I debated whether or not to do any quilting over the appliques, or to use same color thread if I did. But I wound up just doing a meander all over the top. I am loving my new machine, but was having some trouble with the free motion foot, and knew it wasn't installed right, as the fabric was not easily gliding along, and the needle was too close. Finally, after nearly finishing it, I realized that I had to move the needle position, and then it was smooth sailing. But I got some pretty wide spaced stitches during the troubleshooting. Oh well. This is how you get better at machine quilting. You quilt everything you can get your hands on.
The pillow back is also a Thimblerries fabric from several years ago. I love this pillow pattern because I like to do the envelope fold over style of pillow for easy laundering. And also, this makes such a nice crisp, neat back for the pillow too, when using a large piece of fabric doubled to size, using the fold as the opening pieces.
Once you sew the back to front, the entire piece gets bound exactly as you would a quilt.
I thought it turned out really cute.
In the same book, I used the pattern sheet to make up some appliques for another Halloween piece. And actually, this isn't a quilt. It was just to do some practicing on my new machine. I have never had the blanket stitch on my machines. I always did it by hand. But I was really wanting a machine that had this feature to secure appliques onto a quilt top. I just took a scrap of lighter background fabric, and using heat n bond, I adhered the appliques to the background piece. And using three leftover pumpkin appliques I had from a group project I was part of years ago, I did the same thing, leaving the edges free for easier sewing, as these were already two thicknesses of fabric. I had a long time ago, used my older Viking to try to do blanket stitching using another similar stitch. That was done in a beige color, so it is still visible. Like I said, this is for practice. Note to anyone who is trying to blanket stitch for first time on applique pieces......do NOT use small shapes with lots of curves and sharp edges!!! Do hearts, pumpkins, circles, etc, but NOT what I did. The spiders and the witches were murder I tell you! Since I have done it in dark thread, the oopsies are not quite as easily visible. But you can see my bloopers all over the place!!!! I wanted to put some leaves on the pumpkins, but not necessarily with fabric. So I thread painted them with green variegated thread. What fun! I have done a little bit of this before on some pillows and it is fun to play with. Just use your free motion foot, drop your feed dogs, and go. I did trace out a pumpkin leave onto freezer paper, and then ironed the paper onto the quilt, and simple went around it on my machine. Then peeled it off and did the veins. I went over them all several times, taking so special care to stay on the previous line. In fact, the more wiggly it gets, the better it looks. Since I was just playing, I did not use any stabilizer on the back to prevent for distorting the fabric. I will certainly do that the next time.
If you have not tried using freezer paper before, it is some great stuff. You draw out your shape on the dull side, then cut out and iron onto fabric with the waxy side. It will stick very well into place for you, and it can be removed and used over and over.
I was going to bind this, but then I had a lightbulb go off, and remembered a frame I had in the garage that was about the same size. Sure enough it was, and even though I had to hide the green borders on the sides, one side shows a wee more, because it looked best in the frame slightly off center to show the stars and moon. I used my stapler and tacked it down on the backside of the frame, and voila....
I am limited and learning with my machine quilting. I have really only done meandering. On this I tried my hand at some echo quilting around the black shapes, and then some free hand waves on the border. It was fun to make. Just for play. Certainly not worthy of gifting, but good enough to put up on my fireplace. I call it Pumpkin Patch At Night.
I have begun to turn my old sewing room into the new guest room. I still have much to do in there. The closet still holds my things for sewing, and the walls need some patch and paint. A rug for the side of the bed, maybe some pillow shams. But it is a nice room for a guest room. So bright and cheerful. We have a sliding french door that goes out onto the patio with a view of the pool and grove beyond. We had our first guests last night. Our two granddaughters Hannah and Claire.
I left the bunting up in this room, and with the quilt I used for the bed, it fits perfectly. The only room in my house with soft and feminine colors. I had this wreath in my living room, and after cleaning it, and drying it, I thought it would like nice on the wall in here. The pretty little wooden scalloped tray is just for pretty. I removed that as soon as the girls arrived. I smile every time I walk down the hall and see this room.
Those two wooden chairs are extras for my dining table. I want to find a small comfy chair for one of those corners. A place to toss your robe. I have removed the closet doors in here, and wallpapered the inside of my closet in a tiny pink rosebud paper. I love it. I made a floral curtain to hand low enough to cover the things stored on the shelves in there, but high enough to clear a head peeking in. I had my friend Jae's husband, Tom install an electrical outlet inside the closet so I can have a small lamp inside, with a pretty soft glow for the night.
I put the carved wood table that was in our entryway in here, and also a lingerie chest I brought down from the cabin.
This room was our oldest daughter, Gennifer's I had gotten this white eyelet pleated duet shade for the room. It was so pretty and feminine. As well as private for the night time. But she loved to burn candles in her room at night, and the shade got sooty. I have no idea how to clean it, and restore it to it's original white. I never had it drawn when I used the room for my sewing room. But for sleeping in here, it is a must.
The girls arrived and were raring to go!!
We had a really great time with them.
That was our weekend. Geeps is out back grilling up some hot dogs. We are having chili dogs tonight. Easy peasy. Geeps and Gramma are kind of tuckered out!
See you soon!
Well I should think you're pooped!
You....are like a house on fire!
Go Kris Go!
Enjoy your week.....
Linda :o)
You are a talented seamstress in addition to all your other talents, Kris.
The girls are adorable!!!
It is interesting to me, Kris, that I tried to see the flaws you described in you machine stitching...and I could not see them! The overall effect of your stitching looks like a great design to me,,,especially framed. Thanks for sharing your process.
And I think your guest room and your first two guests are lovely :-)
Happy week to you and yours xx
I'm so happy for you that you have set up such a wonderful work space and that you have machines that will do what you want. Bravo, Kris!
((hugs)), Teresa :-)
I bet you're tuckered out after all you have done! I love the pillow and you are so good to do your own quilting. Haven't done that. Tinkered with it once, but didn't love it! Boy, you can sure save money if you do. I use freezer paper for my appliqué. I learned a trick a couple years ago that I love! Iron three layers of freezer paper together then cut you pattern out. Really makes a lot nicer template and you can use it over and over again! The guest room turned out so cute and I bet the girls love it!
I think your quilted projects look great Kris. I'm with Gracie. I tried to see the flaws you described and couldn't see anything wrong at all. The framed picture certainly looks gift worth to me. :-) How fun to get to decorate your "new" guest room and have it all ready for the girls to visit. Grandkids are the greatest gift ever.
Blessings always,
Everything looks so festive for Fall at your house!
That guest room...adorable.
I like what you've done there.
enjoy those kiddos!
I love all the things you've made, the halloween pillows and fabrics are so cute! When I saw these photos I searched for some halloween fabric online, I don't have enough time to make anything this year but I will do next year :) Love your work!
Where do you find the energy!!?? Love the kitty cat pillow, it's so you. Thinking I need to come and try out that guest room, you know, just to make sure everything is just right. Love ya Girl!
Love, love, love the pillow! Such a cute pattern. I think your guest room look beautiful & I am sure your granddaughters loved staying in there.
All your quilting projects are so cute! You are right about learning anything new, the best thing to do is practice and practice isn't it. You will be doing all sorts before you know it, but what you made already looks great too! The bedroom is lovely, but I am afraid that I don't have any advice about the shade, I hope that you can figure out what to do. xx
You are so talented Kris, it looks like your new sewing room has given you a lot of inspiration. Your guest room looks really comfortable and welcoming. Hope your week is off to a great start. Heather
Love the pillow and wall hanging!!
Your guest room looks so comfy and cozy!!
There is no better place than Gram's and gramp's for sure!!
Enjoy, Janie
Girl you have been busy and I think your meander quilting looks perfect. I have used a long arm to do that before and loved it. It was such a relaxing time.
I see you are loving your new space, and it is making you want to sew! The bedroom looks fantastic. Everyone needs a feminine room in their home.
Girl, Do you realize just how talented you are?!!!! I have never mastered machine quilting, even though I have a free motion foot. You are just so creative Kris; I know you'd be teaching me a lot if I lived near you.
Hope you have a wonderful evening.
Girl, Do you realize just how talented you are?!!!! I have never mastered machine quilting, even though I have a free motion foot. You are just so creative Kris; I know you'd be teaching me a lot if I lived near you.
Hope you have a wonderful evening.
Darling pillows, it must be so fun making them. It looks like your new setup is working very well. The bedroom is perfect for the girls.
Such cute pillows! Love the bunting in the bedroom; don't take it away!:))
We used to wash our shades and venetian blinds in the bathtub and then hang them on the clothesline to dry. Worked like a charm! Oxydol diluted quite a bit might get rid of the candle soot. Your guest room is adorable, as are your "guests" ... I would imagine they will want to stay over often!
You are making so many wonderful things! You are an inspiration to me. Love that banner!!
I love all you make and I say you really from my heart. Now Im making some crochet things again to use in some thing!
I love all look beautiful and the girls are absolutely beautiful and big!!
wow you have been so busy. I can't believe all you've made. The cake quilt is beautiful and I really like the framed work.
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