Come on in and have a tour.
It wound up fitting nicely in this space, and Drew says the acoustics are good. To the right is the new sewing room.
The only furniture I left in there was the couch and ottoman, and china cabinet in corner. The ottoman color fought with the quilt on the wall, and other softer colors of my sewing room, so I tossed this crocheted bobble stitch felted rug over it. The Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt was made by my own Great Grandmother, Clara Eliza. Nana's mother. I remember her well. She died in her late 90's when I was about 12. I have several of her quilts, but the one on the wall was the one in the best shape. In fact, this quilt used to hang on the bedroom wall of our first family cabin. I have washed it several times, and it is in very good shape.
The quilt is entirely hand done. Probably sometime in the 30's.
I have always loved this quilt. And the minty green that separates the hexies. In changing this room to my sewing room, I wanted it to look like a sewing space. Not a living room, where I set up to sew. So all of the things came off the walls as well. The things hung there now, were in my sewing room, although I did not put everything back up. I love this canvas floral, and the greens really mesh well with the quilt.
This corner of the room is a bit more crowded than I had hoped, but I had to get it all in. The cabinet houses the stereo. A must. I removed the contents of two shelves, and it now holds yarn. Lots of yarn. The tea cart has a mini quilt I made lying atop it, with some of my boutique items, as well as knitting needles, both vintage and the ones I actually use. Underneath is more yarn. The sign hanging above it was sent to me by a dear blogging friend Debbie.
In the corner is an old chippy shutter that I dumpster dove for. I use it to clip patterns to mostly.
Sitting next to the stereo cabinet is my wicker dress form with my the wedding dress I wore down the aisle 35 years ago. Around the neckline, is a string of Nana's pearls. I will never tire of looking at this dress.
I thought about taking the couch out of the room, but I want the room to be a place for several to gather, and be comfortable. I also left my china hutch in the room because it holds many treasures that I want to remain visible. They bring me comfort to see them. I added my floral wing chair, which was in my sewing room before. It is an old chair. We bought it with a sofa set from Penney's about 20 years ago. 
Over the back of the chair is the bobble blanket I made a couple years ago. I made it with some yummy yarn I ordered from England. The yarn that Lucy of Attic 24 uses. I finished it during the Queen's Jubilee celebration, and so it is thusly named Jubilee.
Moving around to the other side of the room. My cutting table is actually a rolling butcher block for the kitchen. It stands up higher, and is perfect for standing to cut.
It has a big enough surface for the large cutting mat to fit on top. I like to use a photo easel to hold the pattern or book up, that I am working from. I keep a Ball jar of rice grains in it to hold my fabric pens, and a small pair of Ginghers. My rotary cutters and fabric scissors are in the heart cut wooden box. Above the cutting table is my design wall. It is simply a tri fold pattern cutting board, wrapped in batting and covered with flannel. The projects on the design wall are all very old unfinished projects.
My dear friend Kathy recently gifted me with this wonderful oilcloth bag. I think the name of the company is Thirty One? Great bag, I love it. Can you see what is embroidered on the front? This bag will get a lot of use!!!
On the wall between the cutting and sewing table.
The mailbox I bought in an antique store, and painted it aqua. I use it to attach notes and cards, and inside are my Joann's flyers and some Cath Kidston catalogues. The framed antique applique square was from my friend Becky. The curtains in the living room I made a couple of years ago, and they were the perfect taupe color for my furniture. I just wanted something sheer and they have been perfect. But now I think I need to change them since I have different colors in here.
On the side of the cutting table, I hang my acrylic rulers from hooks. I keep a bar stool, with padded seat cushion in front of the table, because I often sit there for a long time to make Bloomie's and things. The little rattan ottoman behind it, I brought home from the cabin. It will be handy for many things. To set my basket of fabrics on, or can be easily moved for a foot stool, or used to set a drink or lunch on when my Knitty Biddies are here.
The farm table was placed right in front of the window. I have my three most used machines set up there.
From left to right, my new Singer One, my antique Feather Weight that belonged to my Dad's older sister, my Aunt Connie, and my vintage Viking that I love! On the little shelf, on the far right, is a little working childrens Singer that belonged to my Nana. I even have the instruction booklet!
Some of you reading this post might recognize something on this table. Several were gifts sent to me from blogging friends. Like this darling mouse pincushion, from SintaThis is the best sewing table. So much space, and it can easily support the weight and bulk of a quilt that I am doing machine quilting on. If you have the space, this is the way to go.
To the right of the table, where the piano was, is my armoire. This was once in our family room to hold our telly. The back has a large piece cut out of it for the back of the TV. This was before the flatscreens. I have covered that up with a small quilted table topper that I made a long time ago.
On top of the armoire are some quilts. The two on the left, I got about 20 years ago on a trip I took to Tennessee with my parents. These were sold by an old man whose wife had recently passed. She was a quilter, and these were the last two she had made. The three on the right side were made by my Great Grandma, Clara Wright. Two of these are still in pretty good shape. One of them is very worn. From another one, I cut a piece out and put it up under the needle on this antique solid iron Commander.
In the two large cabinets below, is a large portion of my fabric stash. But his will have to be changed. I had this in a book case in the closet before, but didn't have a space for it in here. So I will think about a better way to store it for easier viewing and access.
You quilters out there are saying...."is that all the fabric stash she has?" No...don't be silly! Underneath the farm table are several snap lock totes chock full!!!
This was a big project! I will still be fine tuning the space as I go along. But I am thrilled to my toes with it!
I have not yet decided if I will hang my bunting in here that I had in my other sewing room. I am going to think on it for a few days. See my faithful boy there on the rug?
I turned the dining area of the kitchen into a little sitting room with the two club chairs and ottoman and stifle lamp from the living room. It's funny how our needs have changed in our home as our kids have grown up. This set up would have never worked for us 15 years ago.
Now I have to deal with turning the old sewing room into the new guest room. And the old guest room, back into the exercise room. Phew! But today, I shall rest. Thank you for coming to see my new Sewing Nest. I wish that so many of you could come and spend some time here with me. Whether sewing, knitting, or crochet, I know that this new repurposed room will suit me just fine!
Tootle Loo.....
Oh my goodness it's lovely!! So cozy and warm looking, with all that marvelous light!! Much better than a "work" room sort of sewing room. Much more relaxed looking. I'm slightly jealous, here :)
Oh, my goodness! What a perfect room for all of your craftiness! The light will be wonderful. You amaze me with your energy and ability to make every room in your home a warm, welcoming environment. It's beautiful! Love all of your treasures!
Your craft room looks like a dream crafting space. You have all your tools at your fingertips and your personal touches that make the space special. Wishing you many happy hours in your new space. Heather
Look amazing Kris !and your wedding dress is beautiful:)
What a great use of your space. And a lovely view for when you sew. It makes total sense and you'll be more in the midst of the doings of your house too.
That is a wonderful crafty room. A place to quilt, to cut out fabric. A cozy chair to knit and crochet in. Perfect. And all of your treasures around you. Your wedding dress and Grandma's quilts. I'm in love with your space. So perfect for you. You are a really hard worker Kris. Wanna come rearrange my house?
Oh my word!
I'm plumb tuckered out just reading about this swap!
Couple of things... Go you! way to think outside the box. You may as well, have your house the way you want your creativity can flow!
Secondly... I have a vintage viking that I sew on too. I also have an Elna, that I got from my Granny...haven't sewn on it much since I got the Viking a year ago (summer) ...I love that thing! It just sews so wonderfully well.
Your new sewing room-- is so cheerful and bright!
glad you're going to enjoy it and you made room for friends.
Oh my goodness Kris.. you are the hardest working girl I know! I think it's a GREAT idea to utilize that big beautiful space for your crafting. It puts your creative space right up front and center! Good job.. it's so colorful and cozy and wonderful. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
That room is perfect!!! Love your farm table in front of the window. Wish we could come visit again!!
What a great seeing room! You have so much room to spread out and show off all of your beautiful stuff. I love your wedding dress!
I love what you have done here Kris! It's perfect! And your right, why not USE the space in a way that suits your needs best? That's what we did too of course in our everyday eating area. It has just worked perfectly for me. What was the least used room in my house has become the most used. Yours will too. You look like you've been there forever. I am always amazed at your energy level and how you work soo hard till something is done. Well this is a job WELL done. How exciting for you. ENJOY!
Wow Kris ! It looks great ! That was alot of work ! I am sure you will be making such pretty things from that room !
The space is so you! I love what you did in this room and now you will get so much more use out of it. You have been such a busy bee lately!
Wow, what an awesome sewing nest much room. I would never have thought to change the living room into a sewing room but it just makes perfect sense in your home. Why use rooms the way they were designed, times have changed and as we grow older, children leave and our needs change.
Love the new sitting room, it looks so cozy and relaxing. Way to go!
What a great way to utilize a nice room with fantastic light. I have a feeling it make sewing more fun too!
I think that you are having fun literally rearranging the whole house!!! You've made yourself such a great place to create! I love the piano. recently I've been trying to figure out how I can incorporate a piano into this house.
Happy Tuesday Kris, I love it that you have changed up your home to meet your needs. Your new sewing space if perfect. Got to say you have so many nice friends because you are such a nice friend. Girl, the friend that gave you the 31 bag-I got a wallet(small fabric one)for my daughter and it was buku bucks.There bags are wonderful but very pricey.
Thanks for sharing.
Hugs, Noreen
Be there in a hearbeat if I could! An incredible amount of work you gave yourselves there but oh, so worth it. Good job,
Everything looks fantastic and I bet you love all that room to create :)
Oh my, you are so much braver than me. I have always had my sewing room tucked in a back bedroom where I can hide and close the door on any messes. The room is small, full of totes and easy to clutter. My house is small (until it comes time to clean it, lol) and I would never be able to switch rooms to do what you have done. I have a full basement, but will not drag all my stuff down there. It has become a storage area and I am in the process of ridding myself of things down there that need to be left go. You sure have worked yourself into a frenzy to accomplish so much in such a short time. I know how important it is to have good natural light when sewing. I think you will benefit from the big window. have fun.
(((HUGS))) Susanne :)
Kris, don't know where to begin other than to write "awesome!!!" it looks like quilter's heaven! You are not the first friend I know who has taken the living room for more useful and fun purpose and I say you did good. I thought of the idea at my house but my hubs isn't quite ready to say do it yet, maybe another time. I know mine would be a perfect fix for my sewing / quilting use but I want him to be on board 100% so I'm ok for now. Everything you did looks terrific and I love the ideas you used, love having the sofa for some sitting time, perfect. You did good!!! From your FB friend Connie H
Wow, this looks so good!! Enjoy and happy, sewing, crafting, quilting....
I hope that you love it and that you don't get too worn out from all the furniture moving! xx
What a brilliant use of that space, I am in love with your new room. Yes it was a lot of work but it was worth it because it is perfect. I can imagine sitting on the sofa with my knitting and chatting the day away.
Well done my friend,
Mere took the words right out of my computer :-) I was going to tell you I think your new craft room is "Brilliant!" and that I could see myself in that gorgeous flowered chair talking and stitching the day away with you, Kris :-) I have been scrolling back through your posts and reading and rereading your posts that I have not commented on, but enjoyed so much. I love it when you share your good memories of your dad, especially, and am so happy you are blessed with his love. The new pillows and pumpkins are clever and pretty, and your feathered girls are blessed with the new run you and Greg rigged up for them! Mt. Hood just got a new white coat of snow the other night even though the temps down here in the valley are not really cool yet. I had a fabulous three week trip and am still trying to get back into my normal routine :-) Know that you and yours are often in my thoughts and I wish you blessings always even if I don't type that to you often enough! xx
Kris, your new space is absolutely fabulous! All of that wonderful light from your large window. I'm with you about living rooms. Mine is really used for nothing more than showing off some of my collections. lol! In fact, if I was building a new home now I would not even have a living room. Things have just changed and we don't use them. That quilt hanging on the wall is gorgeous! Love the colors that you are pulling out of it. So many cute gifts from your beloved friends. The chickens are just perfect for you. Now I can see why you have been so busy. Just loving that new space! Oh, and I am just like you, when I start something like this I stay up and work, work, work. I'm that way with my Christmas decor. Always think I will take it slow, but usually have it done in a few days. Just get too exceed!
I'm so glad you love your new sewing space, Kris. Making good use of rooms in our home is a great feeling! Thanks for the tour, I enjoyed it and cannot wait to see what you make in there!
You did a wonderful job moving your sewing room into your living room, Kris. You have so much room now and lots of natural light. I can see why uou are having fun sewing every day!
Oh my, my, my, Kris! I adore your sewing room. You have given me so many ideas that I can implement into my sewing area. I will be setting mine up in the New Year. Only thing is that now I cant wait lol!
Thank you for the tour,
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