Sunday, May 6, 2012

Good Morning From Big Bear!

Good morning from beautiful Big Bear.   I was sitting on the couch  yesterday morning, hooking along on my bobble, watching the morning news..........
When Geeps and Ducey came back from their morning walk.  We were talking about what we should do this weekend, and decided spur of the moment to ride up to Big Bear.   We had asked Erika and Noah to come, but she was still feeling puney so we picked Noah up and took him up the mountain with us.
I was going to post some photos but I am using a hot spot connection from Geeps iphone, and it is taking too long to upload photos, so I will wait until we get home to post. 
It is a beautiful, crisp 41 degrees.  We are watching a little bit of cartoons, and will be off to Blanca & Pierre's for breakfast in a bit.   See you later today.
Over and out, from Big Bear.
XO  Kris


Sunny Simple Life said...


Holly said...

What a blessing to have such a beautiful place to run to at the last minute. Enjoy your weekend and get some well deserved rest.

~Niki~ said...

what a nice relaxing weekend. love the 'ghan!

Debbiedoos said...

Sounds perfect!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Have fun! Love Big Bear, used to go there all the time as a kid. =) xo ~Liz

Tammy said...

How fun! Can't wait to see pics!

Pammy Sue said...

What a perfect place for some hooky time! How fun. Y'all have a wonderful time. I'll think of you and the view you must have up there while I'm hooking away on my blanket too!

Petunia Pill said...

Lookeeee there! The bobbles are multiplying at a lovely rate of speed! Your blankie is beautiful! I picked mine up the other day and put a few more rows on it. I have a bunch of smaller stuff I'm working on, so it seems that the bobble blanket is patiently awaiting my return. A little here, a little will be completed ONE of these days! Arrowhead...can't wait to see the pics! Hugs, Annette

Gloria Baker said...

What nice dear, sounds perfect! Lol

Whosyergurl said...

Kris, How wonderful just to take off! And the cool temps sounds wonderful too! TOO hot here today. I don't think I'm a summer person anymore.
xo, Cheryl

SJ Scott said...

I love Big Bear! I'm sure you had a wonderful time. Your bobble blanket looks amazing@

Gracie Saylor said...

So glad you got to go to BB! I look forward to your pictures and news! <3

my4lilgirls said...

Hi Kris loving your bobble blanket, great colors.
Can't wait to see your photos,sounds like a fun day
Lol Karen x

Meredith said...

Hooray for a spontaneous get away. Hope you had a great time.

Nicolle said...

I love the colors in this picture!

I LOVE spur of the moment trips. I'm glad you had a good time.