
Our grands, along with everyone else, had an absolute ball on the paddle boards and kayaks, and dinghy!!

 Noah's Dad Mark, on kayak.
Drew and Christine.
My favorite subjects, Hannah, Claire, and Noah!

Noah's Karate Kid pose.
Miss Claire....looking ever so sweet, and having a wonderful time on the boat!
I took this from the fly bridge of the dock below.
This was taken while out on a boat ride. 
Our oldest daughter Gennifer and her Uncle Dave, my brother.
The beaches were lined with colorful umbrellas on the shoreline.  It was such a beautiful day down there, and so festive with all of the decorations!
It was a perfect day!  Thank you so much David and Glenda!!!
Til next time.....
Toodle Loo
XO  Kris


Betsy said...

Oh Kris it looks like such a wonderful time... both the parade and the day on the boat. You are so blessed to have your family so close to you. I think my favorite float was also the chair! What a neat idea. I'm glad you included a picture of yourself. We never get to see enough of your pretty face.
Blessings, Betsy

Gracie Saylor said...

Thanks for sharing your wonderful family celebrations, Kris! I enjoyed every picture and your narrative. It is fun and startling to realize how are grands are growing. Our 4th was cool weather wise...we kept looking at each other and remarking about it...and by the time fireworks went off were wrapped in sweaters and
blankets! Hope you have a happy weekend! xxxxx

From the Kitchen said...

In our former town, the parade came right by our house. We could watch from the front porch. Our new town doesn't have a parade. Your grandchildren are growing up beautifully!!


Kerri said...

Good times! Everyone looks so festive in their red white and blue! I know not all of your family is nearby...but it's really neat that you're close to so many.

corners of my life said...

Americana at its best!

corners of my life said...

Miss Claire could be in an ad for that bathing suit. What a cutie.

Debbie said...

Looks like wonderful celebrations! I have never been to a local community 4th of July parade, and have always wanted to. It just seems like a good way to celebrate, and of course the boat looks like a ball. I honestly can't believe how big the girls have become, but I guess I haven't seen pics of them in a while. Glad you all enjoyed! Hope your summer is going well!

Teresa Kasner said...

Oh Kris.. what a great parade and day full of family fun you had! You're so lucky your brother has such a nice boat and that he shares it with everyone. We're actually talking about getting a C-Dory! Thanks for sharing all the great photos. I have to tell you something funny.. my 7 year old grandson saw the photo of Claire on the side of the boat and said.. "Who's THAT?" LOL! I hope you have a great weekend. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Meredith said...

You are so blessed to have such a wonderful family Kris. You all seem to enjoy each other so much.

Kelli said...

I love that you have a town parade! It looks like you had a great day with family!

Linda said...

You have the best family Kris...
So happy for you and Greg...♥️
Your kids are so lucky to have you as parents and grandparents...
Enjoy your week...
Linda :o)

Leslie said...


Pam said...

Kris! I've been a bad blogger friend too. It's great to see your family is doing so well. The grandchildren are growing up so quickly! Your Fourth celebration looks like it was perfect!

Jeanie said...

Hello from Texas! I came to your blog from Cluck Cluck sew looking at her "sprocket" pillows! I saw where you commented that you would make one and blog about it and I wanted to see a "regular" persons attempt at making one so..... I followed your blog, and you didn't have a diary on the side of your blog with the year and blog for that year so, I scrolled through 5 years of your blog to get back to 2011, yes I was determined LOL LOL. so I see that you sewed one and I see that it came out all right and you lived to tell the tale, that long curved seam had me worried, I am not a novice but I loose patience!
THEN! I saw you make a cool strip quilt and now I have to make one of those too! I loved your blog and seems we have a lot in common as far as things we are interested in. I have been to Big Bear where your family has spent a lot of time these last few years LOL we thought it beautiful there, I was there at Three Rivers taking a painting class,some years ago. We love to visit California , from Monterrey all the way up to the border to Oregon and Washington is beautiful too. I was sad to see the lake at Big Bear so dry, I thought for sure with all the rain yall received this past year that it might make a dent in the drought and bring up some of the lakes. O well :( ,
At any rate just wanted to say how much I enjoyed a quick trip through your blog, your chickens, grandchildren(my how they grew!) and all the things you get up to. Blessings to you and your family.
Jeanie. P.s. sorry for any typos I did not edit!

Verna Hopkins said...

The kids all look so excited, decked out in their patriotic gear! The fourth of July parades are always enjoyable. The men in uniform and the flag flying high are a great symbol of how proud everyone is on this day! I have heard of all of the awesome activities around the 4th at Newport beach, but haven't crossed it off of my bucket list yet. Thanks for sharing your experience!

Janeb said...

M-am căsătorit cu dragul meu soț în ultimii 12 ani fără să rămân însărcinată, iar fibromul a fost problema. Am luat diferite medicamente prescrise, dar nu am putut să le vindec, dar soțul meu era atât de încrezător în mine și mă tot încuraja că într-o zi cineva mă va numi mamă. nu s-a odihnit căutând o soluție de la diferiți medici, tot ce au putut vedea a fost o intervenție chirurgicală și mi-a fost frică de asta, o prietenă din cabinetul meu mi-a prezentat doctorul DAWN ACUNA, ea a spus că Dawn acuna a ajutat-o ​​când avea tubul blocat și a ajutat-o ​​și ea. multe dintre prietenele ei să conceapă,
I-am scris imediat pe Whatsapp, mi-a promis ca ma ajuta dupa ce i-am explicat totul, mi-a dat niste instructiuni care am facut totul perfect conform instructiunilor, la 3 saptamani dupa tot am fost la spital si doctorul mi-a confirmat sarcina in 1 saptamana dar chiar acum am copilul meu frumos.
*Dacă vrei să tratezi infertilitatea.
*Daca vrei sa ramai insarcinata rapid.
*Dacă vrei să-ți întorci iubitul.
*Dacă vrei o căsătorie pașnică.
*Dacă doriți să tratați boala canceroasă.
Și mulți alții îl contactează pe Dr dawn acuna pe Whatsapp:+2348032246310