Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Off To The Lake

I have been so busy that I haven't posted in days.  I have been busy getting ready to head to the lake in the morning.  Whether getting ready to go for a weekend, or a week, you have to take all of the same things, and it is a lot of work to go camping and boating!  It has gotten quite hot here too, so I have been dragging hoses for days, making sure everything is well watered. 
We had the boat in for new cushions and upholstery.  It was supposed to be done last weekend.  Then on Monday.  Nope!  It wasn't ready until this afternoon. 
Geeps fired it up.  Dead battery!  But after charging the battery, it fired right up.
We hope that all goes smoothly on the way up.  We usually vacation up at Bass Lake.  You actually lose two days to travel.  So with going so close this time, we hope to get some relaxing in, even though we are only going for five days.
Noah was a big help today with getting things loaded up!  This afternoon I was making a couple batches of home made ice cream to bring with us for our dessert the 4th.  I had the machine going in the kitchen, and I let Noah have a taste of the mixture as the machine was just getting started.   I walked into the kitchen a little while later to find that he had pulled the stool up to the counter and was doing his own little taste testing!
 I asked him how it was.  He immediately gave it a thumbs up!
We have all the goodies packed.  Beach towels, sunscreen, books.   Lots of fresh tomatoes and veggies from the garden.
We are keeping it simple with food.  Between what each of my girls and I have packed, I am sure we won't starve.   All of our kids and grandkids are coming.  We are so excited!
Our friends Tom and Jae are heading up in the morning with their boat too.  And friends Ron and Sue will be up on Saturday. 
We are looking forward to having a nice few days away.
I hope all of you have a fun and safe 4th of July!!!
XO  Kris


Nicolle said...

Yes, it's a lot of work to go camping. I always dread that part, all of the prep. I like to keep the food simple like you said though, just makes things so much easier and so much more fun. I hope you have a fabulous time with all of your sweet family. Enjoy and safe travels!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have everything planned and under control for the lake days. I have an ice cream maker like yours and love love love it. So simple and easy and so tasty and fresh, yummmmmm.
Have a safe and happy 4th! xo xo

Dawn said...

Have a great time:)

Gloria Baker said...

Kris hope you have a nice and lovely 4 july and have a great time there :)))

Gloria Baker said...

Love your tomatos Im envy!

Unknown said...

I know you will have a blast...how could you not! Enjoy!

Susanne Tyree said...

Years ago we use to go camping, it was a lot of work so I completely understand where you are coming from when you mentioned that. I always had to sit down sometime the week before and make a list of what I needed to take and do before we could get going. It was always great to eat over a camp fire, even hot dogs tasted great. We tent camped so it was a bit rough sleeping in sleeping bags. Back then we only had a simple boat with a 1 horse power engine (at least I think it was 1 horse power, lol) we sheered a pin on some rock and I was petrified we'd sink. Heavens what a good laugh, the water was only 2 foot deep!
Have a safe holiday with your family and friends.
Susanne :)
P.S. TOMATOES!!! Ours are just coming on, none ripe yet. Love them!

Pammy Sue said...

Sounds like a great week of camping and fun! Y'all be safe.

my4lilgirls said...

Have the best time ever :)
Lots of love Karen xx

Patty Marker said...

It sounds like you are going to have a wonderful time. Don't forget the sunscreen, it's going to be hot!

Jill said...

Have a wonderful time! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!



Gracie Saylor said...

Geeps and Noah are so clever! I am imagining you all having a happy trip, Kris :)
Gracie <3

corners of my life said...

You will me making wonderful memories for the youngsters {and the oldsters].

Kerri said...

Lots of work...but so worth it I'm sure! Have a wonderful time with your family and friends!
PS. I want to see your new boat cushions!

Carol Lee said...

A grand way to celebrate July 4th!

personal investing

Teresa Kasner said...

I want Noah's job.. ice cream tester! LOL! How nice to have all fresh new upholstery in the party boat! You guys sure know how to live! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Stan and Jody Gabara said...

Hope you had a wonderful 4th. It looks like a lot of fun!
