Today we took a ride to a little farm not too far from us to see about getting some more chickens. I wanted to get 5 more. But we only selected 3. They are all Rhode Island Reds. Two are 1 yr old laying hens. The other one is a pullet, which is a hen under one year of age. She is about 4 months old, and will begin to lay eggs at about 6 months.
They are such a pretty color of red, with bits of black and white.
They are young, so their combs on top of their heads aren't fully grown yet. Also, their beaks are clipped. Apparently that is California law for breeders. Did not know this.
Snacker did some more "Free Range" foraging for bugs today. She loved that.
I plan on getting 2 more. I want Ameraucana. They lay the most beautiful shade of pale blue eggs. My neighbor has a family farm not too far away, and she thinks she has a couple of those that she will be willing to sell or give away.
That's it from the farm for today.
16 hours ago
so just much do the chickens cost to buy? for one, say. Also, do chickens automatically get along...what if you bought them and they fought? they must get along I guess LOL. I have never learned about chickens, but gladd you are posting these things about them. This one is going to sound stupid, my question that do the stores get mostly white eggs? are they bleached somehow or do they come from a particular chicken. don't laugh, seriously I don't know. LOL. Also, what is the flavor difference, if any, in the diff color eggs from the differen ttypes of chickens, i'm assuming they are ALL edible?
Niki...all good questions. I am learning here as we go too. The chickens will establish a "pecking order" just like the saying goes. They will peck at one another a bit, as they decide who will be the boss. When we put the new ones in today, there was no problem. A wee bit of pecking, but nothing major. The color of eggs has to do with the ear lobe color. If they are white, they lay white eggs, if they are red, they lay brown eggs. Except for the Ameracauna and Araucana, which lay the pretty blue/green eggs. The cost varies a little. A chick is only a few dollars. A laying hen, a year or over is about 10.00 here. The pullets, which are under a year, are usually more. About 15.00. So as I learn, I will pass along the info. It has been fun so far!!
Now I want a hen! Have a good day Kris:)
Iam beyond envious!! my daughter ordered Rhode Island reds too..she wont get her chicks til June because its so cold back there. Chickens are a dream that will never happen for me so I will live vicariously thru the both of you and maybe you will let me come visit them from time to time!!!
I have wanted chickens but not sure that is in my future. We like to be gone a lot in the summer and don't want to be tied down to animals. Our neighbor has a small animal "farm" with at least 50 chickens. They keep multiplying. I love the varied colors and "hats" they have!!
Thank you for the information about them. I would have the same questions as Nikki!
Enjoy and have a great Sunday!
I love the pictures Kris!! My grandma had chicken and there eggs always were nice! (LOL) gloria
Your gonna need a bigger
Oh my gosh......Dad would be so proud of you.......his farmer daughter.
I am so envious! Chickens, oranges, lemons.....!
Your blog adventures sure make my blog posts seem boring. I'm going to have to step it up. LOL seriously, what fun!
Fun! Can't wait to meet them.
Ohhhh I so envy you having those beautiful chickens....I want some so bad...I love hearing a mama hen cluckle to her babies! Ohhhh and holding a baby chick brings so many memories of my Mama Bush back to life for me...enjoy those chickens for me girl....loved seeing them...Picket
So jealous of your chickens! Have always wanted to have a brood! We live in a neighborhood where you can't have them. :(
My next door neighbors have a chicken coop too and I hear them making their chicken noises each day...they are all white and they bring over sometimes. I have often thought about getting a couple myself...yours are very cute!!
Aren't they pretty!! How fun you are so going to enjoy those eggs! If you ever have too many that you don't know what to do with, you know where I live!
Love the EIEIO! What fun for you all!! Congrats on your 3 new ones!
I am so envious about your chickens. Kristi and I googled chicken questions when we found out you got Snackers, but I still feel lacking in chicken education. I can't wait to see them in person and maybe bring a couple "little" friends I have over for a looksee. I promise not to let Madi have her way with your chickens...she can't be trusted.
Great time last night...enjoyed you guys and our evening. I am looking forward to some warm summer evenings.
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