Monday, April 25, 2011

Our Easter

We woke up to a light rain on Easter morning.  Great for my garden.  Not so great for all the children in their new Spring Easter clothes.  Sleeveless dresses ,Bermuda Shorts and Sandals....were all ditched for jeans and sweatshirts.  It didn't put a damper on our plans though.  The sun did break through, but the day remained chilly.  Our celebration didn't begin until later in the afternoon, and when they arrived, it was go, go, go!
The kids looked through their Easter Baskets.

Noah was pointing to the one he thought was his.  Hannah had seen these quilted fabric baskets a couple of weeks ago at The Farmers Market when we were visiting the doll lady's booth.  She was very taken with the pink gingham baskets.  So I ran back and bought the only two she had.  They didn't have a boy basket, so Noah got a bucket.
I love these pictures of Hannah and Claire looking through their baskets.

I think everyone got a kick out of the blow up balloon punching bags.

I don't think the kid's Mommie's appreciated some of the things the Easter Bunny left in the baskets for the kids.  Like.......Slap Hand!  You throw it on any hard surface, and it sticks, and when you pick it up, it has all sorts of icky things stuck to it!!!  They loved it!  Remember Whacky Wall Walkers from cereal boxes?  My kids loved those things.  This was a giant Whacky Wall Walker.
And FLARP.  EVERYONE loved the FLARP!!!
If you don't have FLARP for your grandkids yet, go to WalMart and get some!!
This was what The Easter Bunny brought to the big kids.
The next activity was The Easter Egg Hunt.  The guys went out front to hide the eggs.
 I liked Tyrone, I mean Jake's method.  Get a bunch of eggs, put them in your shirt, and go hide them.  That is how I pick fruit in the grove when I just need a few.
And they're off........
 I love that the girls are wearing the little Easter shirts that I made for them.  Gennifer just put a long sleeved tee underneath them since it was so cool.  I made one for Noah too, with a dumptruck on it, but I didn't like the template for the truck at all.  I didn't get the template from the same Etsy shop that I got the girls at, and I was not happy.    I love this picture.  "MINE...NO MINE!!:
Claire was pretty darn good at it this year!
This one was a little hard to find.  A dark pink egg in the same shade bush.
Hannah sweetly helped her little sister.
And she was the one who found "The Golden Egg!"  In our family, there was always one special egg, The Golden Egg. That was the one that was hidden the best, and it contained the grand prize.  My Dad would write out poems, and clues for all the kids to help find The Golden Egg.  It was so much fun for them.  One year, he took an orange and  hollowed it out, placing The Golden Egg inside the hollowed out orange,  he hung it back into one of the orange trees here at our house.  The kids had a heck of a time finding that one!  I think it was my nephew Joe who found it?  This year, Hannah found The Golden Egg! 
Right after the egg hunt we started dinner.  I didn't get any pictures of the dinner after it was prepared.  But this is what we had. We bbq'd a huge salmon.  Seasoned with herbs of dill and thyme from my garden, lemons and onions, salt and pepper, and a little drizzle of olive oil.  And fresh tuna steaks, with S & P and Soyaki.

Gennifer made her fabulous roasted asparagus with sliced tomatoes and feta cheese.  And Erika made a huge delicious salad, loaded with goodies, as per her Dad's request.  I had some sourdough dinner rolls and wild rice that didn't quite get done in time.  The meal was delicious.  Since the weather was so chilly, we ate inside.

After dinner, I got Eri busy making the real whipped cream for our Strawberry Shortcake.
She bailed when she found out it was going to take a while to do the whipping.  Even though we were stuffed, we managed to have just a little.
The kids had baths, and got into their jammies.  We played with the Flarp some more, and then they took the tired little ones home to their own beds after a full day of celebrating. 
Wait...what's this I see????
Why it's Gennifer.....the one who was TOO full to eat her shortcake!  What do you suppose she is doing there with her back turned???
Caught Ya!!!!!   Tee-Hee!  It was awfully good.  I may have used the rubber spatula to get the last little bit when I was cleaning the kitchen myself! 
It was a fun day!!!!


From the Kitchen said...

Next year I want to come to your house! Looks like a lot of fun for all ages. We had a sunny, but cold day, for a change. Today, it's back to rain and grayness!!


Bethany said...

I recently introduced my nephew to the wonder that is Flarp. My dad hates it, but I love it. Because I'ms till about 8 years old.

byhooks4u said...

Looks like everyone had a wonderful time..the food looks awesome..I love tuna steaks!! and salmon too!! Thanks for sharing.

~Niki~ said...

oh what fun! too bad about the rain though. We had a beautiful day here, in the high 80's. The kids had fun. We did our egg hunts Saturday at the church and old folk's home by the house here. They died eggs Friday. Yesterday we went out for dinner. Fun time had by all~your baskets are amazing! the kids sure enjoyed those huh?

Tawni716 said...

What a fun Easter! Looks like you guys had a nice evening & a yummy dinner! =)

Anonymous said...

AH cute post Mom! Thank you for everything! Except posting that lovely side view picture of me...eeew lol

Anonymous said...

& excluding the flarp, I do not love the flarp. It's gross.

Heather - The Good Life said...

Sounds like a wonderful family day Kris! :-)

deb said...

OMG I LOVE flarp...I was looking for it last year and everyone was OUT of it,then I totally forgot to get it this year!!!
your day looks delightful.....Linda made strawberry shortcake too....!!

Anonymous said...

You guys definitely had a good Easter! The salmon looked delicious and the hunted looked like a blast! Loved the pictures of the kids!

I also read your other post, everything is coming along so nice! Love the hanging pots on the fence, it will be so beautiful when you have things planted in them!

Holly said...

All the kids looked darling, even the big ones. So glad you had a nice Easter. Did you save me a piece of cake?

Pam said...

What a nice day! You did good, granny.

Debbie said...

Looks like another wonderful day with your family! It WAS really cool huh?? We spent a good deal of it indoors too. I am going to have to look into this Flarp, haha...the kids looked adorable as always. And that Salmon sounds delish...makes me hungry for it. glad you had a good day!

Genn said...

It was a great time. Thanks for hosting! The girls had SO Much fun. It's so fun to watch them on holidays like Easter. Boy does it take me back.
Oh and thanks a lot for the flarp. Lovely. ;)

Unknown said...

I know. I'm late again to your party. What to be said that hasn't already been said....


Kendra @ Domestic Princess in Training said...

Looks like your Easter holiday was a success! The baskets you put together for the grandkids and the big kids look awesome!

Between you and Genn your grandchildren are going to have some many wonderful pictures to look back on. Such a great gift you’re giving them!

Kendra aka “Domestic Princess in Training”

NanaNor's said...

Hi Kris, I sure wish you lived next door so I could steal(oops mean borrow)some of your ideas. I loved all the goodies you put in the Easter baskets. With having 9 grands, I stuck to bubbles, fruit funs, candy in plastic eggs. Also threw in some Sees candy. Our morning was cold too so we didn't stay outside long. O.k. so I am also a bit green about all your gorgeous plants in bloom-especially the Azaleas-but soon we will have lots of blooming plants.
Loved hearing about your Golden Egg, I may have to incorporate that next year.
Have a wonderful evening. Thanks for sharing your pics with us.

Jennifer said...

Looks like a really fun day - so wonderful that you have everybody close by!! What a dream for me:)

Linda said...

Looks like you had a great Easter! We had strawberry short cake here too!!

Bonnie said...

Looks like you had a great Easter! I love the fabric baskets. And that fireplace is amazing! You have the kind of house I'd love to go visit, looks so homey :-)

Sharon said...

Kris, the grandkids are so darn cute. Loved seeing them look thru the baskets.
I always love making up Easter baskets for everyone. Even the big kids need a basket right?

Pam said...

What a fun Easter you had! The salmon and shortcake look fantastic.