I can say it now. I am a knitter. I can knit socks! It didn't come easy. I knit a half dozen bloopers, with no mates. All different types of yarns, needles, and an assortment of various patterns. I wanted to throw it all in the trash several times. But I didn't give up. I'm a little tenacious like that. I was determined to learn this craft, and in particular, to learn to knit socks! And I did!
These are my keepers. Two pair are missing, as they have been given as gifts. The pair of shortie socks on lower left, are my most recent FO . That's knit speak for finished object. I have a pair on the needles now, in the Felici sock yarn from Knit Picks. Also known as a WIP....work in progress, in both knit speak and quilting speak. Which, I love by the way!
I am sure many of you out there, non knitters especially, are thinking, who needs that many socks? And what is the big deal? Well let me tell you. If you have ever owned a pair of hand knit socks, you need not ask. But if you have not, there is nothing like the feel of them. Or the fit. Or the fun colors and patterns you can create using the vast availability of sock yarns these days. Don't even get me started on the Indy dyers! Oh my, such beauty!! I bought this skein and bag as a collaboration between two crafters. An Indy dyer, and a bag maker.
The yarn is so yummy! The bag is well made and I love the fabric. But I won't likely be buying too many bags, as it does seem silly when I can make my own.
I invested in a yarn swift and ball winder recently, since I have been buying the hanks lately.
I got them at Knit Picks, and they were reasonably priced. I am sure it will get good use! I have been scouring the Ravelry patterns for a shawl to make. I think I have narrowed it down to a few I like, that will be in the novice knitter category. That will be next up to make.
I ran into my local quilts shop the other day
The green and pink were for a bag, as well as the gold and brown autumn prints. I couldn't resist the mice in love. My nickname was mouse. My father always gave me gifts of mice. It made me smile.
I have done a little thrifting lately, since my grandson has returned to school. I am always on the lookout for vintage Tupperware. I use it all the time. For everything! These two pieces were great finds. Each at 3.00
Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted this bright wool piece. It was a poncho, made from a Pendleton.
That was scooped up and came home with me. I paid 6.00 for it. I washed it on gentle cycle in cold water, and did a double rinse. Then dried it outside in the hot air under the shade of our patio. It has a couple of spots along the sides, that need some binding repair, but other than that, perfect. So heavy, and so warm it will be!!
Then, on another day, I walked into my favorite shop, and there it was. In a box on the floor. The name JUKI on the box, calling out to me...."hey..over here!"
I casually walked over to the box. Pulled the machine out. Took it to the table to plug it in....all the while acting only slightly interested! When actually,, I was jumping up and down inside. I have wanted a Juki for a long time!!! There wasn't a price anywhere on the machine or the box. I found a manager, and she inspected it for a price. When she left to go find someone else, I googled it to see what it sold for. 900.00 is what I found. It is computerized. Seemed to have all of the parts, and they were working. Although, there was no thread, and I had no way to know how it sewed.
She came back with a price of 500 and I said nope, too much. She said 250. I said I would consider it for 200. Ultimately, I paid the 200, and upon getting it home, found that the needle wouldn't take up the bobbin thread. I quickly ran it in to my sewing machine guy. He said he could fix that, and it was the timing. But it was going to cost me somewhere between 75 and 100 dollars. I said go ahead. But then I went back and asked for 100 back on the machine, since I had to put about 100 into it. They reimbursed me the 100 dollars. I paid an even 100 for it, and am waiting to pick it up tomorrow from my sewing machine repair man. I can hardly wait to play with it. One feature that none of my current machines has, is needle down position. So important when working on free motion quilting. And it is FAST!!!!
I will be letting you know my review of the machine after I get the chance to play with it. I have one more thrift store find that I was pretty thrilled about this past week. But I will save that one for next time.
As for now, I must go knit socks.
XO Kris
8 hours ago
I am giving a shout out to those socks. A dear friend made me a pair and I wear them all winter--wash, dry overnight, put on!! I am, though, glad to hear from you and hope those terrible fires are not too near and you and yours will be fine!!
Bravo, Kris! Your socks are gorgeous, and your determination does inspire me. Your new machine is a bargain and hopefully one you will enjoy using. A friend is saving a Featherweight machine for me to buy. I have never learned to sew with any machine and I am hoping I can succeed in learning to use it. Wishing you and your happiness!xx
Wow! your socks are so lovely!! I'm still stumbling through my first cowl. Socks seem years away. I wouldn't have been able to resist the mice fabric either. It is too cute. You should use it for a project bag : ) What a great price for the Juki. I wish my basic Kenmore had the needle down option. Have a wonderful time getting to know your new machine.
Wow!! A Juki for about $100--not bad at all!!
My dad asked me why I need so many socks. I told him that even if I don't wear them all I love opening the drawer and seeing all the bright colors lined up. I think he thinks I've lost it, but there's something about sock-knitting. My grandma is amazed I do it. She started a sock almost 50 years ago, and that single WIP is still on needles in a bag in her basement. This amuses me because she's the one that taught me to knit!
Kris, my friend, you can no longer call yourself a novice knitter after all of those gorgeous socks. I say go for any shawl you want...you can do it with the skills you've learned. Love the bag material you've chosen. I can't believe how many project bags some knitters have. I have three. Only three. I would like a larger one as all of mine are sock size but I can't afford what most of gem cost and I'm not a very good seamstress.
Love your new machine. What an absolute bargain. I need to go thrifting with you. The Tupperware and Pendleton are great deals too. Have a great weekend and "Needles Up!"
I am missing something good as I've never worn hand knit socks! They are so pretty! I remember having that Tupperware. Still have some of those pieces. So good to see you blogging! Had a great time while out your way!
Wow Kris what an amazing find! I bet you are so thrilled. Good things happen to good people that is for sure. I am trying to get caught up on a little blog reading, I have missed so much and have missed you too!
Good morning! I have been impressed from the very beginning with your socks. Goodness they are just gorgeous! I can't say that I have ever worn knitted socks, but they look super cozy, comfy, warm, and most of all pretty! What a deal you got on that machine. I am still trying to figure out a way to get a bigger hoop for my sewing machine. Mine takes a 5 x 7 but I want a minimum 6 x 10. Can't tell you how many designs and in the hoop projects I WANT to do call for that size hoop. But to upgrade is soo costly and seems soo dumb just for a bigger hoop. I keep my eye out for a used 780 or 840. But even those are pricey. Looking forward to seeing the shawl you end up knitting. I loved the crochet one you did last year. Have a good week Kris!
Your socks are gorgeous, very impressive and such fun colors. I'm not a knitter so I'm doubly impressed! I watched something, somewhere showing a man who went to thrift stores and found cashmere sweaters that he washed & took apart to knit hats. Now that you've got the winder thingy, perhaps it's something you might consider.
You got enough sewing machines yet?
And....enough socks? Hahaha!
Linda :o)
Wow, Kris.. you scored bigtime.. and I LOVE that you went back to the store and got them to reimburse you $100! LOL! I'm back from our 2 week high alpine lake camping trip.. hope you hop over and see my photos. Good score on the Pendleton, too. Hope you model it for us! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Hello Kris, you did a terrific job making the socks especially since you are fairly new to knitting. Honey, I have been knitting for ages and have never made socks, I guess I'm too intimidated to get past the casting on and dividing onto 4 dp needles and that is when the agony begins for me. The sock yarns are like fingering yarn, way too tiny, a nightmare. I made mittens way back months ago and they were such fun. Now, if I could only be brave like you and make some socks. What pattern did you use?
Everything looks pretty! Very cute socks ♥
You are so lucky to have a sewing machine guy.
They are far and few between.
Hey cutie, I haven't been over for some time. Crazy busy summer! I love seeing you on IG. You amaze me at all you accomplish. The socks are fabulous!
M-am căsătorit cu dragul meu soț în ultimii 12 ani fără să rămân însărcinată, iar fibromul a fost problema. Am luat diferite medicamente prescrise, dar nu am putut să le vindec, dar soțul meu era atât de încrezător în mine și mă tot încuraja că într-o zi cineva mă va numi mamă. nu s-a odihnit căutând o soluție de la diferiți medici, tot ce au putut vedea a fost o intervenție chirurgicală și mi-a fost frică de asta, o prietenă din cabinetul meu mi-a prezentat doctorul DAWN ACUNA, ea a spus că Dawn acuna a ajutat-o când avea tubul blocat și a ajutat-o și ea. multe dintre prietenele ei să conceapă,
I-am scris imediat pe Whatsapp, mi-a promis ca ma ajuta dupa ce i-am explicat totul, mi-a dat niste instructiuni care am facut totul perfect conform instructiunilor, la 3 saptamani dupa tot am fost la spital si doctorul mi-a confirmat sarcina in 1 saptamana dar chiar acum am copilul meu frumos.
*Dacă vrei să tratezi infertilitatea.
*Daca vrei sa ramai insarcinata rapid.
*Dacă vrei să-ți întorci iubitul.
*Dacă vrei o căsătorie pașnică.
*Dacă doriți să tratați boala canceroasă.
Și mulți alții îl contactează pe Dr dawn acuna pe Whatsapp:+2348032246310
E-mail: dawnacuna314@gmail.com
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