Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Front Porch Pottery & Garden Accessories,.... And A Surprise

Yesterday on my way to the feed store, I went down Main Street through town instead of going on the freeway.  That is how I discovered this wonderful shop.
I LOVED this shop!  They had a LOT of really wonderful things to look at, and choose from.  Their plants and herbs and veggie seedlings were beautiful and healthy!!! 

I have been pricing the raised boxes at Lowe's and Home Depot.  I needed to get a couple more, but decided that I would just go with one more, and they happened to have one left here.  When I was in yesterday, Ed, the owner brought me over to see the one he had planted out front of the shop.  I was amazed at how much he had planted in there.  It was strategically planted, using every square inch of space, as well as vertical space, and it was perfect.
I fell in love with this wooden wheelbarrow.  Oh how I want it!!  I can just see this in my yard overflowing with flowers!
Moving inside now.  I will just let you see what all they have in there.  From beautiful pottery, garden art, tools, patio furniture, fountains, ponds, you name it, they had it. 

Meet Val.  She and her husband Ed own this wonderful garden shop. 
This is the kind of place that makes you think about that family owned shop down on Main Street, in Anytown USA.  Where the service is friendly and knowledgeable.  Where the prices are right.  Where they actually HELP you with your purchases, all the way to your car, where it has been properly wrapped and packaged, so that you will get it all home without incident.  I will be back to this shop.  And I will be back soon.  I told them I was going to do a blog post.  I hope all of my gardening friends here in the Corona-Norco area, will go say hi to Val and Ed at Front Porch Pottery & Garden Accessories.  They will greet you with a smile, and you will be so glad you went in.  Tell them Kris sent you!   : )  
The address is:  1701 Hamner Ave.  Norco CA.   (951) 398-8085
Now for my surprise.   Look what I brought home with me today...........
Two brown paper saks.  Guess what was inside the paper saks????? 
Oh my goodness....I am crazy for chickens!!!!  Crazy I tell you!!!  I love them!  I want bunches of them.  One in every color.  One of every breed.   I can already see I need to get a building permit to add on to the coop.  A second story perhaps. With a loft for dozens and dozens of my feathered friends to sleep at night, and a bunch of little nesting boxes for my girls to lay eggs of every color.  I will let them roam free during the day, and they can peck at the ground around me while I work in my garden. 
The two smaller ones, are only 1 day old!  They are both Amerucanas.  They will be laying those beautiful blue/green eggs.  The taller one, she is 1 week old.  And she is a Brahma.  This breed has feathers on the feet, and they look like they are wearing little feathered booties.  So cute.  My reason for getting three, was so that each one of our grandkids can pick one of their very own.  To name her, and help Gamma take care of her.  Hannah and Claire came over today to see them.  Hannah was SO excited!  Claire...not so much.  She is a bit frightened of animals at first.  She is scared to death of our dog Ducey!  And the chickens she likes when they are in the coop.  But when they are out and about, she is a little bit unsure.  Hannah on the other hand, wants to hold them.  Pet them. Feed them  Collect the eggs.  A little farm girl in the making.  Here she is meeting the chicks and picking out her very own.
She picked the yellow/apricot Ameraucana.  She is still thinking about the perfect name.  Tossing around Chicas for her name choice.   
 Do I have something on my nose?  Like maybe corn mash?
After the visit with the chicks, we went out to the garden and they helped me fill my new garden box with soil.  Tomorrow when Noah comes, he can pick out his chick and a name.  Claire will get the the one that didn't get picked.  Somehow I don't think she will mind.
My garden is getting there.  Another month, and I will be harvesting quite a bit.
The back wall is planted and I love how it turned out.

I sat outside watching the chickens to see where they would roost.  I put a larger roost up there, and I wanted to make sure the pullet didn't try to get into the nest box again.
There she is....Lady Gaga is trying to inch up there to that nest box again.  Even though I have put a towel down across the top.  I wound up having to go get a hammer and nail the towel down.  Then I picked her up and put her on the larger roost, and she and the other two joined her.  Finally. 
Snacker roosts alone there on the left.  She is better today.  I am glad I got those antibiotics going right away.  She even let me hand feed her 3 droppers of the medicated water today.  
If you are sick of hearing about chickens and gardens, I am sorry.  But this has been consuming me lately.
Tomorrow is my Mama's birthday.  Also my niece Deanna's birthday.  We are going to dinner at Tony Roma's as per Deanna's request.  Tomorrow I also need to catch up on the housework I have been neglecting since I have spent so much time this past week outside.  Off to bed now.


Bonnie said...

Aww those chicks are adorable!! So great that you can share those with your grand babies! Wish I knew a thing or two about gardening!

Holly said...

1 day old? How adorable. Loving your garden. Glad to see you're having such a great time with it.

Debbiedoos said...

Oh WOW, that pottery was gorgeous, as were the flowers. Glad you are enjoying your new chickens too!

Dawn said...

Your garden looks great. I do raised bed gardens also, much easier to keep weeded. If you have a chance go to the library and get "Square Foot Gardening" it will show you how to use every inch of your raised be garden. The chicks are darling:)

glor said...

What a delightful read, so glad I stopped by! What a great garden center. Your plantings are super and I love the newest additions. How sweet these little chicks. Never tired of hearing of such wonderful days. Have a great weekend. Blessings.

Reality Jayne said...

Kris...You are turning into Mother Earth.....I like the new babies/ Now how long till you can put them into the pen?

Genn said...

Awwww the new baby chicks are SO cute!! Hannah was so excited to tell me about them. Chicas. What kind of a name is that? :)
I love that one of the older chicks is named Lady Gaga. Speaking of, did you watch the new Glee on Tuesday??
H started to cry this morning when she asked if she had school today and I said yes. I asked why are you crying and she said, "Because I want to go see my chicken."

Bethany said...

You're going to have to start wearing a big old fashioned Grandma Walton apron so you can carry chicken feed in it and then gather the eggs :)
They are too cute, by the way :)

Anonymous said...

Ahhh yay for baby chicks! They're sooo cuuuute! :)

Debbie said...

Good Morning! I loved shopping with you. What a great store! I so enjoyed this post Kris. The baby chicks are soo adorable. My grandkids would just love them. Especially Jeffie. Diane wants to start chickens too. She has the perfect spot for a coop and is looking into it. I told her she needs to talk to you as I am sure you would have many tips. Looks soo fun. Have a good day!

Linda said...

I love hearing about your chickens! I just wish I had the space you have and I would have some next door neighbors have a small coop with 3 or 4 and my yard is big's just all filled up! happy birthday to your Mama, Noah and Deanna! Oh and check out my post today...I have a link to a give away of one of my bags. I donated a bag for this...she's a great gal...and wanted one to give away! have a great day!!

deb said...

omg I dont even know what to say......Im over the top jealous now!!!
Also a trip to Norco is in what a cool place!!!!

byhooks4u said...

WOW!!! You are one busy lady. I don't know if I could do the chicks, one puppy about wears me out. I love your fence wall. That shop seems too good to be true. Have an awesome day.

Cozart Family said...

Oh my gosh, I have been wanting to go into that store. I think it use to be a camping store. Anyway, I am so excited to go now. Thanks for posting. I will tell them you sent me. =)

The baby chicks are so darn cute! You seem like such a wonderful gamma and mom. You always have a positive post and really love your family. Thanks for always have great posts to read.

Happy farming, Traci

mountain mama said...

thanks for your entry in the giveaway!

your grandkids are adorable as are the chicks~

From the Kitchen said...

I've enjoyed shopping with you, visiting your garden and love those chicks!


Tammy said...

Your garden is beautiful!!! I wish I had the patience to garden. My mom loves to work in the garden, so I watch. haha! Those baby chicks are adorable! My mother in law usually gets some every year and Frankie loves to hold them and pet them. Too cute!

~Niki~ said...

oh what fun!
you sure have your plate full with chickens now~
how many eggs do they all put out?

annielizabeth said...

Claire is still young and she'll grow out of it! Could be, pets just aren't her thing. Your yard is fantastic and the chicks adorable. Good thinkin' for each to have a chick. That store is to die for, I'll have to tell my brother that lives near you about it.

You asked where we're moving to. Back to the San Gabriel Vly to be close to the shop again. We'll rent for awhile (yuk). Fun to catch up with what-yer-doin'!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

It's all looking good Kris. Your little chicks are adorable. Love the new store in town. That wagon...I may have to have Mr.Dennis make me one.I love it. I have an old wheel barrow in my front yard filled with flowers. The neighbor that gave it to me came down yesterday and asked if I would sell it back to him. I said ummmmm no. lol