Thursday, May 3, 2012

Knitty Biddies Day

Hello out there.   Today was the day our knitting/crochet group met at my house.  We are "The Knitty Biddies"  We have a fb page and everything!  I have not been able to meet the last two weeks and missed these ladies.  Today was a smaller group, but perfect!  Here is a photo of my friend Viki holding up Denise's boot socks that she just completed.  They have a little crochet trim on top so that when they are folded over  your boots, the trim shows.
Denise is a very talented knitter.  She completes more projects than anyone I know.  She knits a lot of her clothing too, and has made many of these skirts.  The colors and drape are so pretty.
She put a picot trim on this and it is so soft and pretty!!
My friend Donna was trying to get the gals to pose for a photo, but that wasn't working out too well.
No one would look, so I took a few candid shots. 
Well, where did Denise go?
Donna brought me this sweet hostess gift.  She knows I am a gardener.  I love this!!!
Denise brought me this darling knitting bag.  The pretty yellow cloth on the table was a gift from my friend Jae. She brought this to me from France.  I love the bumble bees on it, and the trapunto in the middle!
We have such a great time when we gather.  We have been trying to get together once a week or so, since our local knit shop closed recently.  We take turns hosting, and everyone brings a sak lunch, and there are always lots of shared goodies to go around.
I made some chocolate chip cookies this morning for us.
I look so forward to our Knitty Biddy days!!    After everyone left I collected the mail and found this card and note from my friend Debbie.
This afternoon Noah and Christopher next door had some bike races and I sat outside in my chair watching them with my crochet in my lap.  It has been unseasonably cool lately, but I am enjoying it!
Then we came in and took a rest.
Yesterday we woke up in the wee hours of the morning to discover that our electricity was out.  We weren't sure how long it had been out, but my first thought was, "On NO....what about my coffee???!!!!!"
My sweet husband dug out our camp coffee pot that perks on the campfire, and set it up for me on the gas stove so that when I got up at 6:30, I would have my coffee!!!!  He saved my morning!!!  Our electricity did not come back on until 11:30 that morning!  It sure made me think about how folks lived long before the modern conveniences of electricity.  I couldn't watch the telly.  Brew my coffee.  Use my computer.  It was dark and drizzly, so I couldn't see well enough to crochet, or read.   My neighbor came over and shared the coffee with me, and we chatted the morning away.  Then Noah and I played games and did a lot of silly singing.  Good thing there wasn't anywhere I needed to go!!!
Tomorrow I am having what will most certainly be my last birthday celebration lunch with my friend Viki.  Yes, I know.  My birthday was at the end of March!!!  People used to joke that I celebrated my birthday all month.  Not anymore.  No sir.  I celebrate it for 6 weeks!!
See you soon.
XO  Kris


Bethany said...

Aw, you guys look like you had such a good time!!!!

Teresa Kasner said...

I wish I had some crochet buddies. Maybe someday. I'm so tired from doing another bus trip today. Just wanted to say hi. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Some talented ladies...and you look like you have a great time together!

Gracie Saylor said...

Oh, Kris, I love your KB group and wish I could be a part of such a group again. In northern CA I met with a group on Fridays and I still visit them when I can now that I am in OR. You and your friends have made such beautiful projects!
It is so jolting when we lose power! I'm glad your hubby was able to help you have your morning coffee(: <3

pembrokeshire lass said...

The group sounds great....I love meeting with a purpose but also laughing and ...most important.. eating nice things others have made. When the electric goes it really makes you realise how much we take foregranted, doesn't it? Joan

Lesley said...

You ladies look like you're having so much fun together, I'd love to join a group like yours.
I'm crocheting little pink & white cell phone pouches for my mom & mom-in-law's Tracfone SVC's to wear around their necks, ($15, $7/mnth for service) it's got those bigger buttons and letters on the screen. I've never crocheted flowers before but it's something I want to try so I can give them these pouches for mothers day. Thank goodness for the video instructions on the internet.

From the Kitchen said...

I'd like six pairs of the boot socks and one skirt please!
I'd also like a little creative talent of my own.


Holly said...

Those boot socks are adorable! Love the trim. Glad you had a great day with the girls.

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Hi Kris,
So cute! Those socks are gloves are adorable! =) Have a wonderful weekend! xo ~Liz

mynestofyarnandbuttons said...

What talented friends you have. Love the skirt, so pretty but so much work. I don't think I would live long enough to finish one! I missed you past blogs while I was away. Loving your bobble there a pattern somewhere? Have a great weekend, xoRobin❤

Pammy Sue said...

Oh, how I wish I was a Knitty Biddy! I'd love to come play with you girls. Looks like fun to me.

Enjoyed your last mostly chicken post too! How funny that Aunt Bea was smart enough to climb that tree to get out. I thought all birds were really dumb, but I guess not! ;)

DaCraftyLady said...

what a fun day with your knitty bitty group...I met last night with my group....I have been spending a lot of time talking and I am a bit tired of that way, I made copies of my agenda and handed it out to everyone,I think in the future I am going to do just that and then ask if anyone has any questions, otherwise I am going to just crochet as others do.. :) I love your candid shots, isn't it funny how us gals hate our pics taken? Cute gloves and wonderful gifts from friends. :) Hubby to the to have the coffee. :) ~~Debb

PS: I am with you celebrate our birthdays as long as we can...

Sinta Renee said...

I think birthdays should be celebrated for an entire month... and maybe even longer, the older you get! The electricity has a bad habit of going out a lot in my area. That is why I got a bar b que that has a burner on the side!

Jill said...

LOL I had to double take what kind of socks those were. ;-)
What a wonderful group of friends! Such thought full gifts too. I love the warmth of your dining area also.
Sometimes the loss of electricity is just what we need to remind us to slow down and enjoy the little things. Giving us even more gratitude for the things we are blessed to have :-)
Hope you have a wonderful, warmer weekend!


Between Me and You said...

In Scotland, a 'biddie' is a term of endearment....but it looks like your biddies don't need it...they all look like 'dears' to me. I think the pic on your knitting bag may be a Scottish one too!Lovely pics, lovely people. Have a great weekend. x

Meredith said...

I would love to be there knitting away with yo and your friends. I love my group, we are all a bit crazy but that makes it more fun. Hope you have a relaxing weekend,
hugs to you,

NanaNor's said...

Hi Kris, I can tell that you have so much fun with the girls-probably because you are so much fun! My daughters and their families are taking me(hubby too)out tomorrow night for my birthday celebration-we were supposed to go down to Boulder but with the new pup, this momma didn't want to be away that long.
Have a wonderful weekend my friend.
Hugs, Noreen

kathy b said...

Your knit group look s like such fun. Choc. chip cookies...I'd love one

annielizabeth said...

Hi! What a great idea to meet like that since the store closed down. Love the tablecloth from France and cute garden gloves. Lucky you! Looks like it's a fun group of ladies. Have a lovely wknd! It's gorgeous out today isn't it? Gonna play with my plants tomorrow and do laundry; not very exciting but VERY relaxing to me. :)

Nicolle said...

I love that you have this group of friends. They all sound really sweet and really special to you. I would love to have a group like that! The skirt your friend made is gorgeous. How talented! haha...I would have thought about coffee too if I woke without power. How sweet of your husband to save the day! :)