Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Noah Turns Four!

Yesterday, our grandson Noah turned four!  Hard to believe that time has flown so quickly.  Hannah is going on five, Claire is going on 3, and now Noah is 4!!!   No more babies.
We went to Erika's for pizza.  The kids had a ball.  You can probably tell by the fact that they have every toy drug out.
These three get along so well, and have so much fun together.  Whenever they are together, it brings me back to when my kids were little, and my brothers kids and Greg's sister's kids were small.  They were all so close, and loved each other just like this.  Such fun memories.  Happy Birthday Noah.  You are so loved!!!
In other news, my garden is growing merrily along.  Despite the nasty little midnight bandit who has visited twice now and torn out my her garden, and almost all of my freshly sprouted seedlings.   I have filled in the back wall of hanging pots, and I love how it looks.

The pots contain both flowers and herbs.  I love the splash of color and also being able to utilize the vertical space for my garden.
I have found a really GREAT place!  I stumbled upon it yesterday on accident.  I got a few seedlings and herbs, and am running back out today for their last raised bed in stock.  I am taking my camera to blog about it, so if anyone is near to where I live, you must go check it out.  So look for that post later today.
I painted the top of the coop in a barn red, and Mr. G installed the rooster weathervane for me.  I would like to paint the rest of the wood too, but with the chicken wire it is kind of a challenge.  But I am thinking I still might.  Right now I am going to go mix some meds for the chickens.  It appears that Snacker has caught a bit of a cold. I think one of the new girls had a cold.  She was making a funny barking/sneezing type of noise, and being a novice chicken farmer, I didn't know what the sound meant. She didn't appear sick in any way, but now I am thinking it was a cold that she had from the place we got the three Rhode Island Reds.  And now Snacker is making that noise.  So I did some research and found out you can get an antibiotic from the feed store, and you mix it in their water.   So I am treating all 4 of the girls.  I fed Snacker the meds through a childs medicine dropper just to make sure she got enough yesterday.  I am going to do the same every day for a week.  I won't introduce any new chickies until there are no signs of a cold anymore. 
This was taken at dusk, so the girls were already roosting.  Do you see that naughty pullet roosting in the laying box?  I now have to hang a drape in front of it at night so she won't go in there.  I added another roost too, so hopefully we are getting all squared away.
I am off to pick up my raised box, and then later to show you the neat place I got it, so you can go too.
Mr. Noah is at Disneyland today with his Mommy, so I have a free day to putter on the farm.  It is beautiful outside today too.  Go enjoy it!
Farmer Kris


Gloria Baker said...

Love the pics, he is so cute and lovely!! gloria

Holly said...

Happy bday Noah! I know he's having a great time today! Can't wait to see your little garden grow.

Bethany said...

I did not know chickens could get sick. This amuses me for unknown reasons.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Noah! He's such a cutie!

Everything is looking great around the farm! Love the red!

Debbie said...

Happy birthday to that sweet boy! Sure he is enjoying his day at Disneyland.

The farm is looking good!

Love the way the coop looks with the red paint and all

ENJOY! Your right the weather is gorgeous!

byhooks4u said...

looks like a good time by all..I have a question..what are those things that look like burnt hotdogs? They are interesting..

Amy said...

Happy Birthday to Noah :) I really want to grow a garden sometime. You have so many good ideas. No, I haven't tried a pillow case yet, but I would like to someday for sure. I will have questions for you when I do!

Lauri said...

The pictures of your grandchildren are darling. They look like good friends. It is so fun that they are close by and can grow up together.

Your garden is looking great. I planted a little one this summer...2 kinds of lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, cilantro, radishes, parsley, and basil. I'll bet you're having fun with those chickies.

annielizabeth said...

Happy Birthday Noah!