Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Lisa Lillien, Author of Hungry Girl Cookbooks....I LOVE YOU!!!!!

OMG......to those who know me, it is no secret that I have a major sweet tooth!!!    Losing weight, while still getting to have some yummilicious sweets is why I have been successful with Weight Watchers in the past.  Nothing is off limits.  So long as you "count" it.  Sure, you could eat all of your 23 points before noon if you want to.  And I have.  But learning how to maximize points, so that you don't get hungry, and still get to have some sweets is my idea of a weight loss program. And for my friend and partner in crime, Maryrose, leaving enough points for her beer or wine is of utmost importance!!   Unfortunately for me, to veer off of this program results in weight gain, as I have learned in this past two years.   Today I made the Chocolate and Peanut Butter Bread Pudding from one of the new Hungry Girl cookbooks I bought the other day.  I have been reading these like novels, as I do many of the cookbooks I have.  This pudding, while not exactly a knock off of the bread puddings I savored while in New Orleans, would qualify as a good  cousin to those rich and decadent bread puddings that I so enjoyed while working my way through The French Quarter.

You don't have to be trying to lose weight to enjoy this lovely dessert.   It is so tasty that you won't even notice that it is quite low calorie and healthy. The recipe is as follows:
3 pieces of lo calorie, high fiber bread (45 cal/slice)
2 T mini semi sweet chocolate chips
2 T reduced fat peanut butter
1 cup light vanilla soy milk
1/3 cup fat free egg substitute, or whites of 3 large eggs
2 T brown sugar, not packed
Lightly toast bread, and then slice into 1/2 inch cubes.
Place in bottom of 1 quart dish.
Sprinkle chocolate chips on top of bread cubes.
In blender mix soy milk, eggs, peanut butter and brown sugar on medium until smooth.  Pour over bread cubes and let soak in for 5 min.  Meanwhile preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Bake pudding in middle of oven for 45-50 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean.  For me, it took only 40 minutes.  I know when something is done by smelling it.  I tested it at this point, and it was set.  Remove from oven and let set up a few minutes before serving.  Best served warm.  I had mine with a dollop of fat free cool whip!   This makes 4 servings and I calculated it into points.  It is 3 pts. per serving!  Be still my sweets craving heart!!!!  
Bon Appetit!


Anonymous said...

Oh man, oh man, that sounds delish!! I love when you post your yummy recipes!!!!

I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Looks like Genn already has the table set, and I think it is probably totally gorgeous, who wouldn't want to eat turkey at that table????

Debbie said...

Oh my gosh that just sounds WONDERFUL....and this recipe I'll be baking up for sure!! YAY I'm soo excited you are on this diet and I can come here and get some what are sure to be yummy recipes.

Genn said...

Looks good Mom!

Anita Lasher said...

I finally decided to take photos of something that I am baking and sorry to say that this item will be of the highest caloric value! You will hate me but you will love me too! It has saved me many a times because it is so easy to make and it goes with the holidays. Stay tuned!!!!!!!


Kelly said...

looks and sounds mmmmmmmm mmmm good!

deb said...

I almost bought this cookbook the other day!!!!! thanks for the yummy recipe!!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!