Thursday, August 23, 2018

Sunset Beach House

We wrapped up summer with a few days at Sunset Beach.  It was a fantastic time with family.  We were able to escape the triple digit temps here in the Inland area where we live.  Here are a few photos from our trip.  But first, the hardest part, dropping off my baby, Duke.  It was the first time I had left him, since I adopted him in March.  My friend Donna, does doggy day board and care, and she made the process much easier for me.
Now, let's get to the beach!

Our fabulous view for the week!  The first day, I was there alone with just Noah.  Let me tell you, watching him in the ocean made me a nervous wreck!

 The beach house had a wonderful jacuzzi tub.  Noah thought it was great!!!
Oh those sunsets...…

Our middle daughter and her boyfriend, ( Noah's Mommy ) came to spend a weekend.

We had a very relaxing time!  And enjoyed good foods!

Our oldest daughter and her family also spent a couple of days down there with us.  What a blast!

There was knitting on my Tecumseh Sweater!
 One sleeve down, one to go!
More naughty eating!!
 Some not so naughty eating, with my garden goods.
 Grilled peach and goat cheese salad!  To die for!
 Afternoon patio snacks.
The three I love them!

Hearty breakfasts
Wonderful strolls along the beach at sunset.

We got back into town, and upon leaving the house to pick up Duke, I spotted a terrible sight.  The Holy Fire had begun it's devastation!  School would be postponed one week, and many people's lives were affected by this senseless act of arson.

 That's a wrap!  A great time was had by all.  Summer is coming to a close.  Still a lot more heat for us, but school has started this week, and the days will be getting shorter.
My favorite time of the year is coming.  Fall!  All things Fall!  I cannot wait!
XO  Kris


Teresa Kasner said...

Wow.. what a perfect place for a vacation! I'm so glad all your kids and grands could come and stay. The ocean water looked so clean and inviting! I loved the photo of you and Greg. Did he try some surf fishing? I'm a summer fan but this one has been too hot and dry and I can't wait for some rain. And I must say the idea of fall decorations, then Halloween.. then Thanksgiving and xmas is something to look forward to. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Betsy said...

I loved this post Kris. All of the happy faces...sand and surf, gorgeous sunsets and good food. What more could you want? I’m so happy for you that you had such a good time. I’m so sorry about the fire. We’re still socked in because of smoke up here. I love fall, but also dread it because snow won’t be far behind and I really hate snow with a passion. I wish it could be spring and fall year round. Just go from one to the other and miss the snow of winter and heat and fires of summer. Ha!
I bet Duke was beside himself to see his Mama. :-)
Blessings always,

Meredith said...

Kris, it looks like a perfect time with your family. So glad you had a fun time and were able to see such a beautiful area.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

What a wonderful getaway, Kris! And you have the most wonderful meals, too! I love the photo of you and Greg!

Jill said...

Looks like so much fun and such great pictures! Ok now you have to share the recipe for that salad, lol... looks so delicious!! So sad about the fires, I've been saying prayers for everyone.... Hope you have a great week!


Gracie Saylor said...

Somehow I missed this, but enjoyed it now so much, Kris! Thanks so much for sharing your beach vacation with us...this Saylor does love the ocean :) and I am so glad for the good food and good times you shared there. I am sorry for the fire near you. While the fires weren't so near us this year there were several strings of days when our air quality was poor and the light of the day seemed eerie. Your knitting is AWESOME!!! You inspire me to want to do more! I hope you are enjoying Fall...the leaf colors are so amazing. I passed a nursery full of blueberry bushes today and the bushes were lovely shades of red, but because I was driving I did not get a photo. xxxxxx

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