This morning I was excited to see if there was an egg. I went out about 6:30. egg. Gennifer called later and said that Hannah was anxious to see the chicken. So they came over about 10:00. And when we got out there, look what we found!
One perfect brown egg!!! We were all pretty excited about that. I didn't think she would lay one today. With the move and all. But she did! After I took Noah to school, I went to the feed store and bought mash and scratch, and feeders. I also cleaned out her nesting box and put clean cedar shavings in there. She is going to think she is at The Ritz!
Bright red feeders.
Nice clean box for eggs.
Can't decide if we will keep her name my brother gave her. "Snackers" or call her something else. I keep saying "Chicky" but I think she will stay Snackers.
Thank you for the egg Snackers!!!
5 hours ago
Yum - omelet for dinner!!
It is beautiful
How fun!!! That egg is pretty too! =)
Ha! I love how you displayed the egg :)
Super exciting. Guess she quite comfortable and at home. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
....and you even know the lingo...mash and scratch and feeders. I would have called it chicken food.
ONce again I am smiling..I love your blog and the joys you and yours find in life...
How exciting! My son loves going to grandma's and getting the eggs. =) So cute.
LOVE it!! Go Snackers go!! haha
Have a wonderful week-end Kris!
Snackers is a great addition to the family. Not only do you get eggs the freshest way possible but it is a great learning experience for the kids too:D
What fun! Congrats on her laying an egg so quickly, she must like her new home. :-)
So cool you have a chicken!
One egg white omlette please!
Is absolutely georgeous!! love the pictures, huggs gloria
Snacker is sooooo happy with her new house. Maybe today will be a double yolk day.
oh what fun!
good job snackers~
You my friend are just so much fun. I so want to move next door.
Your chickens are so cute Kris. I love the chicken coop too and that yellow settee. Love that! Farmer Kris!!! Who knew? lol
wOw, how EGG-citing! I might just have to get a chicken. I'm sure my grands would love it like yours. Your pix is adorable :D
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