Monday, March 21, 2011

Jelly Roll Quilt Top & A Blowout!!!

Yesterday it rained.  Almost all day.   It was lovely.   Last week I started a new quilt after seeing one that a friend had done.  We got together one night, two friends and I.  The three of us started our Jelly Roll Quilts.  She said that there are jelly roll races going on with quilters all over.  I had not heard of this, but her quilt was so cute.  Very fun and scrappy looking.  Here is what you do. You sew each jelly roll strip together, from the short end.  In the races, they don't sew diagonally across, for the sake of speed, I guess.  Then, for the most part, these quilts are done for charity, from what I understand.  But I took the time and sewed mine diagonally, as if you were making binding.  You just take each piece, not paying much attention to color or print, pulling them randomly from the pile.  When done you get yards and yards of one VERY long strip of fabric.  We discovered that at this point it was good to fold it sort of fireman hose style, so that you don't get it too tangled up.  Then taking a piece from each end, right sides together, you sew down the entire length of that long strip.
And it is a loooooooooooooooong strip!!!
On the above photo, you can see how I joined my strips.  On the diagonal.  Then press seams open.  It will feel like you are sewing forEVER.  And you kind of are!  There is a long way to go.
Make sure you have filled an extra bobbin.  You WILL be needing it!!!
You can see that I piece on my little Featherweight.  What a work horse these little machines are.  If you are lucky enough to have one, enjoy it!  Mine belonged to my Dad's sister.  And it was probably Dad's Mother's before that.  It is a beautiful little machine.  I love to sew on this jewel.
Moving on.  So for the jelly roll, you keep sewing your seam until you get to the end.  Then you cut where the fold is, and finish the seam.  You don't have to press you seams yet, but I do.  Press all seams one way.
Now you will have two very long strips sewn together.  Find right sides and put them together, and do the same thing all over again.  You will do this 5 times total.  Each time, of course, your length is getting shorter.  
This is the perfect quilt for the first time quilter.  It is all straight seams.  No rotary cutting.  Easy Peasy.  And you can have it your quilt top done in a few hours.  This is my last seam now.
 This is a must have sewing tool that I use.  It is so handy for when you are piecing and you need a little tack on your fingers to grip the fabric.  I also love it for when I am doing free motion quilting. It really gives you a nice grip, and does not leave any residue on the fabric. 
 You can find it in the stationary aisle of any store like Target, or Walmart.  Cheap, and lasts forever!
And all seams to the same side.  And TA DA!!!
I love the scrappy look of this.  It is a perfect size for a picnic, or a throw.  The random placement of the strips adds to the scrappy charm.  Apparently, upon doing some Google searches, you are to cut off an 18 inch piece or so of the first long sewn strip.  This gives the overall pattern of the quilt a more random look for where the strips are diagonally sewn together.  But I did not do this.  I like it just fine.  I may try that on the next one.  This fabric line is called BLISS, by Moda.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!  I am finding myself more and more drawn to the aquas and reds together. 
Upon admiring my handiwork, I thought I would pin the quilt top to my ironing board, and get a photo of it.  So I ever so carefully got up onto my little ottoman I keep in my sewing room, and using my left leg to climb up, seeing as how that is my better of the two bad knees, and when I landed on my right knee, the one that has been quite painful lately, it snapped!  LOUD, like a thick rubber band, and I went down like a ton of bricks, in agony!  Thank goodness Greg was home.  He was so mad at me though.  Mad because he says I should never have tried to get up on that ottoman with my bad knee!  But it was bound to happen.  It has been bothering me a lot this past week.  So down I went.  I was sniveling and hurting, and I'm not gonna lie...a bit annoyed that he was so mad at me!!!   When he realized how bad it was, and that I couldn't walk out of that room, he came back in there and wrapped it in an ace bandage, and went to Walgreens to buy some crutches.  It ached something awful all night long.  But today I was able to put a little weight down on it.  And I am wearing a knee brace.  We are two weeks from changing our insurance plan.  I hope to nurse it til then.   I have done it to my left knee, and it did strengthen back up.  Hoping the same for this one.  We have BAD knees in our family!  All of my siblings, and my Mom!!!  Actually, one brother has bad shoulders and hip.  So all in all, we have bad parts!!!  Sheesh.
Erika's David, bless his heart, has come to pick up Noah for me today.  He took him to school and will be picking him  up.  Hopefully tomorrow I can walk a little better.  As for today, I will be sitting.  And icing.  And taking Advil!!!!


Bethany said...

I love Bliss!! I have a few Bliss charm packs waiting to become a quilt.
And I love this quilt idea--I try to plan my random piecing and it never works right (because it's not really random, I guess)--but I want to try this method. It looks super quick, even with the looooon rows of sewing. but it's straight sewing so no biggie...

Bethany said...

Me again--how many jelly rolls did you use for this?

Reality Jayne said...

Love the Shabby chic look to it....If i do learn to sew(which i will) i could make this...It looks fairly simple
Bad knees?...In our family seems we get bad brains later....eekkkk

NanaNor's said...

Oh Kris, I'm so sorry about your knee-having body parts act up isn't fun!!!! I love your top and plan on forwarding this to my daughter who loves to sew with jelly rolls. I think I'd need to do this project with someone else. Reminds me of my strip pieced autumn quilt. I'm hoping that due to your rainy weather, it is a bit easier for you to stay inside and relax that knee. I'm taking a Strong Women, Strong Body class to strengthen my knees and hips with osteopena progressing.
Hugs to you today-wish I could come wait on you!

Anonymous said...

Get better!!! And stay OFF your feet!!

~Niki~ said...

love the Bliss fabric line as well. that came out great! easy peasy~my kind of quilt! hey, how did you get your strips to easily go together on the diagonal like that? stupid question, i know. but I think I'd get confused~lol. I've made jelly roll quilts like that before, but I usually just make one big strip w/o the diagonal~please advise ;) sorry to hear about your boo boo :( poor thing~aren't husbands funny like that sometimes? lol

Genn said...

Im glad you didn't hurt yourself more than you did. I hope it heals quickly!! TAKE IT EASSSSY!!!!

Also, I LOVE that blanket that you made! Love the different patterns. It would be a FABULOUS prop as a blanket for a picnic for a photo shoot!!!!

Tammy said...

Ouch!!! Hope it heals fast! like the girls said, STAY off of it!
I LOVE the blanket! So pretty and love the colors!!!

Holly said...

Oh Baby Girl, I wish I were there to take care of you. I'd prop your leg up and fill you up with comfort food. Then I would get to take care of Noah for you too. Seriously, stay off it as much as possible. I don't have to tell you how much I love the colors in your quilt. The fabric is gorgeous! If I were creative and as sew savvy as you, that is exactly the quilt I would make for myself. I can't believe you got so much of it done already. Take care.

deb said...

LOVE the quilt...the crutches not so much:( get better soon!

Naomi said...

Take it easy - your knee sounds terrible. Hopefully it will get better in a few days. Hope you can hang in there until the insurance changes!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

You poor thing. I am so sorry to hear about your knees....ouch! I hope you heal quickly...hang in there! Love your blanket and the colors, very pretty. I also love the Easter t-shirts that you made- adorable! XOXO ~Liz

everyday katie said...

I think that's my favorite quilt you've ever shared. I love that style of quilt and the fabrics you used are fantastic.

Sorry about your knee. I'm wishing you a quick recovery.

Sue Pinner said...

ouch!!!...sort of thing l would do!
Hope it feels better soon and l love the picnic quilt...reminds me of one l made years ago..must see if l can find it still boxed l think!
Poor knees feel better soon
Hugs x

Janna said...

Wow! your quilt is beautiful. Hope your knee is better soon.

annielizabeth said...

Oh Kris, you've been a busy girl! Love the quilt the 'ghan and the applique tees. Sorry you hurt your knee. Hope it heals in a jiffy so it doesn't slow ya down. Looks like rain is gonna come down here any minute now. Stay warm!

Cindy said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery on your knee!! Love the quilt. I need to get my butt in gear and finish mine.

Karen said...

Oh Kris, the pain we suffer for our art!Hope your on the mend now.

I love your quilt and Bliss is one of my favorite fabric lines. This pattern would make a wonderful scrap quilt.I can see it in 30's for a quick baby quilt or fall colors. Makes me want to star cutting fabric.